" How did it end up here? ".
Aranya was shocked to see this.
The wolf....which was like a saviour to her, was being prison in a place like this.
The announcement was made again...
" As you all can see, this wolf is different species compere to the normal ones. And...this is the only wolf in the entire world which has so much powers and strength that no one can ever imagine. And today's our show...will start soon ".
Aranya and Rannon were taken aback once again.
They didn't thought of this possibility.
It was a fighting match between a mere werewolf and wolf on the other hand.
Aranya didn't wanted to see it.
" We will now begin the fight. On the one side we have this rare wolf that's found in this territory a week ago, we spent a great amount and labour to catch it. And on the other side, we have A werewolf who....", The announcement made again as the person arrived on the stage.