
Unnecessary note: I don't quite plan to make a harem in this novel. It really gives me a headache if the MC has too many girls. If it does by accident or just for the plot, please do forgive me. I will try my best to make good character developments through learning, or maybe your criticism would also help. Enjoy the read and have a pleasant day!

How I write ("): dialogue, ('): Someone's thoughts, (()): recallments of the past dialogues, and ([]): How I transitioned the time, place, and povs. Used also for naming something as an emphasis e.g: Skills, abilities, and many more.






Since time immemorial, mysterious magical powers have existed in our world, without us knowing where they came from.

These magical powers were given to random people, whether they be received through a lineage or a mysterious shrine that granted magical powers to almost all beings.

These magical powers, however, came from mysterious power called "System" for unknown reasons. These Systems allowed many to gain access to mysterious powers. Some didn't even need the System if they received their powers from their lineage.

Magical powers were a decision-maker in terms of how they treated them, whether for good or evil. However, the question of where these mysterious magical powers came from remained unanswered. "What is the reason for this?"

The story began in a village populated by peasants.

Among these peasants where the story would begin, the sound of a woman's pained scream resounded throughout the house. A husband and his laboring wife were standing side by side in a cabin with a nurse who was helping to let out their baby.

As the wife prepared to give birth to their child, the husband clutched her hand.

Both the wife and the husband had black hair, and the husband had a thick black beard.

The worried nurse was shivering as she struggled to expel the infant.

The newborn was eventually out of the mother's womb and...

A boy was born...

"My baby..." The mother's lips were trembling, as well as her arms. She requested that the nurse allow her to hold him. 

The nurse handed the newborn baby to the worried mother, who embraced him in her arms and beamed with joy, while the father was shedding tears. And after the boy was born, they named him Akira Keita .



Twelve years had passed, and the boy from 12 years ago was harvesting crops and living as a peasant. 

Akira Keita was a cheerful young boy who often behaved kindly to others he met. He had the annoying behavior of often shouting when he was excited or frustrated.

Akira's dreams were becoming the strongest right after he had his system until he aged 10. However, it was 2 years ago and he still had no system.

Akira had a quite messy black hair due to him never doing his hair and letting the wind took care of it. His eyes were faintly red from the iris, and his pupils stayed black.

The often spoken topic he heard about was the city named "Celesta ", the capital city of the country. And that was the time he had been hoping to one day visit the city, quenching his thirst for his curiosity. Even if it was rumored that the city folks were bad, he remained resilient to his choice to visit there, and the stories came mostly from his father.

Never once trusted his story, only he thought that perhaps his father wanted him to stay with him. Akira's immense adventurous habit would leave him curious with wanting to visit the city badly while his father always told him the word "no". But even given with countless of rejections, Akira couldn't care less.

"Phew, I'm done!" Akira finished his work and wiped the sweat from his brow. He sat down and drank a bottle of water.

To help his parents, Akira never refused the chances. With the unbearable heat, through his father's and mother's words to not be burdened by their responsibility, Akira knew the state they were in.

While Akira was resting, a girl of similar age appeared near his workplace, and she was Akira's friend.

"Keita!" A blonde-haired girl, sweating as she panted. Her hands were on her knees as she called out his name.

"Julia?" Akira noticed her soon after she drew his attention.

"You idiot! Today's the day, remember? Quickly! To the shrine! The ceremony is about to start!" She panted while talking, the exhaustion was from all the running after she had searched everywhere for him.

"Alright, on my way!" Akira run energetically and followed Julia to the shrine.

Moments after they ran in a hurry, they finally made it to the shrine at last.

"Ha... Ha... Ha... Man... I'm tired... The heck! Why the hell is this place so far away? They should've just placed it near my home." Akira's legs were numb and he was drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe.

"You're starting to get a sense of it, aren't you? Quit whining! While I'm the one searching the village for you, and you say you're tired?! You ungrateful jerk, I wasted my time looking for you all over the village! You  dumbass! " Julia smacked Akira on the head, enraged by his words.

