Master and student

In the previous session, Akira and Sora had been bonding in a student-teacher relationship, with Sora instructing Akira on how to unlock new skills. They woke up early the next day and headed out to the woods for a training session.

As the morning birds chirped and the wind rustled through the trees, Sora continued teaching Akira new techniques. After showing him how to unlock a new skill, Sora instructed Akira to check his items by shouting "System: Items" into the system. However, when Akira opened his system, he found that he had none. Sora was incredulous that Akira had never used items on his system, leading to Akira giggling and Sora facepalming.

Once Sora had taught Akira about items, he moved on to teaching him how to fight and control his skills. Sora asked Akira if he had any elemental magic, to which Akira replied that he didn't have any and that his skills were limited to weapons and other unknown items. Akira couldn't help feeling envious.

After pondering the situation for a moment, Sora deduced that Akira was a physical type of warrior. When Akira asked for clarification, Sora explained that warriors could have different types of powers or magic that they excelled at, such as physical, mage, support, tank, damage, summoner, and others. As Akira listened, he made a mental note of the information. Sora also mentioned that having all types at once was the rarest type of warrior.

Sora explained that different types of fighters had their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, there were poisonous monsters that could pose a threat, and healer-type warriors whose healing abilities could cure poison but not everything. Tanks were strong against assassin types because they could block fatal damage, but poisonous types had an advantage against tanks because they only blocked external damage, not internal.

Akira diligently recorded all the knowledge shared by Sora. Three hours later, Sora began teaching him about weaponry. He instructed Akira to imagine that Sora was his opponent and to demonstrate how he would use his weapons. Akira was taken aback by this sudden request, feeling confused.

Sora clarified that he wanted to understand Akira's approach to weapon usage. He brandished a wooden stick and pointed it at Akira, commanding him to attack.

"With this wooden stick?" Akira questioned, perplexed by Sora's choice of weapon.

"IT'S NOT A WOODEN STICK! IT'S A WAND!" Sora shouted, emphasizing that the wooden stick was actually a wand.

Akira was astonished and exclaimed, "Wait, what?"

In reality, the object Sora was holding was indeed a wooden stick because he couldn't afford a real wand.

"But first, you need to learn how to enhance your weapon with magic. Give it a shot!" Sora called off the fight and instructed Akira to apply a magic coating.

Curious about the process, Akira asked Sora how to use the magic coating. Sora explained that Akira needed to concentrate his mana and channel his magic into the weapon.

Akira asked once again how he could sense and release his magic, as this was his first time attempting blood magic.

Sora instructed him to start by releasing his weapon. Akira followed the instructions and let his weapon materialize. Sora explained that he needed to close his eyes, visualize a circle, and then straighten it out. The circle represented his source of magic, and he had to allow it to flow from his hand directly into his dagger.

Akira took a deep breath and entered a state of calm, breathing slowly as if he were meditating. He felt a gentle breeze within him, and the air around him seemed to cool. Gradually, he visualized a circle and slowly transformed it into a straight line. It felt as if his body merged with the very air itself.

As his concentration deepened, his dagger started to undergo a transformation. The magic flowed from Akira's hand into the dagger, causing it to gradually turn red. The process unfolded with each subsequent flow of his magic.


Akira was astonished and impressed to see his dagger now coated with his own blood. The blade displayed a combination of black and red substances, representing his blood. The blood had solidified, taking on a rock-like hardness, and it possessed an ominous appearance.

Sora cheered and ordered him to shout "System: Weapon status" Next.


[Double edge dagger]

Type: Dagger

Level: 7

Rank: E-

strength: 357(+104)

Durability: 68(+32)


Akira was amazed and caught off guard by the revelations. Sora emphasized that the purpose of using a weapon was to enhance one's strength and endurance. Sora explained that if a weapon had a base strength of 15 stats and Akira possessed 1,000 stats, his total strength would be 1,015. However, it was important to understand that logic didn't work that way when it came to weapons. Weapons had their own limits in terms of strength.

For example, if a weapon had 500 strength stats, the user would need to possess a matching 500 strength stats. If they had more strength, they could utilize the weapon to become stronger and handle it more effortlessly. However, there was a limit to how much strength a weapon could handle without breaking. It was similar to swinging a sword vigorously and causing it to break due to its limited durability.

