Mo Chang

At the bottom of the desolate cliff.

An Di stood in front of the black heart, which was beating silently and lying on the ground.

As he crouched and grabbed the heart, his lips curled into a smirk.

As soon as his hand touched the heart, small, black wisps emerged from it and attempted to penetrate his skin.

When those wisps touched the skin, the skin turned black, but they couldn't penetrate it, as if some power was restraining them.

An Di frowned for a moment before a horrifying aura burst from his body and his eyes turned red.

The heart trembled and drew those black wisps back into it, and it began to beat faster, and the space around the heart started to distort as if it were creating a tear to escape.

But it couldn't escape from the grip of An Di's hands.


An Di felt a strong force inside the heart as soon as he grabbed it and he also understood that the heart was trying to capture his body.