Volts Raiya

"Now, die!" The Metamorian opened its mouth wide and released its blast.

"(How many days I've longed for this to happen...?)" Volts sighed and accepted his death.

Around 9 years ago, when I was 8. I was a happy-go-lucky child with the happiest family. It was the best moment of my life. I always hoped that this could go on forever. I thought I had lived the best life...

Turned out...

I was wrong...

My parents were killed by a thug. I just stayed there, kneeling and trying to wake them up.

"Mom...Dad..." The weak crybaby, tears running down his eyes, hopelessly trying to wake them up as the rain was silencing his voice.

However, the thugs didn't end it there... They kidnapped me, enslaved me, tortured me, and used me. They brought me to an abandoned tavern. When I asked why they did this, they answered me with a harsh truth. This was when I knew my father had a drug deal with them. He left his town to start a new family overseas, alas, they chased him down and ruined my life.

They knew that he was my father, so to clear his payment they took me.

I was imprisoned in an empty room filled with the bones of their victims. Fear was all I could feel, my tears wouldn't stop running down as I was knocking on the door aggressively. My stomach growled because I didn't eat a thing for days and days. I killed mice to eat, though they were disgusting, at least all I could do was to survive. They gave me bits of bread even though I was starving to death.

They hit me with a crowbar as I begged, they removed my nails as my eyes were blindfolded, they fed my mouth with roaches as they were having fun, and they locked me up in a room filled with corpses that they'd killed. I was trapped and my feelings went lifeless as time went on.

I just wanted to die...

They used me as bait, a tool, and a toy for 3 years.

No matter how I saw it or even felt it, I didn't care. I just went with the flow, a way of life. Whenever they use me as a punching bag for their stress and taught me to accept it, I just nod at them.

I learned how to kill because of them. I lost count of how many I had killed with a knife, stabbing into their necks as they ordered me around.

They locked me up again, but I managed to get out. I took off my handcuffs and made my way out of there. I killed their boss in his sleep with a cutter they left on the table before fleeing. I fell over an empty bottle of wine as I was about to flee, making a noise and alerting them. As soon as I was out of the tavern, I ran for my life.

They discovered I had killed the boss and pursued me, firing their weapons at me while I was weakened and fled. I crawled away and hid from them after they shot my right calf. They looked for me until they found me and killed me. But I kept my cool and remained silent so they wouldn't notice me. After two hours of examining the area, they gave up.

I'm no longer enslaved by them. I was limping away, attempting to get further away, when I fell because I was too weak to stand up. I couldn't feel anything in my body. My famine came to an end, and I was about to die.

"At long last, I can end my suffering..." My eyes slowly closed, shutting down my vision.

I thought I died, but someone took me to their home.

My body finally started to function properly. My right calf was bandaged and they took the bullet out from me.

I woke up on a sofa in someone's house. I looked over and saw 2 strangers accompanying me in my slumber with food: porridge, vegetables, meat, and egg rolls on the table in front of me.

"Eat up!" The man offered me to eat.

I denied their offer, but they kept demanding that I eat. I gulped, gritted my teeth, drooled, and my stomach couldn't hold it much longer.

I ate all of them in a hurry as tears streamed down my face...

They smiled at me like they were delighted that I accept their kindness even though I didn't deserve any. As I finished eating, my stomach felt relieved. I stood up and went to the door. They stopped me from going outside. They knew I was chased down by them because they heard a gunshot.

These residents were in their territory, so they kept me safe. I clenched my fist and broke free from them.

They requested that I stay. I refused to do whatever they requested of me, but they persisted. They wanted to raise me as their son and care for me. Because the mother was sterile, they wanted me to be their adoptive son. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, imagining every possibility of what could happen, and I... I let out a sigh... I just accepted them and stayed without thinking about it. Because I accepted them as my adoptive parents, they were overjoyed and welcomed me.

I thought I could start a new family, new happiness, and a new beginning.

I was so happy that my life had finally been fixed, so I continued as their adopted child.

As time went on, I was finally able to adapt to my new home, and no sooner did I feel very comfortable with my new family.

