Chapter 01: The contact with darkness

In the countryside of a city, in an open field.

Bruno, a 17-year-old teenager, was hiding behind a small hill while looking at something thought to be impossible to exist.

Because in front of you, there were two giants nine meters tall.

One of the giants was a man with black wings wearing dark and sinister armor that covered his entire body except his head, while the other was a giant man who wore white robes and clothes.

The winged man was sprawled in the middle of a hill with a huge white sword thrust into his chest as he was watched by the other giant in a white robe.

(Winged Giant): "Cough! Lucius! You dared to betray me!"

(Lucius): "Betraying you? Don't make me laugh, I've never been your ally to begin with. You and your half-breed clan have tarnished the honor of the Gods of Infinity, contaminating the Realm of Eternity with your rotten and vile bloodline . Breaking the census of morality created by our ancestors... "

(Lucius): ".... So you might think that your current state is just the result of the dissatisfaction of countless gods, who couldn't stand your presence in the realm anymore..."

(Winged Giant): "Hahaha...!"

(Lucius): "Why are you laughing?"

"Haha... I'm laughing at the arrogance and cowardice of you gods of infinity, for thinking you would finish us off using such treacherous methods": Said the winged giant as he raised his hand from the ground to reveal a red symbol embedded in the earth.

(Lucius): "That's..."


Seeing the symbol on the ground, Lucius was surprised. Before his vision was obstructed by a red glow that quickly enveloped the entire area.

(Lucius): "Drozz, you bastard! Did you dare to copy that person's technique?!"

(Drozz): "Lucius, record my words well. This won't end here, my clan and I will take revenge. And make sure to make you pay for everything you've done."

(Lucius): "Drooozz...!!!"


Under the sound of an explosion, the red light disappeared along with Lucius. Revealing a huge black hole that had formed behind Drozz, the winged giant.

Wooosh! Wooosh! Wooosh!

Under the intense force of suction, Drozz, like the hill he was standing on, was sucked into the black hole as it grew in size.

Wooosh! Wooosh! Wooosh!

As it continued to grow, the black hole continued to engulf the area, until its suction managed to capture young Bruno.

(Bruno): "What! No...!"

Upon being captured by the suction, Bruno, who was hiding behind a hill, was lifted from the ground. Just before being sucked into the growing black hole.


Riding along a dirt road, several mercenaries accompanied a group of four carriages. Working as a bodyguard for the merchants who drove these carriages.

(Leader of Mercenaries): "Stop!"

Ordering everyone to stop, the mercenary leader looked around, before approaching one of his subordinates to give instructions.

(Leader of Mercenaries): "Novice, go to the merchants and tell them we're going to set up camp in this area"

(Novice): "What! Here?"

(Leader of Mercenaries): "Yes"

(Novice): "But, but this area is right next to the black forest. The most dangerous place on the continent. Are we really going to spend the night in such a place?"

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "...It's already getting dark. So we can't continue with the trip. We're going to camp here."

(Novice): "But sir..."

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "No buts. Just obey"

(Novice): "...Yes, sir"

Seeing his subordinate leave, the mercenary leader sighed. Before directing his gaze to the huge forest that was a few dozen meters from the road.


At night, after they set up camp beside the road. Some mercenaries gathered around small fires inside the camp.

"Haa, damn it. It sucks to have to be on the lookout at night, listening to the moans of the prostitutes that the merchants brought. Meanwhile, I'm accompanied by a bunch of big bearded grown men..." Said one of the mercenaries while looking towards the moans coming from the merchants' tents.

(Mercenary 1): "...Hey Leader, why did you let the merchants bring in prostitutes from the last town we stopped in?"

(Mercenary 2): "Yeah, I'm already a hard-on here, because of the moans. And I'm not managing to keep the surveillance excited like that. Leader, why did you do that?"

(Mercenary leader): "Why? Is it obvious it was for money, or did you forget we're in the red this month?"

