Chapter 9: Rain

I check all the goods we bought and nod my head. We spend quite a bit of money in this place. We spend one hundred gold coins out of the thousand I get from my father. That is already a discount price after we are killing that sandworm.

Other than the seeds, basic tools, and barrels, I also ordered some rolls of clothes and some already-made clothes for me and the servant for the night and winter. The desert is cold at night and when winter comes. It will not snow, but the wind will get even colder.

After checking all the goods, I nod and look at the village chief, Juntis, then says.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Juntis."

"Hah! It is not a problem. You are already doing us a favor by killing that worm, and this is the least we can do for you."

"Thank you nonetheless."

Juntis nods and says.

"Please be careful out there."

"We will."

"If you need anything, please come here. We will sell you the best goods we have."

"Thank you. We will go here when we need something."

Juntis nods, and I get inside the carriage. While the carriage will not be useful when we want water because of the sand, it is still useful when we want to return to this village. I release a sigh and open my system, where it is already waiting for me.

I press the Y button, and a second later, a card appears in front of me. I take the card and see a picture of a dagger inside the card.

|Tigrus' Fang| |Rare|

It was a knife with a light red aura around it. What kind of knife is this? Oi, system! Can you tell me about the item I got?

I wait for a few seconds, but instead of answering me, the system is still silent, and I release a sigh. I rip the card, and a dagger appears in front of me, floating in the air. It is the same length and width as my dagger but has pitch-black steel and fancy leather grip.

I look at the knife and shrug before putting the new dagger in the sheath, then put my old dagger away. It is a good dagger and has helped me greatly in my journey. However, its journey will end here, but I will make sure to put it inside a special box to keep it in good condition for a long time.



I open my eyes and peek out of the carriage to see ten lizard monsters running at us. I get out and take out my dagger. This is perfect. I need to test my new weapon. Three guards who are holding shields walk forward and put their shields in front of them to hold their ground.

After a few seconds, the lizard monsters slam their body into the shields and try to bite the guards' heads off. Sadly for them, the spearmen are ready and thrusting their spear forward. Sadly, the other lizard noticed it and started to run around the shieldmen, and now they are coming to us.

Lucky for us, we are ready. I cast a shield around my guards, including Sebastian.

"O' Light! Protect us from harm! [Heaven Shield]!"

With all of us protected, the four of us charge and fight the four lizard monsters that manage to get away from the shieldmen and spearmen. The two swordsmen block the four lizards with their swords while Sebastian and I take out our dagger to stab those lizard monsters.

I blink for a second when I see the monster that gets stabbed by my dagger get electrocuted. I can hear the monster screaming in pain, but with the dagger still inside its body, the lightning keeps coming, and the lizard monster falls to the ground, dead.

I take out the dagger and look at it for a few seconds. Holy shit! As expected of [Rare] rank! It is powerful. I shake my head and run to the next lizard before stabbing my dagger into the lizard monster.

It didn't take long for us to fight the lizard monsters with the help of my new dagger. Usually, it takes us a few minutes because of how tough their scales are. However, the dagger in my hand is sharp and has that weird effect of electrocuting the one I stab.

Sebastian walks toward me and looks at my dagger curiously.

"Where do you get that dagger, my lord?"

"It is from my blessing, Sebastian."

He waits for a few seconds before sighing.

"You will not elaborate, huh?"

"What is there to elaborate? Blessing is something mysterious to us mortals. We can only accept it and explore our blessings."

Sebastian can only nod and say.

"You are right, my lord. Blessing is a mysterious force that makes the world go. I will not ask the gods what your blessing does and can only thank them for the blessing they give to you."

I nod, and we continue our journey back home.


"Young master!"

I can only smile a little and catch Cassandra as she jumps toward me. She is still clingy, but I did not hate that kind of thing for some reason.

"It is nice to see you too, Cassandra."

She releases me and looks at my body from top to bottom. After looking for a few seconds, she nods and says.

"Good! You have come back safe and sound."

"I'm a healer, Cassandra. I can heal myself."

"I know. However, I also know it will leave a mark for a few days. Remember when you got injured from your morning training? I notice that there is still a faint mark on your body."

"You truly something, Cassandra."

She remembers that small detail about me, huh? It is a little bit weird.

"Anyway, the lake has already been cleaned, huh?"

I look to the side and see the lake that is dirty after being abandoned by the people is now clean.

"Of course. This is your order, after all. We will obey your order and ensure it is completed as quickly as possible. However, I wonder why you want us to clean the lake. Do you want to fill it up, young master? The water will get dirty, you know? Even when we already clean the lake, it will quickly get dirty from the sand getting inside the lake."

"Hmmm, I will show you instead."

I walk toward the lake and take out the card. I take a deep breath and rip it apart. A second later, a pillar of light appears and pierces the sky. I can see the sky now filled with clouds, and after a few seconds, it starts to rain.

The people around me shout in surprise, and a minute later, I can see some of them start to cry, and I can hear one of them tell the other I'm a chosen one. I will scold him, but I want to enjoy the rain now.