Chapter 7: A Useful Item

After cleaning my body, I leave the mansion and walk to a group of dead trees near the mansion. If the first one is an apple tree, the other one should be another apple tree. I hope I'm right.

I walk to the tree near the one I healed and touch it. I take a deep breath and say.

"Let there be life, [Full Recovery]."

I stagger a little as my mana sucked dry, but not to the point of me falling down like before. I can see the tree grow and become healthy as before. Just like the previous tree, I can see it start to bear fruits, and I smile a little. I slowly walk toward the tree, pick one of the apples, and then eat it.

I can feel the sweet taste of the apple spread across my mouth. I can see the other servant running toward me, and Cassandra puts her hand on her hip.

"What are you doing, young master?! I already said that you can do it before you sleep!"

I smile at her and say.

"I will do it before I sleep as well. With this, I can at least heal two trees."

"You… Haaa… Please look after your own body, young master. We did not want to see you like this. We are your servant; as a servant, we must care for you."

I nod at her and the other servant for a few seconds.

"Very well. I will take care of myself more. However, please bear it for now. We need to make a good foundation first, and these trees are something we need."

Cassandra hesitates for a few seconds before Sebastian puts his hand on her shoulder and says.

"We understand, my lord. However, please ensure you will not do it too much."

"I promise you."

"Thank you, my lord."

I nod, look at the apple tree in front of me, and say.

"Can you take care of the apple for me? Use whatever method to make it last longer."

Sebastian nods and looks at the two people behind him. They nod and run back to the mansion. A minute later, they return with a massive basket and start picking all the apples from the tree. Collecting over two hundred apples from this tree takes half an hour.

Instead of walking to another almost-dead tree, I walk to the first one I heal. I touch it and feel it is starting to die as well. I frown and cast another healing spell.

"O'Light, touch us with your blessing, [Healing Touch]!"

I can feel the tree get back to its healthy self, and I release a sigh. I cannot do this every day. I need to think of something. Creating a small water system that feeds the tree some water. However, I need to get more water from that oasis then.

I will do that after we get more horses or even a camel to carry the water.

I shake my head and look at Cassandra.

"I will go to bed. Take care of the apple. That is our food source for now."

After saying that, I went inside the mansion to get some sleep.


When I open my eyes, the system greets me with a notification. Urgh. I press the Y button and slowly get out of the bed. The system shines for a second before a card appears above me. I take the card and read it.

"[Rainmaker (One Use)] [Uncommon]... This is! This is great!"

Oi, system! What kind of item is this? Can you tell me?

|[Rainmaker] is an item that gathers clouds to create rain in a certain area.|

How big is the rain?

|At a [Uncommon] rank, it will pour a lot of water. Not only that, it will last long, depending on your luck. It can last from one hour to twelve hours.|

And that is enough for me. This is great! With this, we can catch the rain and have enough water for all of us. However, we need to make the container. We need something with a large surface area to catch all the rainwater.

I shake my head and walk to the bathroom to clean myself.

After cleaning myself, I walk out of the mansion and see the sun has yet to appear, but my people are already ready to work. I nod and walk toward Sebastian, who is preparing for our journey.

"How is the preparation, Sebastian?"

"We are ready to go, my lord. We will bring thirty thousand golds for our first trade. It should be good for our first transaction."

"Good. Let me know when we are going."

"In an hour or two."

I nod and say.

"Very well. I will have some breakfast first."

I walk toward the kitchen and see Cassandra and the other servants are busy cooking food. Not only that, the fighter that comes with it is also in the kitchen, waiting for their food. When they see me, they get up and bow a little.

"Young master!"

"Raise your head. I come here to eat food as well. Ignore me."

I sit on the chair and wait for my food. The food arrives a few minutes later, and I smile at Cassandra.

"Thank you, Cassandra."

"It is not a problem, young master! We have lizard meat and apple stew with bread on the side for today's breakfast. We also have pickled vegetables if you want."

"Bring some for me."

"Of course. We also have some apple juice for you."

"Thank you."

I take a deep breath and smell the delicious smell of the stew. I take a spoon of the stew and put it inside my mouth. I can feel a slight sweetness, which I think comes from the apple, and while it is a little bit chewy, the lizard meat is delicious.

I eat all the food and see the others are also done eating their food. After eating our food, the servant made sure to cook some food for our journey. It will not last long, but it is good until dinner as long as we put them not directly under the sun.

We will put them underneath the water barrel and cover them with a sack. The soldiers that come with me follow me out of the mansion while the rest stay to protect the others from monsters.

When we leave the mansion, I can see Sebastian and the others are ready. I nod and say.

"Let's go. The faster we arrive in that place, the faster we can return."