(Mercenary 1): "We haven't forgotten. But is leader sure that the value offered by them, covers the risk of being distracted in a place like this?"

(Leader of the mercenaries): "... They offered us three times the agreed amount, just to allow us to be accompanied by the prostitutes they took in the city"

Upon hearing the leader's response, the mercenaries were a little surprised. Before exchanging glances and smiling.

(Novice): "...If they have that much money, why didn't they take the most common route to the capital?"

(Leader of the mercenaries): "Because they would have to pass through the city of Loycor. Where the tax levied on slave traders is the highest on the entire continent."

Hearing the Leader's response, Novice looked towards the carriages and saw that there were three carriages carrying cages with several Lizardmans chained inside.

(Novice): "Speaking of slaves. Leader, why a human chained inside the same cage as the Lizardmans? Wasn't human trafficking prohibited?"

Hearing the Novice's question, the leader of the mercenaries looked at one of the cages where there was a young teenager with black hair, tied to chains with the Lizardmans.

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "Five days ago, we found this young man on the road, just before we entered the city. He was alone looking lost, as he had come to us speaking a strange language none of us knew. And when we consulted our contractors on this matter, they said that the young man could be from a foreign continent, as he wore unusual clothing and a language that did not belong to that continent. lo the royal family"

(Novice): "I see, but why put him with the slaves? Won't it cause misunderstandings? What if he is a nobleman? Won't it be bad for traders?"

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "They don't care. And we are much less, since our contract will end as soon as we get to the next city"

Throwing more fuel into the fire, the mercenary leader looked at the Novice and continued to talk to him with a serious expression.

(Leader of Mercenaries): "Novice, you joined this group a little over two days ago. So you may not know, but in our group only you and I managed to become rule masters. And that's why we have high expectations of you, so don't hesitate to ask, cause you have any questions"

Hearing the Mercenary Leader's words, Novice looked at the other mercenaries and saw them smiling at him.

(Novice): "...I didn't know there were so few Rulemasters in this group"

(Mercenaries 1): "Haha... Novice, rule masters are quite rare among commoners. And only one in three hundred people has the talent to become rule master. And even among those who have talent, few do. financial conditions to have access to a rule. So it's not so out of the ordinary to have just you and our leader as the only rule masters in our group"

(Mercenary 2): "Yeah, and no less esteem us, for not being masters of the rule. We're quite capable, to the point of completing even a subjugation mission for a class 2 monster."

(Novice): "It wasn't my intention to cherish you guys any less. It's just that I was really surprised to hear that you had such high expectations for me."

(Mercenary 1): "Rulemasters are valued in any mercenary group. So you'd better get used to this kind of treatment"

(Mercenary 2): "Yeah, no frills here"

Looking at the mercenaries, Novato saw everyone smiling at him. Making him feel a slight heat in his heart.

(Novice): "I may be a little inexperienced. But I swear I won't let any of you down..."


Before Novato could finish speaking, an arrow hit his head. Killing him right in front of the mercenaries.

(Mercenary 2): "What?!"

(Mercenary 1): "We are under attack!"

Hearing the scream, everyone looked towards the road and saw dozens of shadowy creatures with eyes glowing blood red cross the road as they walked towards the camp.

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "Shit! Blow the trumpet!": Said the leader of the mercenaries as he unsheathed his sword.

Hearing their leader's order, one of the mercenaries pulled an animal horn from his waist and touched it to wake everyone still sleeping in the camp.


(Mercenary 3): "Huh?!"

(Mercenary 4): "It's the sound of the trumpet. We're being attacked. Get up! We're being attacked!"

Upon hearing the sound of the trumpet, all the mercenaries in the camp woke up. And they prepared for battle, while some of the slower mercenaries were attacked by a small group of black wolves that had crept into the camp.



(Random Mercenary): "Aaah...!"

