Chapter 1: How it Begin

You know… life is weird. One day, you were an office drone that worked from nine to five, and then you reincarnated into a Fantasy Medieval world full of magic, monsters, and gods.

I'm reincarnated into a noble family, a Viscount Noble house. Just how high was it? In this kingdom, Viscount is the third lowest rank of nobility.

It goes like this: Knight → Baron → Viscount → Earl → Count → Marquis → Duke/Prince/Princess → Queen → King.

When you are a Knight, you will get a small land that can be used to make a village. Baron can create three villages if they want and be allowed to create a town using their money. Viscounts usually get a town that already exists if they are immediately promoted to Viscount from a knight or commoner. Not only a city, they also get a massive amount of land.

My father has a city in the middle of a desert where we need to fight against an army of monsters every month. Lucky for us, this city is fertile because it sits next to the biggest river on the continent.

Our main product is wheat, pomegranate, and olive. We also have a lot of goats, sheep, and chickens, but most of them are consumed by the locals, including my family. Their other parts, like their leather and feathers, are being sold to other cities.

Anyway, who am I? Well, my name was Calvin O'Sheehan, an American with an Irish descent. Now? I'm Armaah Krur-I Tilpun or Arma for short.


It was a weird name, but it is my name nonetheless. My middle name is my great-grandfather's first name. It looks like having your son's middle name as your father is a tradition. What about my daughter? They take the first name of their mother. What about the second son? Take the first name of their great-grandfather and so on.

And by that information, you will know that I'm the second son. A second son is a great thing, you know? You did not need to work hard because you are not the family's heir. However, I cannot laze around because I'm still the spare, and if something happens to my older brother, I will take his place as an heir.

It's a little morbid, but it is what it is.

"Young master. It is time."

Right! I almost forgot about it. Today is my ceremonial day. What is a ceremonial day? It is where you are declared an adult and ready to do anything adult. However, a ceremonial day for a noble is a little bit different. We will get something called [God's Blessing] or what I like to call cheat skill.

I get out of my room and see the maid bowing at me.

"Let's go."

The servant takes me to the meeting room, where I can see a priest already waiting next to my father.

"Ah, Arma. You are here, good. Let's get this ceremony going. Honored priest, if you will."

"Of course, my lord."

The priest looks at me and says,

"Walk forward, child."

"Of course, honored priest."

I walk near him and kneel in front of him. He places his specter on my head and starts to pray. The prayer lasts for a minute before I can feel a warm energy going through my body. After another few seconds, a small metal plaque floats in front of me.

I take the plaque and hold it. The priest looks at my father and says,

"It is done."

My father nods and gives a pouch to the priest.

"Take this donation from the Tilpun house, honored priest. May this donation be used for the growth of the church."

"Thank you, my lord. This donation will be used for the betterment of the church."

I manage to hold myself from snorting at that word exchange. The church did not really care about that kind of thing. Only a small number of churches will use that money for the betterment of the church as a whole. Most of the priests will use that money for themselves.

After the priest leaves the room, my father looks at me and says,

"Let me see that plaque."

"Of course, father."

I give it to him and let him see what is written on it.

"Hmmm… An E-rank blessing. Not bad. As expected from my son. It is something that I did not know, but the rank is good enough."

He gives me back the plaque and says.

"Learn what your blessing is and train them."

"I will, father."

"Good. As a second son, I will let you take care of one of the villages on the frontier. Their tax will be yours. Take care of it."

I hold myself from snarling at his words. Family is always a sour thing for me. Coming from a family where your father is a violent drunk, and your mother is a drug addict… I always crave family affection. I cannot say that my father and mother were abusive like the one in my previous life. My current father and mother are… distant. Yeah. That is the right word.

They never once abused me physically or verbally. However, they never talk to us either. They only talk when they want something. They are not even bad parents. They feed us, give us knowledge, and give us money to buy anything we want.

However, they are as cold as the ones in my previous life. Maybe even colder. At least my parents in my previous life were willing to talk to me for more than five minutes even though it was just a honey word to ask for money.

I have more connection with the old servant and her family than my own parents. Oh well. At least I'm rich this time.

"Of course, father. When will I need to go there?"

"Tomorrow morning. The servant will take care of your belongings. I will give you one thousand gold. I will watch your progress closely."

"Of course, father."

"Good. You are dismissed."

I nod and leave the meeting room, where the servant takes me to my room. A thousand gold, huh? That is a lot. Since I was born into this world, I have learned many things, and among them is the currency of this world.

Unlike Earth, this place only has one currency, which is absurd. How can they do that?! There are a lot of kingdoms and empires in this world, but they decide to use one currency. This world might have magic and all, but the real sorcery is how the currency stays the same.

Anyway, the currency of this world is divided into five: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Purple Gold.

A hundred iron coins are equal to one copper coin, and one hundred copper coins will be one silver coin. You can already fill in the rest.

One bread loaf is around ten to twenty iron coins, depending on where you buy them. Can you imagine how much bread I can buy with one thousand gold coins? That will be a lot of bread—the expensive kind as well, not the cheap one.

With that one thousand gold coins, I need to develop the land given to me, huh? It was a lot of money, depending on the place and how good the place was.

"If you need anything, please call us, young master."

I snap from my thoughts and see that we have already arrived in front of my room. I look at the young servant and nod my head.

"Of course."

After saying that, I enter the room and take out the plaque. I already know what kind of blessing I get as I get the rush of knowledge about my blessing, but I need to make sure because what my father says is different from the knowledge I get.

I look at it and read what is written on it.

[Gacha Sign-In System] [E]

Blessing is divided into eight ranks: G, F, E, D, C, B, A, and S.

G is the low-ranking blessing, E is the average, and E is the above-average ranking. D and C rank are considered good blessings, while B and A are high-ranking blessings. On the other hand, S-rank only appears in legend because of how rare it is. A person born with an S-rank blessing is destined to be a great person. There is no higher ranking than that.


"Open System"

It looks like it was false because my talent is not E-rank but rather…

[Gacha Sign-In System] [EX]

It is an EX-ranking. The plaque did not put an X behind the E.