"Ouch! Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry Julia. Have mercy!" With a bump on his head, he begged for mercy as if faced with a demon.

After a lengthy run, they entered the shrine. The shrine was in a huge cavern where people gained their abilities.

A statue clutching an orb was discovered nearby, and it was roughly 17 meters tall. Despite the fact that these monuments were claimed to live for tens of thousands of years, the statue remained in great condition.

The Grandmaster then spoke into a microphone that was attached to his desk, announcing the ceremony.

"Greetings, young warriors! Today we will begin the ceremony with gifts from the gods! Join now if you haven't received the blessing from the gods! Everyone, to the statue!" Announced the grandmaster.

They all divided into groups and proceeded to the statue. As they approached a statue holding an orb, the orb statue was holding, became bright.

They stayed quiet as the voice of an angel came out of nowhere and echoed throughout the shrine...

Everyone observed around, searching for the source of sound, "Who is singing?"

"Who's singing that?"

The beautiful voice of the song distracted the crowds.

The orb shone and released light to the people. Their bodies lit up, and their eyes began to see things like a system screen, displaying their data and revealing their abilities.



You have obtained your main ability...

Main ability:





Passive skills:

Infinite regeneration.



Strength: 100. Mana: 1,000/1,000

Speed: 100. HP: ∞

Durability: 100.

Bonus stats:



A screen popped up right in front of Akira's eyes with a voice of an artificial woman. The screen displayed his stats and his main ability.

"Wait, what? Immortality ?" Akira was shocked by how it turned out that his main ability was immortality.

From what he was expecting, he could've had at least one elemental magic, but since this was unique in that he had immortality, he never once imagined how he would use it. 

"What's going on here? I'm immortal ?!" Akira's face was filled with shock while also what he wasn't expecting.

He always had high hopes for his favorite magic "Fire," but unexpectedly, fate gave him some unique ability that was unknown to him nor from a book.

He now had thoughts of whether should he kill himself for a test...

Although, he probably wouldn't.

Knowing that immortality was a rare breed, he was also aware that he would suffer for the rest of his life in agony. In fact, he knew that he could train all his life and never fear death but at the cost of eternal suffering.

A shout from a short distance, Julia inquired, "Hey! Keita! You have to hear this! My main ability is Water Magic; What did you get?"

"Uhh, it sounds weird but cool, I guess. It says I got Immortality..." Akira couldn't think of anything else to say while hiding his envy of Julia who got an elemental.

He believed that this had got nothing to do with combat and was only for survival if he was ever threatened by death. It may seem useless for combat since he could survive just about anything that threatened him, but the idea of never losing a limb in battle could potentially benefit him.

He could just train whenever he could. But then he thought, Why did it give him Immortality?  Unprecedented and unpredictable amongst all system. The common knowledge of system that it couldn't be predicted and managed, either it would cause regret or a lifelong satisfaction, like playing a lottery hitting a bingo or a loss.

"Uhh... right ...congrats!" Julia smiled slightly, even though she didn't feel bad about it, she just thought it was good not to be afraid of death.

With everyone congratulating, complaining, and rejoicing, came a sudden earthquake that had just occurred abruptly.

"What the?" The crowd was startled by the violent shake inside the shrine.

"Huh?" For 10 seconds straight from the earthquake, the tremor had finally stopped.


Unbeknownst to them, a massive serpent appeared out of nowhere and emerged from the cave.

Its fangs were covered with a strange liquid, when it dripped it melted the ground like some sort of acid.

The crowd panicked and fled away from the serpent.

One person managed to escape alive by running towards the exit, but the serpent spat its acid, liquefying the poor man and impeding their escape...

The snake flicked its tongue and began slithering the ground in pursuit of its prey.

"GAHHHHH! SOMEONE! HELP ME!" The serpent then consumed the poor man alive and took his life.