While attacking one of the mercenaries, one of the black wolves bit his neck. Ripping his throat out and killing the mercenary on the spot. While the other wolves dismembered and killed some of the other mercenaries.

(Mercenary 4): "Damn! They're Shadow wolves. We have to..."

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

Before the mercenary could finish speaking, more than one arrow hit his body. Making everyone very surprised, before they noticed that several armed goblins with dark skin started to invade the camp along with the wolves.

With a wild cry, the goblins stormed the camp, aiding the wolves who collectively attacked the mercenaries.

Decapitating one of the wolves, the mercenary who had killed the beast looked at the corpse. Before he turned his gaze to one of his fellow mercenaries and saw that one of the goblins had leapt at him, slashing him madly from torso to head with a small dagger.

Seeing the horrible death of his comrade, the mercenary looked around. And he thought this was a losing battle.

(Mercenary 5): "I'm out!"

Abandoning his position, the mercenary ran in the opposite direction to the monsters. Passing by one of the merchants' tents, before leaving the camp.

Just after the mercenary passed the tent, one of the merchants came out of it. A little confused, before being taken to the ground by one of the black wolves that suddenly jumped on top of him.


(Merchant): "Aah...!"

Violently biting the merchant, the black wolf began to tear him apart on the ground. As one of the black goblins approached the entrance to the tent.

Looking toward the entrance to the tent, the black goblin lightly sniffed the air. Before flashing a sinister smile and entering the tent.

When the goblin entered the tent, women's screams of agony and pain could be heard from her. And when the tent light went out, the tent became silent.


Killing one of the wolves with an arrow the mercenary 1 looked at the leader of the Mercenaries and said:

(Mercenary 1): "Leader, we can't handle this!"

"We have to try, so the merchants have time to flee!": Said the Leader as he decapitated a black goblin with his sword.

(Mercenary 1): "But they're all already dead!"

(Leader of Mercenaries): "What!"

Looking toward the tents that belonged to the traders, the leader of the mercenaries saw the wolves and black goblins destroy and burn the tents that belonged to the traders.

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "Damn! Retreat! Retreat!!!"

Upon hearing their Leader's order, the mercenaries abandoned their positions and ran out of the camp, just as the larger monsters began to invade the camp.


Hearing the roar of the Monsters, the mercenary leader who was already running with the other mercenaries looked back and saw an avalanche of monsters flood the camp.

"Holy God!": exclaimed the leader of the mercenaries when he saw the bigger monsters crossing the camp while still chasing them.

Running along with the mercenaries, the mercenary leader saw mercenary 1 take the lead, until a huge shadow passed over the group, before falling on top of mercenary 1.


As he landed on top of mercenary 1, the huge shadow crushed his body, turning him into a meaty paste with its enormous weight.

Being forced to stop in their tracks, the mercenaries were startled by the sudden appearance of the huge shadow that had killed one of their companions.

(Mercenary 2): "This is..."

When the huge shadow became visible, it revealed itself as a huge bipedal creature whose height exceeded seven meters in height. The creature had dark hair all over its body, a huge red eye on its forehead, no mouth (apparently visible) and long, thick arms that reached the ground.

(Mercenary 2): "... What is this?"

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "I don't know. But it seems to be powerful. Archers...!!!"


When the mercenary leader called for the surviving archers, a strong impact hit the ground. Making the mercenaries a little unbalanced. Before they noticed the huge fist of the creature that was stuck in the place where mercenary 2 was supposed to be.

(Leader of the Mercenaries): "Haaa!!!"

Unleashing a furious scream, the mercenary leader ran for the creature's fist. And struck a blow with his sword.


(Leader of the Mercenaries): "What! Ah...!"

But when it hit the creature's hilt, the sword broke into several pieces. Surprising the mercenary leader, just before he realized he had been captured by one of the creature's hands.


(Leader of the Mercenaries): "Aah!"

