Nicholas left early for school. He felt like he was about to explode from something negative deep inside him but he didn't know why he was acting like that either. There's nothing wrong if she likes to stay in the dormitory.

Her parents said that Sofia had been asking them to approve her application to stay in the school dorm. She didn't do it because she wanted to avoid him. She just wanted to try being independent.

Even after knowing the reason, Nicholas was still not convinced and felt that they were hiding something from her. He hated to think that Michael and Irene were hiding his possible mate away from him. It's funny but that's how he really felt.

Nicholas was getting used to riding on a bus going to school and coming back. If it was before, he'd never step foot in this public vehicle and would certainly make a call for his driver to come and pick him up. Now, he needed to adjust his style of living for the sake of getting along well with humans.

As soon as he arrived at the Academy, he went to the women's dormitory but he wasn't allowed to get inside; he can only wait for her downstairs.

"Look at him! He's really handsome."

"He must be waiting for Serina."

"Right! I head that she moved to the dormitory yesterday."

"She's the first person ever who moved to the dormitory without anything with her. That was really quite a sight."

"Maybe she will get her things later on."

"Well, it's expected that she'd move to the dorm after the news spread out that she's living with the new student."

Nicholas listened to the students whispering to their friends or acquaintances. Even if they're from several kilometers away from him, he'd be able to hear their words clearly. Michael and Irene told him that Serina was planning to live in the dorm a long time ago but based on what he heard, it was obvious that Serina did it without any preparation. How could someone, who prepared for something for a long time, arrived with nothing? That's insane.

Since Serina was still a high school student, she will have the same class as everyone else in high school. Her first subject class will start at 7:30 in the morning. She didn't have anything with her last night when she arrived at the dorm but her friends brought her some clothes to change for the time being.

Her uniform was still wet after she washed it last night so she wore the black skinny jeans that Hillary lent her and the V-neck long-sleeved top that Brigette brought. It fits her perfectly and she looked really sexy in her outfit.

"Does this look proper?" Serina asked herself while looking at the mirror.

"It's okay. It doesn't look bad." Her roommate, whom she learned was a senior high school student named Belle, expressed her opinion while looking at her from head to toe. "You look really pretty in that outfit."

"Thank you. I'll make do with these for now. Anyway, I can get my clothes this weekend."

"Alright. Hurry up or you will be late." Belle stated before turning back to face her assignment. Her class will start at 9:00 in the morning so; she wasn't in a hurry.

"I'll leave first. See you later." Serina picked up her bag and went out of the room, jogging downstairs to get to her class. She still got thirty minutes before the class starts so, she wasn't that in a hurry.

At the waiting area, Nicholas stood up from his seat, knowing that Serina will be down soon. He specially stood up at the entrance, making sure that she'd see him the moment she gets downstairs.

And that what happens!

Serina halted her steps for a second when she saw him standing by the entrance. She raised her eyebrow but thinking that she might be mistaken, she continued to walk. 'He isn't here to find me, right?' she asked herself as she walked but the nearer she got to him, the more convinced she was that he was there for her. His eyes never left her face. And even if she wanted to pretend to not know him, he wouldn't do the same thing.

"Good morning, Serina." Nicholas greeted with a faint smile. "How's your sleep?"

"It was fine." Serina answered and walked past him, not even bothering to look back if he was following. She could tell he was just behind her. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Because you didn't come home. I thought you'd go back."

"As long as you are inside that house, I'll never come back."


"Why? Because I don't want to associate myself with you."

"Didn't you come to my birthday last time? Why are you being cold to me now?"

"I went there to accompany my parents. I didn't come for you."

Nicholas stopped walking for a moment. His eyes were on her back, not leaving an inch at all. Serina felt that he stopped walking so, she turned to see if she guessed it right. What she saw irritated her even more. Nicholas was just standing there, smiling at her and looking at her like he was looking at his lover.

'Damn this guy!' Serina cursed mentally and pursed her lips together. 'Damn these butterflies!' She told herself. She would be lying if she says she wasn't attracted to him. And it's because she's attracted to him that she didn't want to get close to him. She could still remember the words that her father said. And as long as she has the spirit of the dragon, she'd never let herself fall in love with any guy. She's afraid she'd make a mistake.

"I'm going to class now." Serina muttered and turned around to continue walking.

"I'll walk you there."

Knowing that she couldn't change his mind, she ignored him.

Nicholas was satisfied to walk by her side. He wasn't in a hurry to develop their feelings for each other. For now, he's contented as long as he can see her.

'What should I do? She won't come home as long as I stay in her house. But if I leave, we will be more distant.'

'She's still distant even if you're staying in her house. Be contented that you can talk to her in school.' Kiro, his wolf, told him. 'Besides, it's normal to feel a pull towards her in your age. Don't be negligence if you feel the same feeling towards someone else. Remember, I don't acknowledge her as my mate yet. Our true mate could be someone else and could be waiting somewhere. You better do something.'

'I know. I'm sorry.' Nicholas continued to walk but because of this conversation, he felt a little hesitation to continue the path he was thinking of. 'Well, if she's our mate, no matter what happens, she will only feel the strong pull of desire towards us.'

'Exactly.' Kiro agreed.

After sending Serina to her classroom, he went to the cafeteria office to get his meal card. He didn't need to ask if Serina was hungry or not; he was able to hear the sound of her stomach's rumbling. He bought her a sandwich, an apple and a carton of milk using his meal card.

From the cafeteria, he jogged his way to her classroom in order to save more time. The distance was fairly short and he didn't even sweat. 'In the past, I would jog into the woods and cover several kilometers. This distance is nothing at all.' Nicholas thought to himself.

"Serina is really lucky to have this man fall for her." one of the students whispered when Nicholas got inside their classroom.

"She's pretty. Men would always fall for pretty girls even if they're mean."

"She's not mean, though." Another student commented.

Nicholas ignored their whispering and just walked toward Serina who was leaning on her desk and was using the crook of her elbow as her pillow. She was trying to get some sleep when he arrived. "Serina, you have to eat."

"Stop disturbing me." She mumbled and ignored him.

"I will keep disturbing you if you won't eat."

"I will eat later." Serina muttered but she heard the sound of the legs of the chair screeching beside her. She turned her head and peeked at him from her elbow. He didn't leave the room and was sitting beside her instead. "Why are you nagging me? Just leave already. The class will start soon."

"I know and I also know that it's not good to start your day with an empty stomach."

Serina looked at the food on her desk and the corner of her mouth was lifted on a smile but no one saw it because of her arm blocking half of her face. "How much is it? I'll pay up."

"Buy me a meal next time."

'I-buy-you-meal, you-buy-me-meal; the typical way of taking care of each other plus spending time together. This never gets old.' Kiro commented while listening to Nicholas.