The lighter a weapon was and the less effort it required to wield, the more effective its strength became. Personal weapons, often referred to as "Signature weapons," were unique to a specific individual. These personal weapons were quite rare and seemed to choose their owners. They were directly connected to their owners, so if the owners were incredibly strong, the weapons would reflect that strength as well.

Personal weapons shared the same strength as their owners, meaning that if the owner gained strength, the weapon would also benefit from it. These personal weapons had no limitations or restrictions. Furthermore, Special and Divine types of weapons possessed unique characteristics and skills. Some of them even had the ability to communicate and wield special moves.

"Now, it's time for you to use your 'personal' weapon, the heavy one, right?" Sora expressed his admiration as he observed Akira summoning his reaper scythe. The scythe's blade was large and had a twisted design. It carried an ancient and somewhat unconventional appearance, distinct from a regular farmer's scythe. Akira impressed Sora by skillfully swinging the scythe in response to Sora's command.

Sora commended Akira for effortlessly handling such a heavy blade and then proceeded to unleash his own weapon.

"Now, it's time for combat training," Sora declared, revealing his wand and preparing to channel his magic through it.

"Right now?" Akira was taken aback by Sora's sudden request for a duel, especially after just using his first blood magic on his scythe.

"Next year! Of course right now! I want to see how strong you are!" Sora sarcastically remarked, emphasizing his eagerness to witness Akira's strength in action.


Akira and Sora assumed their combat stances, positioning themselves 40 meters apart from each other.


Sora's wand unleashed a powerful gust of wind, transforming into a knight's blade that could slice through a leaf without even making physical contact. The wind, though colorless, had an intriguing green hue. It was remarkable to witness such precise control over the wind, shaping it into a blade without causing any harm to the wand.


Taking the initiative, Akira honed his blade and made his first move, leaping forward without even looking.

"ME FIRST!" Akira declared, initiating the battle and charging straight at Sora with his newly coated weapon.

"We're already in our first combat training, and you're taking it seriously?" Sora maintained a defensive stance, well aware that Akira was no ordinary student, given his extraordinary strength for a young boy. As Akira swung his scythe towards Sora, their weapons clashed, creating a powerful shockwave of wind. Following the clash, Sora swiftly gained the advantage in speed, parrying Akira's attacks while skillfully evading them.

With limited combat experience, Akira relied mainly on swinging his scythe, inadvertently revealing various weaknesses in his approach. When his repeated assaults proved unsuccessful, Akira attempted an overhead attack. Sensing this, Sora grinned and shifted his weight to the left.

As Akira's strike missed its target, Sora swiftly evaded the attack and seized the opportunity. He swiftly slashed at Akira's scythe mid-swing, causing it to slip from Akira's grasp and fall to the ground with a resounding thud. Sora then followed up by delivering a powerful kick to Akira's ribs, sending him flying backward.

Akira was astounded and found himself easily defeated by Sora, who effortlessly dodged his attack and swiftly countered him. A young man with considerable strength had been bested by a more experienced opponent. Sora chuckled, acknowledging that what Akira needed was more practice with his weapon. He proceeded to provide further insight into employing the appropriate weapon to effectively combat different adversaries, explaining the dynamics involved. For instance, an archer couldn't be engaged by someone using a medium-range weapon from a distance, but with sufficient skill, it could be managed.

"I have one more thing to teach you, and that is that certain individuals inherit magical gifts from their ancestors," Sora stated, discarding his enchanted wooden stick and extinguishing his magic.

"What do you mean by that?" Akira, caught off guard by the sudden shift in topic, didn't anticipate this lesson after their fight.

Sora continued, "For instance, unlike those who obtain their power from an altar or shrine, a warrior who inherits their magic from their parents, heritage, or ancestors won't have a system board. Instead, they can access their Personal System Data (PSD), which allows them to view their power levels, magical abilities, and even their stats."

"The advantage of inheriting magic from one's ancestors is that they don't have to unlock skills that limit their abilities. However, they can't store items and can only store their "personal" weapons. Additionally, they have to figure out their abilities for themselves."

"I see," Akira replied, feeling knowledgeable for the first time. However, the complexity of weapons and abilities began to overwhelm him, causing him to feel dizzy eventually.

Sora added, "Though elemental magic appears to be the most common lineage, the main abilities of an individual can vary depending on their parents. For example, their abilities could be fire or water, or even a combination of the two, such as scarlet flame, magma, blue wind, and more."