"You monster! Take this!" One man stood up to it and began casting his magic at the serpent, trying to end it once and for all.

The serpent noticed him and moved swiftly towards him. It whacked its tail and struck him down, crushing him completely and splattering blood all over the ground before he even cast his spell.

The crowds were in fear as their eyes widened and their pupils shrank; even the grandmaster hid from the serpent's presence.

"NOOO!" The girl screamed in terror, but the moment she cried, she was eaten. Others remained steadfast and retaliated while the others ran away helplessly, dispersing like ants.

They were still learning how to use magic, making it impossible for them to even hit the serpent with accuracy.

With each shot of their magic missed, the serpent moved to devour its next prey while crushing them with its body.


Julia shot her water magic while she retreated as soon as the serpent noticed her.


The serpent didn't get hurt when she launched her magical blast not even a single scratch on it. Annoyed, it started moving toward her.


Akira made a quick rush to assist Julia by pushing her aside

And sacrificed himself by letting the serpent devour him.

Akira was silent the same as his thoughts in his final moments because he was terrified of learning he was going to die, but because he was immortal, he closed his eyes and prayed that it wouldn't hurt.

Akira was eaten...

Only his lower body remained after his upper body disappeared, and it was dripping with blood and covering the ground in red.

He died.

After seeing Akira being eaten, Julia's eyes were wide open and she threw up. She was immobilized and couldn't move because her fear got into her.

Akira's lower body had entirely and swiftly regenerated moments after he was devoured. Still, he was unable to adequately express in words how agonizing it was.

"Huh, where am I? Ugh, the smell!" Akira pinched his nose and was awakened in a dark and narrowed slimy gooey room, believing he was inside the serpent.

"Oh no, Julia!" Akira proceeded with his escape from the serpent's belly by crawling through its slippery insides.

Unfortunately, he had no time since the serpent moved incredibly fast, and need to come up with something.

"There's gotta be something I could do to help Julia out! Oh, wait! I brought a knife!" Akira took the knife out of his pocket chest after remembering that he had brought one.

Akira began stabbing the serpent's interior until it bled and began to screech loudly, expressing its pain.

He continued doing this until the serpent died. Julia noticed that something seemed strange because the serpent was moving erratically while screeching in pain.

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to kill the snake with his knife, he finally succeeded.

After the serpent collapsed to the ground, Akira was set free and emerged from it.

While Julia wailed and Akira was safe, he sniffed and squeezed his nose as he was covered in slimes.

"Keita! I'm so relieved you survived! You've worried me!" She broke down in tears as she worried about Akira.

She remembered he was immortal but she couldn't know what would happen to her if he hadn't stopped the serpent.

"Haha... Well, I'm Immortal. So, I guess I can't die!" He laughed and rubbed his head.

His lower body was impressively regenerated. However, the pain persisted, and his thighs and legs felt numb and achy, similar to a cramp. For the first time, he felt, death was unpleasant.

"I guess you needn't worry about death, and that's fantastic!" She praised Akira while also being clueless about his agony.

"No, it is not! That was excruciatingly painful! Sure, I don't need to worry about death! But my legs are numb and ached as heck! I could barely even stand up!" Julia was wrong, according to Akira as his legs were staggering and weak.

"Speaking of legs... Your pants..." She tried to ignore Akira's dingdong after he busted out naked but blushed and covered her face when she saw it.

"Agh crap! I forgot that I regenerate my bottom but not my pants." He regenerated his lower body, but not his pants, exposing his bottom and closing his private part with a blushing face.

A survivor then handed him extra pants, to close his private parts and said, "Here! I hope this is helpful, and I want to thank you for saving us! The absence of recent fatalities is a good thing. Without the fall of this serpent, is hard to imagine how the village would end up too, not to mention the people who just got here." The survivor thanked him while giving him his pants.

Akira took it and wore it on the spare pants, and thanked the survivor as well "You're welcome! And thanks for the spare!"

"Way to go, my boy!" The grandmaster emerged from concealment.

