Chapter 7

"Is everyone clear of the plan then?" King Elric, an ageing man, asked the room, the authority clear in his voice. Everyone chorused a "yes sir" or "yes, my lord". Mack simply rolled his eyes, fed up with the annoying protocol.

One by one, the lords of Northumbria filed out of the room, leaving only Mack and his father, King Elric. "Mack, I hope you understand the risks of this plan, leading the army of the realm is no small feat. If you do this and succeed, you will earn the recognition of my vassals and be in a good position to take the throne." Mack, hearing this, could not help but be filled with dread, hoping his 18th birthday never came, "however, if you fail, you will most certainly be held prisoner and be used to negotiate my surrender," Elric continued. "Father, do not worry yourself, I have fought a dozen battles and have yet to lose one. You have no reason to fret." Mack reassured his father, hoping it would calm his nerves.

"Mack, your last battle was a disaster. You may have won the battle, but the cost outweighed the reward. Half your army was either wounded or killed and you were nearly captured," Elric pointed out, not at all comforted. "Father, those losses were not my fault! Those rebels were a more formidable opponent than even you could have anticipated. They were well-trained and well-armed, not at all like the militia force that was reportedly sighted. How could I have prepared to face a powerful force without knowing their power!" Mack cried out defensively, hoping to convince his father.

Elric, somewhat exasperatedly, said "very well, but do not underestimate Edward, his military prowess is renowned throughout the country. If you think you might lose the battle, retreat and return here."

"Very well, father," Mack said, somewhat dejectedly.

----- (The Day Before The Battle)

"Four weeks ago, the King of Wessex led his army in an invasion of our great land, expecting it to be an easy conquest. Today, we stand here, ready to prove him wrong!" Mack shouted out to his loyal fighters, he continued, "we stand here, outside our capital, fighting for the will of our people and the rights of our lords, ready to send Edward, the ill-fated King, and his army, back to the Wessex shores. The King of Wales has also betrayed our lands and people by allowing Edward and his force to cross his lands, this shall not go unpunished. After we repel this invasion, we shall drive onward to take Cardiff and Winchester, and unify the kingdoms of Northumbria, Wessex and Wales under Northumbrian rule!" Mack looked out at the faces of his inspired men, not seeing any doubt in any of them. 'This is the power of loyalty, today, we fight together, and, if necessary, die together' Mack thought to himself.

"We march onward, to face the foe who tarnishes this land's reputation with his mere presence! Tomorrow, Edward shall die!" Mack stated, filled with confidence in his men.

----- (The Battle)

Thousands of men lined the field, with thousands more in the surrounding forests. "In formation!" Edward commanded, nervous, for the outcome of this battle would determine his fate. 'If I lose here today, and am forced to retreat, then the other Kings of England will set their armies upon me from all directions, however, if I succeed, I will annex the North and use my strategic position to betray and invade Wales. With the West united, I could move onto the East, going as far as London before having to stop to secure my supply line from the West.

Edward looked at his surroundings, appreciating the neat and orderly rows of men, ready to throw themselves at his enemies for him. Montgomery rode up beside Edward, following his line of sight, "My King, it is truly an impressive sight. All these men are here because of you, they have all rallied around you." Edward looked at his most trusted advisor and smiled, just realising how grateful he was for his loyal service. "Monty, you will not be participating in this battle, friend," Monty, shocked, immediately questioned this, "My King? I am afraid I don't understand, what do you mean I won't be participating, I have always fought for you." Edward, surprised by his reaction, responded "that is exactly why you won't be participating, my friend. You are my most loyal and honest advisor and this war would be a mess without your guidance, so tell me, what happens if you die here today?"

After a moment of Montgomery's silence, Edward nudged his horse, it strolling forward leisurely. Just as Edward was about to order his infantry to charge, a lookout called out. It appeared as if a messenger was coming and he bore the crest of the Bernician Royal house of Northumbria.

"State your purpose!" the lookout said, sword drawn, ready to strike down any offensive action. "I bring a message from Prince Mack of Northumbria for King Edward of Wessex." the man said, grabbing an envelope out of his saddle and showing the seal of the Bernician royal family. The lookout took it and handed it to Edward, the messenger waiting patiently for Edward to read it.

The letter read "Dear Edward, King of Wessex,

I hereby challenge you to a duel to the death, we shall fight in our armies stead. If you refuse this challenge, you shall publicly be known as a coward. If you accept, then here are the following conditions. If I win, your commanders shall surrender and armies disperse, however, if you win, the honourable Kingdom of Northumbria shall surrender and allow you to annex it.

What say you, Edward, the ill-fated?"