As a former warrior in Celesta, Sora possessed a wealth of wisdom and experience, and he generously shared this knowledge with Akira.

A note of solemnity crept into Sora's voice as he began to outline the intricacies of elemental advantages. "Remember, Akira, it's a dance of strengths and weaknesses. Water quenches Fire, Wind disrupts Lightning, Lightning dominates Earth, and so forth. A skilled mage can manipulate their strength to emerge victorious, even when the odds are stacked against them. It's not an easy feat, but therein lies the struggle."

Akira, though eager, wasn't the brightest star in the sky. He struggled to keep pace with Sora's rapid-fire explanations, each concept a puzzle piece he was trying to fit into the grand scheme of things.

Sora continued, the word 'Awaken' ringing with a sense of sacredness. "Remember this term, for every warrior, myself included, yearns for it. It signifies transcending boundaries, like a flame mage whose magic evolves into blue flames. That's an Awakening. 'Evolve' is another thing to keep in mind. For monsters or transformation-capable warriors, it means ascending to a higher level of their form, a transformation that vastly boosts their attributes. So train, Akira, train until you are bone-weary, for the chance to awaken or evolve is well worth the sweat and tears."

"Enough!" Akira interjected, his head spinning with the torrent of information. Sora's explanations, though detailed, were just too fast for him to process. "Could you...could you simplify it? And slow down, perhaps?" Akira pleaded.

Sora raised an eyebrow. "This isn't a game, Akira. You need to grasp these concepts whether you like it or not. But I can accommodate you with the pace. And remember, ask questions. Don't just let yourself drown in confusion."

Akira sighed. "Yeah, but... It's hard to keep up with your speed. And can I ask even if it's something obvious?"

"Yes, of course. We'll revisit these topics another time, alright?"

"Sure!" Akira agreed, relieved.

With their lesson concluded, the pair found a reprieve on a large log, their lunch spread before them. On the menu was fish, a vibrant orange specimen Akira had caught earlier. His fishing technique was less than graceful, but it got the job done.

Cleaning the fish was a meticulous process. He carefully wiped off the exterior, avoiding the use of his weapons to remove the internal organs - such an act would only damage the precious meat. He performed the task by hand, though the smell it left behind was less than pleasant. Cold water washed away the remaining blood and bacteria, leaving the fish ready for cooking. He opted not to remove the head, unfamiliar as he was with the species.

With the fish cleaned and prepared, he set it to cook over a crackling campfire. As the flames danced, the aroma of their meal filled the air, marking the end of a long and enlightening day.

As they savored the taste of the freshly cooked fish, Sora broke the comfortable silence. "Akira," he began, his voice carrying a note of curiosity, "Why are you pushing yourself so hard in training? What's your goal?"

Akira didn't hesitate. "I want to be the strongest. The strongest in Celesta... maybe even the world."

"The strongest, huh?" Sora mused, a hint of disappointment lacing his words. "Seems like a dull ambition, to me."

"Dull? How come?" Akira asked, taken aback.

"Being the strongest isn't just about power, Akira. It's about bravery, sacrifice, defense, protection. You'll carry the weight of those weaker than you, and that's a heavy burden. You can't save everyone – the world won't allow it. And one day, you'll understand that for yourself. Don't give up when you do. The real strength is in sharing your power with those who need it." Sora's gaze drifted skyward as he shared his wisdom, the depth of his words revealing an experienced soul beneath his mentor's exterior.

"Quite wise for a mentor yourself," Akira mused, his mind grappling with the new perspective. "But isn't that more about being a hero?"

Sora gave him a wry smile. "You're not wrong. But I see in you the potential for more than just raw strength. I see a heart that strives to protect, to defend. Just remember, with great strength comes great trials. Choices that you'll have to make - some good, some bad. And if you fail, if you let your power lead you astray, then I've failed you as a mentor. Being the strongest won't shield you from scrutiny or hatred. And let me tell you, even the smallest things can breed the deepest resentments. So keep your egos in check, always."

Akira nodded, the gravity of Sora's words settling in his heart. "So, with great powers, comes great responsibilities."

Sora chuckled. "That sounds familiar." He rose, offering a hand to Akira. "Ready for the next round of training?"

Akira accepted the help, pulling himself to his feet. With a determined nod, he prepared to continue his rigorous training and learning regime, a journey that would span the next two years.