Chapter 44 : The journey of two only

" Huff!.... here we are worrying about how to kill this lobster like creatures. And then take a glance at those two coachmen. How can they be so carefree? like no care in the world...".

His was beating fastely and mocking those two coachmen who were acting like chill pill dudes. Seeing them no one can say they were seeing a fighting scene or involve in one. They were looking more like those bystanders to enjoy the scene...

" Carry on, you were doing great ".

The two shouted from the side and cheering them on.

" Why don't you just take your black sword out? ".

Here he goes again, talking about the black sword.

Aranya really urged to hit him till he comes to his real senses.

" Black sword is made to cut my only enemy, not the unnecessary creature ", She answered and get on her legs again.

She stand on the land rooted again and extend her hand down. " Come on, grabbed my hand and stand up again. We can't move from this place until we kill this monster ".

Jammy took her hands and stand up on his land.

" That way...this time, let's attack it on the joint areas, maybe that will be little beneficial ".

Little did she understand where the weak spot was and want attack when the iron was hot.

" On the count of one then, get ready ", Jammy said run to other side.

The monster had his eyes rooted on both no matter where they go.

It was looking at them while attacking aggressively. Taking the advantage of this opportunity, both jump high with their walking on the air technique and started heading towards the hand joint.

The monster had its eyes on its attack and weak for a moment. The both take the advantage of this opportunity and strike the sowed on he joint.

As expected, the weakness of this monster was it's joint area. No matter how hard the shell was, but the joint had small deep lines, which reaching to the insider and easy to hurt there.

With the strike, it's both hands fall on the sandy ground. Jammy and Aranya didn't stop there only and planted the second attacked on the knees and then it's neck..

Withing twenty seconds, the whole monster fall on the sandy ground with loud thud voice.

" Wohhh....great ", The both shake the hands once they see each other.

" What do you say, wanna take its eyes out? ", He asked her as the eyes and heart of the monsters were really precious and priceless.

She refused bluntly. " Don't drag me in for something this cheap ".

" I will take then...".

Jammy was happy she didn't say yes to take the monster jewels.

And she look at him with with disdain and disgust once he said that.

After the small mission was done, she come back to the coachmen who were enjoying the whole fighting scene.

" Feeling happy? ", She asked taking the water bottle from their hands.

" Kind of...", They didn't denied.

After taking the eyes and heart out from the monster's body, Jammy come back to his members.

They stand there for about thirty second, fighting with that thought in their mind and then finally taking the words out on their tongue.

" Mr Ivy and Mr Lui....there's something we wish to speak with you two ", Said Aranya in serious tone.

" Yes? please go ahead...".

Jammy and Aranya both were sounding serious and seemed like something was weighing then down.

" I and Jammy thought about it quite a lot and have come to the final decision. You both are on this journey with us for like more a month now. But from here on, the journey is ours only. And so...we wish to dismiss you two ans free you from us ", Said Aranya.

In the last one month, there come no day when they separate from each other and always had their backs.

But now, Romania Wanture was close. Just the journey of two more days and everything will turn great.

However, even if the distance was no big, the danger was great from here on...and they didn't wish to take the coachmen with them or make them fall into the danger.

" We both said this before and there's no harm repeating it again. As we said before, we will join you until the last destination. After seeing you reach your destination, we will return...".

Mr Ivy and Mr Lui said.

They remember each and every word they promise to the kids. They know how dangerous it was going to be soon, so it felt upsetting and unsettling to understand them.

Aru and Jammy look at each other as they give that light smile to each other.

" We remember each and every word you said at that time. But we do not wish to see you both in any kind to danger or trouble. You both are people with family, they are waiting for you to go back to them ", Said Aranya but them next line...jammy started speaking.

" This journey was fun with you, we had a good time being around and close to you but that's it. Our destined was bonded till here only. We wish to go alone now...".

Aru and Jammy both care about the both. They do now wish to see the coachmen in any kind of complicated situation.

They didn't had to worry about their coachmen's security as they always were there. But after reaching the werewolf country, the both coachmen would have to return back and the path were full of dangers and lurking of monsters.

And so, there was no way this would ever happened.

" Are you sure? ".

The coachmen had become so attached to both that it was hurting and painful to leave them be.

However, this day was confirm to come and then there was nothing they could do about it.

Among their every passenger they met till now, this due was the most beautiful and kind. This one month felt like nothing when traveling with them.

" We are sure about it. From here on, we are alone in this journey. Romania Wanture is two days away from here on...I am sure we can take care of each other ", Said Jammy.

Everything was all right but the coachmen were worried about one thing. What about their luggage and stuff? how were they going to move the stuff with them two alone only?

The stuff was too much to be move by them without any tool or carriage.

" By the way, what about you stuff? how are you going to move them if you dismiss us now? ", Mr ivy asked.

Aranya glance towards him and give him the vile smirk.

" We also have a solution for that. I will be buying one of your carriage. I am sure you can buy new one in the next village...".

Said Aranya as she raised her advice.

It was presumption to say but they also know this much stuff couldn't be move by two people only. A tool or a carriage was must in this situation and what could be more useful than he carriage itself.

They really were shocked at this point now.

" Are you ok with selling your carriage to us? we only need one and we are ready to pay the double price as well...".

Actually, to be honest. The coachmen had no other choice to but agree to sell on of their carriage.

They were not force to do this act but because they worry about the two kids and wish to help them in any kind of form.

If they have money, buying new carriage was easy....

" Fine, you can take one of the carriage. We both will manage as the village is just around the corner ".

The both agree with bright smile on their face.

It was great that...

Aru give them money and bought the carriage.

Since the stuff was already loaded in the carriage, there was nothing to worry about and it to say who was going to handle the carriage, then it was no problem.

Ivy and Lui give the kids short hug and bless them for the new life, get in the carriage and left backwards.

It was really painfully to separate from the duo.

It was hard but they did in the end.

" You know bastard, I care for no one till now and always thought that bonding was useless. But staying and travelling with Mr ivy and Mr Lui for a month made me realised how wrong I was. The journey was too short with them but I feel like I made some deep bonding with them...", She was smiling brightly while looking at the retreating carriage.

" So your heart does long for affection huh. I thought you have become totally ice hearted person after losing your parents...", He teased her.

She smile devilishly and then grabbed his ear and started squeezing it.

" Shut your mouth now and start working now. You are my coachmen for the next two days...Let's get to the work ".