Squeezing the body of the mercenary leader, the creature lifted him into the air as he was struck by the arrows of the few archers that remained.

Ignoring the arrows that hit its body, the creature looked at the leader of the mercenaries. Before a vertical red line starts to form from the mouth area, running down the neck and chest until reaching the navel. And when he reached the navel, the vertical line split, revealing a huge mouth filled with super-sharp teeth.


(Leader of the Mercenaries): "No! Aaah...!"

With a slight roar, the creature threw the mercenary leader into its huge vertical mouth. Before closing it and starting to contract his chest, emitting chewing sounds that completely drowned out the screams of the mercenary leader that came from inside the creature.

Leaving the few surviving mercenaries in complete despair at having lost their leader while being surrounded by the horde of monsters that had overtaken them.


Inside the camp, in one of the slave cages. There was a slender, dark-haired teenager sitting inside the cage with the five limbs of his body tethered to chains. While watching the large amount of monsters that ran around the cage where he was. That for reasons unknown was the only one left untouched by the monsters.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

Emitting the sound of "Click" the chain cuffs released the teenager's body members, freeing his body.

After being released from the chains, the teenager got to his feet. Before your eyes get out of focus.

Click! Crrrr!

Unlocking itself, the cage door opened.

Looking towards the door, the teenager walked over to her. Just before he walked past her and out of the cage. After leaving the cage, the teenager walked through the camp, while being ignored by all the monsters that were in that place. Allowing him a peaceful passage through the camp as he walked towards the forest.


Walking through the forest for three days and four nights. The teenager stopped in front of a cave before regaining consciousness.

(Young Teenager): "Huh?!"

Upon awakening from his hypnotic state, the teenager was confused trying to understand the situation he was in.


Hearing the scream of a creature, the teenager was startled and looked back. And realized that the entrance to the cave where he was, was in the body of a small mountain twenty meters above the ground.


Hearing the creature's scream once more, the teenager looked toward the sound of the scream and saw what appeared to be a Pinacosaurus eating the grass at the foot of the mountain.


While watching Pinacosaurus, the teenager heard a mighty roar coming from the sky. And when he looked towards the roar, a ball of fire lit up his vision before landing on top of Pinacosaurus.


When it reached the foot of the mountain, the fireball engulfed Pinacosaurus. Before it exploded and spread flames high enough to reach the cave entrance, where the teenager was.


(Young Teenager): "Ah!"

When the flames reached the entrance, the teenager gave a scream, before being hit by flames, which quickly covered part of his body. Leaving him with no choice but to roll into the cave. Where he found a ramp-shaped floor.

"Aah...!": yelled the teenager before falling rolling towards the deepest parts of the cave.


Inside the cave, at the only entrance to it. The teenager came rolling over before coming to a stop lying a few feet away from the entrance.

(Young Teen): "Haaa..."

Moaning slightly in pain, the teenager began to release some smoke from the parts of his body that had been burned.

(???): "Finally you came"

When an unknown voice touched the teenager's ears. A red glow lit the interior of the cave. Revealing a small blood red lake, which was less than three feet away from the teenager's body.

(???): "I've been waiting for you for days"

Still lying down, the teenager looked towards the voice and saw that on the other side of the lake there was a winged giant lying on top of a large rock, with a white sword stuck in his chest.

(Young Teen): "You..."

(Drozz): "I am Drozz, the conqueror and destroyer of worlds. Human, I brought you here because I need your help..."

(Drozz): "... Ah! I don't have much time, so I'll be brief. I want you to take revenge on Lucius and the other gods of infinity, who will dare to betray me. And to that end I will transform your body at the same time time when I will give you what little power I have left..."

(Young Teen): "Hahaha...!"

(Drozz): "... Why are you laughing?"

