Day 3: The last round

They made a team of three to survive the last stage... According to Shura, he predicted that the next enemies would be a wyvern, a yeti, and lastly, a dragon. Based on the environment they were in right now,

Shura and Kazoru would go after the wyvern because Shura could jump higher and lighter, and Kazoru, he could aim his fireballs at them. The yetis would be very strong and tough to handle, so they let Akira take care of it.

To defeat the boss instantly, he couldn't describe how strong it would be, but it would take time to discover the boss's weaknesses.

Shura stated that dragons had 2 types: elemental types and physical types. They were just about the same kind, but the physical types were more durable because they had armory skin that was thrice as strong as an ordinary dragon, so it wouldn't be easy to take them down. An elemental dragon could be annoying because they have a faster healing rate than physical ones, not to mention their elemental abilities could be dangerous if they weren't prepared.

Shura assumed that they would face the physical ones; the elemental type would crush them since the environment was strong and full of snow. He could only hope that it would be the physical dragon since the environment could be deadly enough. If not, then it would be their end.

Once they finished planning their attacks, Shura asked Akira to engage first. Shura believed that Akira's advanced self-healing would buy them some time to think about how to defeat it.

Shura planned Kazoru as a trump card because his magic abilities were unbelievably strong, which possibly could have destroyed the final boss, not to mention his abilities came from his family's bloodline.

After they agreed on Shura's plans, Shura made a plan B just in case, which was to regroup with the other examinees and combine their strengths so they would win and none of them would make a sacrifice. Because now, there would be nowhere to hide and survivors would have to be forced to fight.

Shura would need Kazoru's mana replenished before the boss battle started. The reason why he wanted this was that elemental magic could cost a lot of mana and could disable the user's powers at any time, or even at a very bad time.

"That's all of my plans. Do all of you agree?"

Both of them nodded and agreed to his plans.

Before the last stage began, Shura commissioned Akira to find every type of herb he could find.

Akira found 21 different types of herbs, and 14 of them were poisonous.

"Hmm, try these. Rest assured, these herbs will help you become stronger unless you want me to toss them out." Instead of alerting Akira that the poisoned ones were lethal, Shura suggested that he eat them all, claiming that doing so would make him stronger.

"Hold on a second, what's with that funny smell?"

"To be frank with you, these are what are known as medicine. If you have ever smelled or tasted medicine, you would know that it tastes bitter and has an off-putting odor."

"Well, the aroma reminded me of the mushrooms I had back. But are you certain? Oh well." Akira put his trust and ate them all without hesitation.

"How is it?"

"You were right. They taste bad just like they smell."

Shortly after he ate them in one go, Akira went to the bushes, suffering intense diarrhea...



You have obtained poison resistance.


That being said, Shura was correct; he did become literally stronger by developing a tolerance to poison as his durability. Little did Akira realize, however, that he believed this to be a powerful side effect of the herbs, and that the reason he felt lighter was that he had dropped 2 kilograms.

Continuing with shura, at last, finished with the herbs for boosting kazoru's mana and replenishing it.

Meanwhile, shura sharpened his spare blade to pierce through the wyverns' skins and used his broken blade to sell it later.

And lastly, Shura commissioned Kazoru to make them a coat to protect them from the cold in the snowy lands and asked him to use his fire magic to make the coats warm.

[After 3 hours]

The last round began...

The landscape changed in the blink of an eye. Nowhere to hide, the environment became crueler as the temperature was now at its lowest, -55°C. Those who were unprepared died instantly from the sheer cold. 17 examinees didn't make it due to the cruel weather and died gruesomely.

The emergence of monsters from the sky and ground began to frighten the examinees. 

410 of them were still standing.

As Shura predicted, the last stage monsters were wyverns and yetis...

As they planned, the three teamed up to survive.


Kazoru cast his tremendous blazes, splendidly killing 37 Wyverns at once. Shura's swiftness killed over 26 wyverns within 2 minutes. Meanwhile, Akira swung his scythe like a crazy maniac and killed at least 45 yetis with just one heavy swing. He killed them within five minutes.

The other survivor didn't put up much of a fight but fought defensively to survive.

A total of 237 monsters were slaughtered by the three, but it didn't end here. They fought the monsters, but now they must face the final boss.

There were 366 examinees left...

