"Damon! I saw someone hiding on a big tree over there!" Serina shouted while throwing ball of fires to rogue vampires coming at her. She was already attacking blindly while keeping an eye to the one who was hiding. "That's probably the lady you mentioned."

"Take care of them here. I'll chase after her!"


Damon left the horde of vampires and jumped from rock to rock until he stopped at the tree that Serina mentioned. There was no one there, though. "Damn her!" Damon cursed and kicked the tree really hard that it collapsed. He was just about to go back and help Serina when his eyes caught something shining on the ground. He picked it up and found an earring. The item looked very intricate and when he raised it, he thought he saw something moved inside the stone. As it was very dark, he couldn't really see it clearly. He pocketed it and went back to help Serina deal with the vampires.