Her break finally came. Few weeks ago, she was facing so many things that she didn't know she'd be able to survive it but she let fate takes its curse, just going with the flow, because she knew they were meant to happen in order to make her even stronger. After the incident with the Lavigne family, she finally found peace in school on. Although the students didn't like approaching her because of fear, they didn't talk bad things about her either. In fact, many of them apologized to her, hoping that she'd forgive them and that Nicholas wouldn't pursue the matter.

If you expect her to forgive and forget, you are wrong. Serina didn't forgive any of them. She wouldn't forget what they did either. They have done those things with sane minds, they should be responsible for the consequences for messing up with her life.

When her father learned about it, he requested an early leave for his daughter. Thus, Serina got a break earlier than everyone else.