Chapter 3

5years later


Training and studying, studying and training, that's all Gulf do. He is focused on everything he does, that he set aside all the reasons for the word "socializing". His goal is to give justice to his parent who was brutally killed by vampires, he will find them one by one.

Studying through online classes, all his teachers are very amazed at his intelligence. They just gave Gulf a topic and the younger can explain it without mistake. An A+ is not enough as a grade for his smart brain. Henry is very proud because aside from being an intelligent student, Gulf shows very good fighting skills.

At the age of 15, Gulf memorizes every combat strategy, he memorizes all types of guns and swords. Which one is deadly and which one can be considered as a toy. Gulf has defeated all his masters, telling Henry that the boy is extra special and doesn't need them anymore.

The sweet attitude of the Gulf that what made them stay. Gulf after each training will bow his head 45°, he touches his master's hearts and they teach Gulf all their techniques and moves in fighting.  Gulf on the other hand is not contented with what he achieved, he practices more to developed and specialize in every fighting skill. He will be 15 years old in three days he expects his fully transformed into a wolf.


Henry came home with quiet surroundings, looking at Liam they knew something is wrong. A hissing arrow flying towards them but before it reaches them someone hits it already it falls to the ground and turns to hit the assassin that is presented in the area to kill them. Liam as a vampire uses his speed to deal with some assassin.

"So they sent another batch again huh!? " Henry utter to himself and prepare for action. Five assassins were killed and they don't have any idea who sent those for they've been quiet all this time.

They enter the house and they found Gulf sitting in a living room eating popcorn while watching his favorite cartoon "Doraemon " as if nothing happened. Liam looks at him smiling while Henry pretends that he doesn't see him.

"Evening dad! " Gulf said grinning at his father.

"Oh! You are there? How many casualties tonight? " Henry ask him, motioning the servant of the house to prepare their dinner. Although they are called vampires they learn how to eat like humans.

"Well, Liam killed one, I killed four! Damn! They should send more, it only takes me a minute to play with them! " Gulf still sitting on a sofa, he doesn't even spare a glance on his father.

"You turned that off and eat proper food or I will wreck it! " Henry in his warning voice makes Gulf turn the tv off, and put the popcorn away.

He stands up and goes to the dining table and sits opposite his father.

"We have to know who sent those assassins, it happened twice already since I came here! " Gulf look at Henry. Yes! It first happens when Gulf is away for training, a group of assassins tried to penetrate inside the house to kill his father good thing his father prepared everyone before they can even come close to kill him.

"Don't worry about it, we will get to the bottom of this. Now tell me what is your plan for your birthday? It's tomorrow right! " Henry wanted Gulf to have a party in their house but Gulf said that he don't want like that. Well, it's always like that.

Gulf wants to be alone on his birthday, but of course, they celebrate with just the servants, guards of the house, their gardeners, Liam and Henry.

"I'm fifteen, tomorrow dad, it's time for me to meet my wolf! " Gulf said in his calm voice.

Henry lifts his head, how can he forget that his nephew is half vampire half werewolf. He heaved a sigh.

"Which mountain do you want to go to? " Henry query.

"Atlas, that mountain has very good ambiance and good feedback. I read it on the internet, and also its wide-area is what makes me choose it, I can let my wolf run as much as he wants.! " Gulf looks at his dad smiling.

"Bring Liam with you! " Henry said, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"No! With what happened tonight? I can't let you be alone. I can manage my way there, I will take care of myself, I will bring some men, you don't have to worry! " Gulf stated as he also wipe his mouth and drink the glass of water.

Henry looked at him trying to convince his son, but Gulf Shook his head for a no.

"Now! Liam.. " Gulf called his father's right hand. Liam has been his buddy since he came here. The older man always give in to everything he wanted and never complained.

Liam like the wind is standing in front of him.

"Young master! " Gulf's face frowned when he heard what Liam said.

"I told you for a millionth time already don't call me "young master" my name is Gulf Arvin you can choose which name you preferred to call me! " Gulf whine like a child.

"Okay young master Gulf! " Henry who heard the exchange of words between his son and his right hand can't help himself but laugh and shake his head for he knows that it will take hours again for Gulf to subside.

Gulf lifts his hand to the air to Liam, with his puppy eyes. Liam knows what he wanted.

"You are big enough to be carried anymore Young master, your not a kid! " Liam said but walk towards Gulf and lean his back for Gulf to hop on.