Akira raised an eyebrow at the grandmaster's cowardice and lack of assistance for the warriors, questioning why the grandmaster was given the title "Grandmaster" in the first place.

"Now, we need to escape immediately! Before there are more casualties and death. Everyone, move out!" Ordered the grandmaster, ordering all of them to leave the place as soon as possible.

They eventually left the area and returned to the village.

Meanwhile, Akira was in his room, he was the only one who returned home unscathed. His mother was concerned about him, but he surprisingly returned unharmed.

After the incident, they buried the 19 people who died and treated the 7 injured, but some of them were crushed and eaten entirely, so they couldn't make a proper burial.


You've slain a giant serpent.

Type: Poisonous snake

Enemy's level: 6

Rank: D

[EXP: 6,100+]






[LEVEL: 7]

[EXP: 800/2,500]

You have obtained 7 skill points.


Strength: 104(+4). Mana: 1,189/1,189(+189)

Speed: 103(+3). HP: ∞

Durability: 107(+7).

Bonus stats:



A screen popped up in front of Akira's eyes.

"Woah, I leveled up so much that quick? That serpent must've been strong!" Akira Assumed.

"Hmm, so I have to choose what skills I want? Alright then show me all of it!"


7 skill points remaining...

- Weapon summoning (Heavy) [Locked]

Requirements: Strength 1,000 and 12 skill points.

- Weapon summoning (Medium) [Locked]

Requirements: Strength 500 and 7 Skill Points.

- Weapon summoning (Light) [Locked]

Requirements: Strength 100 and 5 Skill points.

- Keen instincts [Locked]

Requirements: 2 skill points.

- Blood (Healing) [Locked]

Requirements: 6 skill points.

- Blood manipulation [Locked]

Requirements: 17 skill points.

- Necromancy [Locked]

Requirements: 309 Skill points

50 more...


"Woah, there's so many of them! Hmm, I should choose wisely whether I want to save my points or just use them now."

"Forget it, unlock "Keen instincts" and "Weapon summoning (Light)" Akira with no patience, started using his points. He did realize that he would still be a regular human with no possibility of dying even if he had no skills instead of immortality.


Access granted.

Unlocking...Keen instincts and Weapon summoning (Light).

Are you sure you wish to choose these skills?

- Yes

- No


"....Yes!" After the screen popped up, Akira responded with sparkly eyes.



You have unlocked new skills.


Keen instincts Lvl: 1

Mana cost: 0

Weapon summoning (Light) Lvl: 1

Mana cost: 50

New skill unlocked!

Danger instincts: (Unavailable)

Requirements: (Lvl 7)

Light weapon slots (5)

(Lvl 10) (+10)


"Huh? Oh wow! All of my senses are all sharpened up, awesome!" Akira's senses were all heightened and he could even hear someone talk from his neighborhood.

"Hmm... Now I'm wondering... I wonder what I can summon with a light weapon summoning. Can't be just a knife," Akira wondered what he could summon, but also missed the point of how light weapons may be stored without his intervention.

"Some kind of a bonus weapon?" That was what he wondered.

"Hmm, show me what I can summon. System!"


Summoning Choice:

- Double edge dagger.

- Villagers knife

- Mini axe.


"Just that? What the heck? Fine..." Akira was disappointed in the weapons he had.


A dagger appeared right into Akira's hands.

"Cool! Attributes!"


[Double-edged dagger]

Type: Dagger

Level: 1

Rank: E-

Strength: 15.

Durability: 8


"That kinda sucks!" Akira was yet again disappointed as he sighed deeply.

"*Sigh* Fine then! I suppose I'll be training like hell for several years. Just wait, all of you. I'm gonna become the strongest and will rise to the top of the world. I will train my butts off to get even stronger if that's the last thing I do!"

Akira, who apparently was talking to himself, was left with no other choice but to train, having an ability that uniquely allowing him to train forever in his life.

And thus, Akira commenced his training for the next 5 years...