Chapter 191 : You already knew about me

She explained herself when she realised he must have misunderstood her. But he just shake his head lightly.

" Since I am most trusted Knight of his, it's my duty to look after his citizen in his stead, and I am doing the same ", Said Asher in his deep voice.

" Ohh! great to know. Did you sustained any injuries? let me see if you have sustained one ", She forward the topic.

Since she was A grade healer and a magician with great impact and skill, she wanted to put her skills on use and help others.

" I am okay, it's better if you worry about your own self, that's more useful ", He warned her in friendly way.

" Yeah, I understand you very well, you need not to worry about me. And stop hiding your wound, I can see it even from here ", She said smiling.

Asher was the most underrated person among them all.

He would always stay as a shadow of his mejesty and work in dark, only when Rannon call him, he would show himself.