"Don't complain, and carry me to the living room.! " Gulf is giggling like a child, he is looking at his father. Liam just heaved a sigh, but he is happy that the kid he was known to be quiet and alone always has to trust him.

Although he knew that it's wrong that he felt a strange feeling towards his young master, he will not let that feeling ruin everything. He promised himself already that he will protect the young man with his life.


The day came for Gulf's fifteenth birthday and this is the day that he will travel to Atlas mountain to prepare himself for his full transformation as a wolf. His dad owns a house and land there so he doesn't need to worry about his stay.

"Servants are waiting for your arrival there, no need to worry anything but call me if something happens. The twins will accompany you! " Henry gesture two men in waiting to come closer. "This Ja and Haii, they will guard you while you are on your stage of cracking your bones and screaming in pain. " he knows how painful a wolf transformation is for the first time. "You two! Don't lose sight of him, if something happens to my son, you know the consequence right? " The two vampires bow to agree.

"Geez! You are scaring them, dad! I'm not a kid anymore, I can handle myself but thank you! " Gulf hug his father and bid goodbye to Liam and other guards.

When Gulf's car disappeared from their sight, Henry took a deep breath. Liam notices his master's worried face.

"Don't worry too much sir! You know what he can do.! " Liam try to calm his master.

"I'm not worried about him getting hurt, Liam. We all know that behind those sweet smiles and Jolly attitude lies a scary monster waiting to be released. He vows justice for his parent, and you witness how his eyes turn into ruthless emotion every time he said that! " Henry is right.

Gulf has been the focus not because he is a good student, but because he has a revenge plan laid before him. He is smart and easygoing to everyone he meets, he learns all about psychology, how to read people base on their actions and words. Hand gestures, blinking of an eye, even moving of their heads.

He will read you like an open book, but you will never know because he will act innocent in front of you, his Angel feature is a plus to fool you. He prepared all those things for those criminals who abused and killed his parents.


Gulf reaches the Atlas mountain with already dark surroundings. The servants waiting for him on the wooden gates, all are vampires. They vow at him and lead him inside the house. Food is ready, the whole house is clean. As he observed everyone no one dares to look up to meet his eyes.

Gulf motioned Ja and Haii to eat with him, but the two declined.

"Come on! Let's eat together, and don't you guys dare to refuse I will not eat also.!" the servants glance with each other and remain standing. Gulf look at Ja and Haii with his puppy eyes so the two oblige, and Gulf did a tiny clap.

Everyone got comfortable with Gulf, they easily get used to Gulf's positive attitude it's new to them. And most of all, the face of their young master is like an Angel that they can't take off their eyes on him every time he smiles.

Night came and Gulf is ready, he is standing at the age of the forest, looking up to the sky the moon is full. Shining in glory, the light illuminates the thick rich forest. Haii and Ja are observing the surroundings, they have to be with Gulf wherever his wolf will take him.

As the night gets deeper, Gulf feels his body became hotter. His head spinning and his eyes became blurry. He feels like he wants to throw up. As the moonlight hit him he started to feel pain in his stomach. The pain travels all over his body and he falls to the ground.

Grunting with the pain, his nails are buried to the ground as he fights the painful sensation he is experiencing. He groan more and whimper as his bones started to do the cracking sound. He scream in pain as he feels all his bones was crack at the same time.

His sweat dripping from his forehead, saliva flowed out from his mouth, panting and taking heavy breaths. As the final crack of bone ended, he let out his first howl. Haii and Ja who is watching him were mesmerized by the creature in front of them. A silver wolf with piercing red eyes is standing there in front of them howling to the moon.

As they got amazed by the beauty of Gulf's wolf, they didn't notice that it runs already to the deepest part of the forest. Given as they were vampires they catch up with the speed of their young master, protecting him from possible danger.

Gulf reaches the cliff of the mountain where he can enjoy the breezy cool air. His white fur dancing as the wind blow. Howling to the moon as if he is greeting and thanking it. Finally, he has his wolf, the only creature he can trust fully and will never leave him whatever happens.

He is about to run back but he stops on his track as his ears perk up something, no! It's not something it's someone. And he is sure it's not Ja and Haii. He prepared himself to fight, although he didn't fight in his wolf form yet, he is confident that he will kill anyone who tries to hurt them.

As the steps get nearer he was surprised as three wolves standing in front of him in their human forms! What shocked him more when the man in the center with silver eyes utter the word he don't want to hear.

"Mate! "
