Chapter 09: Local Event Part 2

In the center of Bernadock City , several groups of armed people were gathered in front of an open stage, where there were some knights arguing among themselves.

And the knights' discussion took several minutes until one of them, who appeared to be the leader, decided to end the discussion before going to the stage, to speak to the armed groups gathered in front of the stage.

( Dalibor ): "Attention all of you! I am Dalibor , the knight responsible for heading this year's hunting season! And now, I will be giving a summary of the main information needed for the hunt that will be carried out under my supervision! "

Speaking loudly, Dalibor attracted the attention of all the groups gathered in front of the stage. And when he realized this, Dalibor continued his speech, beginning his explanation.

( Dalibor ): "For the hunt this time, the targets will be very specific. Having as its main focus the gray wolves that migrated from the northern forests to the forests close to the road that connects to the city's eastern gate."

( Dalibor ): "Wolves have attacked traders who pass along this road. So, Baron Borges Bernadock and his affiliated nobles sent the order to exterminate these wolves, placing a bounty of three gold coins per head."

( Dalibor ): "Rewards will be given to only registered people who actively participate in the hunt. Therefore, even those who do not kill any monsters will be able to receive some rewards for participating in the battle. But we will not be responsible for the deaths of participants, so keep that in mind when you follow us."

( Dalibor ): "The train will leave in an hour on a journey that will last around a week or more. So, everyone better be prepared for when we leave, as we won't wait for anyone when the time comes."

Concluding the introduction of information, Dalibor and the knights next to him left the stage. And the various groups that were at the front of the stage that saw them leave, began to discuss among themselves, as they divided themselves to prepare for the departure.

Watching the various armed groups split up, Drozz who was standing in front of the stage, heard Sorin 's voice coming from behind.

( Sorin ): "Are they getting ready to leave yet? "

Turning to look back, Drozz saw Sorin a few feet away from him, holding and eating a large roast leg.

( Drozz ): ".... You took too long"

( Sorin ); " hmm ... You made me face a huge line to register. And I had to stand for two hours waiting, while feeling hungry and giving in because I hadn't eaten or drunk anything since early this morning. So I had no choice but to stop at a nearby establishment for lunch..."

( Drozz ): "I understand, there's no need to despair"

Calming Sorin , who had begun to despair, Drozz asked him a question when he seemed to calm down.

( Drozz ): " Sorin , did you hear all the details of this mission? "

( Sorin ): "Yes. And the information they gave me is very vague. But for a local and periodic event like this, I think this kind of thing is normal."

(???): "Normal? Haha ha ! This is naive thinking that has led to the death of many ill-informed newbies, like you."

Being interrupted by a man's voice, Drozz and Sorin looked towards the voice and saw a bearded, black-haired mercenary in his thirties approaching them, while drinking a bottle of cachaça that was in his right hand.

(Sorin): "Klaus?"

(Klaus): "Glub! Glub! Aaah ... Yes, I'm glad you remembered my name, boy."

( Sorin ): "Ah, Mr. Drozz , this man's name is Klaus. He was one of the mercenaries I met at the tavern three weeks ago. When I was still with my master. And he's one of the few one-star mercenaries in this city."

Not wanting to be rude, Sorin quickly introduced the mercenary to Drozz . In an attempt to avoid angering him.

Seeing Sorin introducing the mercenary to him. Drozz remained silent until the mercenary directed his gaze at him.

(Klaus): "So you're the traveler who knocked out Edgar in the Palma family tavern this morning? I heard rumors, so I was curious to know if they were true. But looking at you, I can tell that there is a grain of truth in what I heard."

Looking at Drozz from top to bottom, Klaus observed his posture and presence, despite Drozz's entire body covered by the hood.

( Sorin ): "The rumor is true, Mr. Drozz , even unarmed, defeated Edgar with a single attack. Even though Edgar uses his sword during the fight"

(Klaus): "Yes. And I don't doubt you. But it is still surprising that even among individuals of great power, there are still people who would risk fighting against a master of the cutting rule, over a tavern employee."

( Sorin ): "Yes, I was also surprised by what he did"

Seeing the two looking at him as they spoke, Drozz sighed. And then, he looked at Klaus.

( Drozz ): "A little while ago you insinuated that the information we received was dangerous. Why? "

Upon hearing Drozz 's question , Klaus smiled and took another sip of cachaça, before answering his question .

(Klaus): " Glub ! Glub ! Aaah .... Because that's not all the information about the hunt they're going to do. There are details that the knights did not disclose, for fear of reducing the number of mercenaries interested in this request. Eewk ...! The city's nobles are desperate."

( Sorin ): "What happened for them to do that? "

(Klaus): " Glub ! Glub ! Eewk ...! Aah ... A month ago, some knights accompanied by several mercenaries left the city to periodically clean up monsters around the road that connects the eastern entrance to the city. But none of them returned after they left. So, a new team with more people was assembled two weeks ago. And just like the previous group, they didn't return either. Making the nobles take this matter a little more seriously, sending some of their best knights to this expedition, while increasing the value of the rewards to try to attract some more powerful mercenaries, to serve as support for the knights' convoy."

( Sorin ): "Wait, the knights said that the main hunting target was gray wolves, what do they have to do with this matter? "

(Klaus): " Eewk ...! Despite the disappearances of the hunting teams, the convoys of nobles and merchants passing along the road connecting the eastern entrance to the city were not suffering from monster attacks until a week ago, when the first nighttime attack by more than one wolf was reported. gray to travelers passing along the road. And because of this, the knights thought that the gray wolves had something to do with the incident, as no monsters or animals were reported in the region besides them."

( Sorin ): "I see, this is really suspicious"

(???): "Klaus! Come quickly, we need to get ready! "

Hearing someone's call, Klaus, Sorin and Drozz looked towards the voice and saw a small group of armed people a few meters away from them, looking at them with an unsatisfied expression.

(Klaus): "Well, I think my free time is over. Eewk ! See you two again at the train departure."

( Sorin ): "Yes. And thanks for the information"

(Klaus): " Hahaha ! No need to thank him, since with this guy by your side, I don't think you'll have many problems. Haha ha !"

Saying goodbye to Drozz and Sorin , Klaus separated from the two and walked towards the group that had called him.

Seeing Klaus leave, Sorin scratched his cheek a little. And then she looked at Drozz who was standing silently beside her.

( Sorin ): "Apparently this hunting season is more dangerous. Are you still interested in participating?"

( Drozz ): "Yes, I have no problem with that, as long as my opponent is not a dragon"

( Sorin ): ".... I understand. But I don't think something like a dragon will appear. So I'm going to prepare some supplies before it's time to leave. Will you want me to bring you anything in the meantime ?"

( Drozz ): "No, I'm fine the way I am. I don't need you to bring me anything ."

( Sorin ): "Alright, then I'll hurry, before I run out of time"

In a bit of a hurry, Sorin walked away from Drozz and ran through the city in search of some necessary travel supplies.

Seeing Sorin walk away, Drozz directed his gaze towards Klaus' group who were several meters away from him, arguing among themselves.

"I think this job will be much more profitable than I thought": Drozz murmured before showing a smile.