The dragon's roar caused a massive earthquake and created a massive snowstorm, making the examinees fly in the aggressive storm.

The dragon had four wings and was able to stand up on its two legs. Its skin was much more like a reptile and had no sign of armory.

The atmosphere began to be colder as the whole place was shaking, not moving an inch as the chills were running through their spine.

"We stand no chance against it now" Shura stated that they couldn't defeat it, and nervously sweated.

The dragon appeared to be an elemental snow dragon not as Shura expected.

"Let's start with plan B, Gather everyone around Akira!" Ordered Shura.

"EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND!!!" Akira screamed intensely and got everyone's attention.

"WE CAN'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST IT. IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING, EVERYONE WILL DIE! SO PLEASE LEND US YOUR STRENGTH!!" Shouted Akira, charismatically making everyone's spirits rise.


"WE CAN'T SURVIVE THIS ONE ON OUR OWN SO WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE TO KILL IT, TO END THESE EXAMS!" Akira screamed from the top of his lungs trying to command them to help him until the very end.

The tank types guarded the front of Kazoru using earth magic fortress of defense, using Shura's tactics, and the healer types and support types supported Kazoru.

Kazoru ate the herbs that were given to him, surging with mana, and he began to charge his devastating attack.

Akira stepped in to attract the attention of the dragon.

Akira summoned his scythe coating it with his blood magic.

"How long will it take Kazoru?" Akira questioned.

"Give me 50 seconds and it'll be ready" Kazoru stated as his palms faced his front while creating a ball of flame that would expand bigger in time.


Akira launched himself like a bullet. He moved his scythe behind him, gaining the force of the impact to launch a critical strike directly at the dragon. He swung his scythe with his might and the force of his strike propelled the dragon, making it fall.

The dragon was angry and released its snow breath.

The dragon's breath made the whole area freeze as his breath created a snowstorm in its surroundings, leaving Akira flying.

Its freezing snow breath caused Akira to become frozen.

Akira broke free from his freezing state and continued to attract the dragon's attention.

20 seconds was all he had left now.

Akira then fled while provoking the dragon to chase after him. It worked. Akira ran and panicked because it was about to catch up to him.

"Holy dragon crap, how the hell is it so fast?" Akira ran faster and faster.

Time was up, Kazoru's devastating attack was ready.

"DO IT NOW KAZORU!!!" Akira jumped away from the dragon.



A giant flame ball was launched directly at the dragon, but unfortunately, it dodged it.

The examinees, with desperate looks on their faces, knew it was their total defeat.

"It's over..."

"We're all gonna die..."

All of their voices felt helpless, that now they had got the dragon's attention, there was no escape now, knowing it was their end.

Akira perseved, coated his arms with mana, and made use the remaining of his immense strength, trying to fend off the blast by pushing it back. His skin started burning and his muscles were melting. But despite the fact that Akira was immortal, he could feel the misery.

"Ack, it burns..." He was at the brink of giving up, his arms fell tired, his hands were burned relentlessly, the blast did not show any sign of being pushed back. His whole body was in shambles, bones melted, flesh charcoaled.

He was about to give up...

...but he refused

If death meant nothing to him, then pain meant the same.

Fear wasn't an option to his immortality, no matter how many deaths death gave him he pushed himself harder and harder, and bear the pain. Slowly pushing back the blast, he screamed, "AGGHHHHHHH"

Never gave up, never backed down, and he kept pushing and pushing...


He successfully repelled it...

The dragon had finally gotten caught by Kazoru's missed devastating attack from behind, leaving everyone's jaw dropped as they saw the unexpected.

The blast made the ground quake as the dragon's body was slowly burned from every part of its body until its death. The quake even startled the whole examinees like a massive explosion just occured.

However, as for Akira, his muscles and bones were nothing left but melted, making him look like a melted corpse. Many parts of his body fell apart: his eyeballs, his guts, both of his arms, and his whole stomach, signifying the true might of Kazoru's blast. The pain felt unbearable, nonetheless he felt it throughout all of his body.

Akira was lucky that he quickly regenerated and healed his whole body without anyone witnessing his immortality. His body regain back his flesh, first his bones morphed back after being melted away, his organs were newly produced.


You've slain a Dragon.

Type: Physical dragon.

Enemy's level: 66

Rank: A

[EXP: 428,778]
