Chapter 2


"Thanatos I didn't agree to this plan." said Rage as he calmly walk through the common grounds of the vampire colony. Yes, they found it. It may have taken them a week but at least they succeeded. This was a hidden colony, found in England inside of a casino.

Right now Rage was walking amongst the vampires. Seeing the multiple red-colored eyes stare at him, he could only refrain from lashing at their threatening gaze.

Thanatos was sitting on a tall building looking down at Rage as he sipped on his beverage. It was a milkshake. Who knew the big bad wolf was a fan of milkshake? He continuously ignored Rage's voice that came through the communication device in his ear interested to see where this was going.

"Dragon you don't belong." a hoarse voice spoke out. "Why are you here?"

"I came here to fi-"

"Shut up." Thanatos' voice came from through the comms.

Knowing there had to be a good reason he heeded it.

"He is ignoring us." spoke a vampire as he walked towards the dragon that had stopped its movement.

"We should suck him dry." one voice came.

"You're right. I have never had dragon's blood before." another one said.

Not long after all the vampires started to close in on Rage. The lone dragon vs a colony of vampires. Smoke rose from his body as prepared for a fight. The first vampire launch itself at Rage in retaliation the dragon swung his fist. Pang! Rage's first connected with its face and sent it flying. He didn't kill it as he knew it wouldn't do him any good. He was in a colony after all.

Seeing their companion get knocked away others joined in on the fight. In the dark, all that could have to be seen were shadows moving forward and flying backward. The ones flying backward were no doubt those who were hit away hit away. Rage felt he was having a great time.

"Idiots!" A voice came along with a scary presence making all the vampires around shiver in fear. Feeling it Rage didn't even bat an eyelid because the presence was not much stronger than the others.

"Didn't they say everyone that arrives must be shown to them?" asked the voice.

"Yes sir." the vampires answered in unison. They had fully forgotten that rule due to bloodlust. Who wouldn't? After all, no one likes to see a rare meal dangling in front of their faces. Haha.

"Take him to the castle."

"Ok, sir." A couple of vampires went forth and surrounded Rage. They then ushered him in the direction of the castle. Sensing the lack of malicious intent he calmed down followed them.

Thanatos was having a merry time on the roof of the building as he had finished his milkshake was now eating a biscuit. He also heard the scary voice but paid no heed to it since it lacked power. Seeing them lead Rage in a direction he followed him by hopping from building to building.

Being surrounded by vampires was one of the most unsettling feelings Rage had ever experienced. Every eye was watching his veins, lusting for his blood. A big castle came into view. The black paint made it blend into the background the only thing that gave away its location was the red lights shining from the window. Oh! My bad I meant bright red eyes once again piercing deep into his soul. It couldn't be helped vampire colonies would make anyone want to soil their pants. Simply put it as a whole is unsettling.

The group of vampires ushered Rage to the towering gate of the castle. The gates shrieked in pain as it was pushed open. Eerie sounds escaped them further spoking the poor fire dragon.

"Am... You guys want me to go in there?" Rage asked knowing full well they did.

The vampire behind Rage grunted as he shoved him through the gates.

Glancing back Rage noticed none dared to follow him. The gates looked as loudly as they had opened. Seeing no way out he could have only loved forward.

The front yard of the castle was spacious, wilted trees laid around on the lawn and knight armors stood in front of a magnificently carved door. Breeze blew adding more sharpness to the picture. The door opened as another group of vampires walked out. These sets carrying a sense of strength with them. Seeing them Rage happily raised his hands still not wanting any problems. One of them stepped forth with a shiny rope. Seeing it Rage felt conflicted as the sight of it gave him the feeling it was made from dragon iron. His hands were bounded by the rope as he was pulled into the castle doors.

After being lead down a grand hall he was shoved through giant double doors. Standing in a dark room alone the feeling of being watched weighed on him. Not sure where the stares were coming from he could not help but look around nervously.

"Looking for us?" A calm voice asked as shadows and mist started to flow around the room. Out of the mist, four vampires walked. Two females and two males. Seeing the blood-red eyes Rage gulped as he subconsciously stepped back.

"This one looks tasty." One of the females said.

"I agree." The other one responded as she shook her head.

One of the males big in stature walked up to Rage and sniffed him. Smelling the sweet fragrance he bared his teeth and reached out to grab him as the two females followed.

"Wait!" finally the other male vampire spoke as his cold glare fell on the sweating dragon.

"I think we should give this one to little brother."

The three vampires that happily ignored him finally paused. Slowly creepy smiles formed on their faces.

Looking at them Rage felt he was about to be sexually assaulted. He would have been happy if it was the female but the guy. NOPE!

Seeing them step back he sighed in relief but it was short-lived. The male vampire that spoke step forth and shoved him in the direction of the door at the back of the room. Once more Rage was shoved through a door into another dark room.

'What is wrong with this place? When will it end?' he silently wept on his mind? 'Wait where is Thanatos?' the sudden question came to mind.

Looking back at the vampire he noticed him smiling happily.

"Good luck." The vampire laughed as he shut the door.

Being honestly tired of vampires and doors he walked to the center of the room. Just as he had suspected it didn't take long for another one of the bloodsuckers to show up. Rage had lost the capacity to be surprised. The vampire stepped forth as torches lit up showing his appearance. About 6'5, grey hair and scarlet eyes. Unlike most vampires, his skin appeared to have life in it.

Happily, the vampire smiled revealing two sets of long canines.

"No, no, no. I want to be sucked by y'all." Rage said as he ran back to the door. "Let me out."

His bangs continuously rang throughout the room.

"Yay! They finally brought me a snack." The vampire was ecstatic as he approached Rage.

"What are you?" he asked stopping six feet from the orange-haired guy.

"A dragon." Rage answered as he stared at him.

"Really!" the vampire laughed "Let's fight." He said as he revealed his crazy eyes. The vampire dashed forth as his scarlet eyes left a trail as he moved. Rage quickly took a step back as his body began to smoke. His hands that were bounded at the front of him were set ablaze as the rope made from the only kind of metal capable of suppressing a dragon was melted in a split second. The vampire seeing this came to a sudden halt as he raised his hands.

"Yep. I'm done."