(Young Teen): "Haha...! Do you really think I'm going to obey you? The monster that ruined my life to the point of leaving me in such a miserable state. Forget it, I won't accept your suicide mission, just to satisfy your ego . I'd rather stay here and wait for my death than be your puppet"

(Drozz): "...Don't you want to see your family again? with my power you'll be able to do that"

(Young Teenager): "Yeah, but you're going to ask me to kill the guys who beat you. Before you let me see my family. Which wouldn't make sense to me since I would die at the hands of your enemies."

(Drozz): "... Sigh! Why am I wasting time arguing with a human"

Lifting a finger from his left hand, Drozz cast a spell that caused the ground beneath the teenager to rise, to the point of throwing the teenager's body into the pool of blood.

(Young Teen): "What! No...!"

Splash bye!

When the teenager fell into the lake, the lake's crimson glow intensified. Before a whirlpool forms in the center of the small lake.

(Drozz): "Sacrificing my blood. I initiate the pact"


After Drozz gave the opening words, a small tremor hit the lake. Before a big red cocoon rose from the center of the whirlpool.

(Drozz): "Bruno Nogueira dos Santos, you will receive my lineage, my knowledge, my talent and what little power I have left. And in return you will avenge me, killing all my enemies who plotted against me. Giving me as a guarantee of your permission to return to your world, as proof that you had honored the covenant before returning to your original world"

Absorbing all the glow from the cave, the red cocoon began to tremble. At the same time Drozz's body began to turn gray.

"Sigh! I would have liked to impose a stricter penalty on the pact. But that's impossible in a forced pact, which is a shame": Drozz said before his body turned completely gray and crumbled to dust.




After Drozz crumbled to dust, several cracks began to appear in the red cocoon. Quickly spreading to cover the entire body of the cocoon.


When the cracks completely covered the red cocoon, it exploded. Sending several of your pieces all over the place.

After the red cocoon exploded, the center of the small lake was covered in mist. Before gradually revealing the existence of a naked man, sitting like a fetus holding his knees in the center of the lake.

Showing signs of waking, the man got to his feet. Stretching her body like she'd woken up from a long sleep.

(Naked Man): "Mm? Hmm...ahh..."

After stretching his body, the man felt a great deal of information invade his mind.

(Bruno): "...Ah, I see. I was a human named Bruno who had his body and soul transformed by Drozz's divine pact"

Looking at the lake under his feet, Bruno saw the reflection of his body that was reflected in the water, which was now no longer blood red.

Looking at his reflection in the clear water, Bruno saw the image of a red-haired man in his mid-twenties, who had red eyes, a handsome face and a body with well-defined muscles.

(Bruno): "... It was a very drastic change in my appearance, I feel I even got taller"

Placing a hand on his chin, Bruno admired his new appearance. Before directing his gaze to where Drozz's body powder lay.

(Bruno): "Drozz, it was very naive of you to think that I would follow your wishes, just preventing me from returning to my original world. Because now with my new powers, I can make this world my new home."

Shifting his line of vision to the white sword embedded in the rock, Bruno felt a shiver run down his spine. Forcing him to take a few steps back.

(Bruno): "That sword. If I had tried to approach it, it would have turned me to ashes, in an instant..."


(Bruno): "Huh?!"

Hearing the roar of a ferocious animal, Bruno frowned. Before looking towards the passage he used to reach this place.

(Bruno): "... It's true, I had forgotten about that dragon"

Remembering the creature that had attacked him at the entrance to the cave. Bruno used Drozz's memories to identify the creature, which turned out to be a dragon.

Pondering for a moment, Bruno looked at the white sword. Before talking to yourself:

(Bruno): "Currently I can't pick up this sword, or even get close to it. So the only alternative I have left is to get stronger to the point where I can resist the sword's rejections..."

"... And to achieve this goal I'll need to absorb a large amount of blood from powerful beings...": Bruno said before returning his gaze to the passage that led to the exit.

"... It's dragon, looks like you will be part of my menu": Bruno said as he smiled revealing a pair of long sharp fangs in his mouth.