Smiles and laughter were commonplace in a family's life. Despite the fact that I despise my biological father for wrecking my life, God granted me a second chance to live. Being their adoptive son gave me a sense of belonging I hadn't felt in a long time...

And that was the end of it...

I reasoned that I could enjoy every bit of it if I showed my teeth and smiled as much as I wanted.

Then, after a period of around two years, they were killed because of me...

They were interrogated by the thugs. They kept me from saving their mouths to protect me. I went home and those memories started to hit me again.

"Son, run..." My father's last words were to order me to run.

My memories of being free, nothing there to be afraid of, were gone in an instant as I ran for my life.

Running and Running, nothing else I could seek hope for the best in my life. Those memories kept haunting me, no matter how far I go. I kept cursing myself and this twisted world I live in.

Hence, all I ever want it was something that kept me away from being lonely...

I had finally come to terms with the fact that there was no such thing as eternal happiness, only eternal misery in this world. That pain would strike me again, and again, and again, without knowing how it would stop, no matter how pleased I was. Happiness couldn't last forever, which disappointed me.

Feeling like a burden, why would they sacrifice their lives just for me, my wasteful soul? I seek vengeance from them but I was far too weak so I leave this accursed place. I was despondent, filled with a profound loathing inside me, and my mind was racing, unsure of what I wanted out of life.

I walked and walked, my eyes blankly fixed on the ground as I made my way to Celesta, not far away.

Then I saw a shrine...

I was a bit clueless at first, so I entered the shrine and came across a statue holding an orb. The orb emitted light as our bodies glowed from the orb itself. A system screen appeared on my face, showing a mysterious power.



You have unlocked your main ability.

Main ability:




Voltage manipulation.

Passive skills:

Electricity durability.

Electrical absorption.



Strength: 112. Mana: 12,000/12,000

Speed: 102. Magical power: 1,002.

Durability: 109

Bonus stats:

Mana regen 20%.


My reaction was surprised, without knowing that existed. I released electricity on my fingertips, and I was fascinated. I was planning to exact my revenge on them, but yet, I'm still level one, so I started training myself.

Zapping criminals; like thieves, robbers, delinquents, and gain exp from monsters.

I leveled up from 1 to 25, trained the hardest I could, and went on after 2 years to that wretched place.

I hunted them down with every anger in me. I found two of their hideouts and turfs. I killed as many as I could around 89 people killed, and electrocuted them as I encountered them. Mercilessly and ruthlessly, I had finally fulfilled my revenge.

I went to Celesta again to hide. The police investigated and I was the one who was responsible for killing them and set a bounty on me for 25,000 Gols. Why were they so blind? I guess that was how the world see justice. Even though I finally got my revenge, I felt empty. Nowhere to go, no parents, no life goals. Just an empty shell left in me.

Seemed that revenge only took you to a path where there was nothing but endless hatred, it would only bring you disappointment. With revenge, I thought maybe it would help me to feel better, guess I was a fool.

I went to the highest building to end my pain, knowing that my life would end anyway. I leaped, but, alas, a god-damned warrior stopped me from my end. I chewed my lips till they bled, inflicting on me a level of hatred I couldn't conceive.

"Why? Why? WHY?" I spoke those words in my heart. Could they just let me die? I didn't even deserve their kindness! I electrocuted him and knocked him out, so I ran, again and again, and again, and again, hiding away from them continuously.

It made me understand that ending my life on my own would be silly, so I decided to let fate handle it.

I'd never had such a strong dislike for kind people before. It felt ridiculous... I stopped myself from committing myself and changed my mind by utilizing my power for the sake of others, so they wouldn't treat me with concern.

I'd lost track of how many people I'd slain; as far as I was concerned, they'd all been horrible people, and my bounty had been raised to 30,000 Gols. I didn't give a damn and resumed.

3 months later as I turned 17, someone came to me while I was eating leftover foods that were thrown out into the trash.

"Howdy, my name is Rozori Hayate. Your name must be Volts Raiya, am I right?"

A green-haired man said hello to me with a friendly act. I ignored him and continued eating.

"Hey, stop that! It's not healthy! How about I treat you to breakfast?" He smiled at me.

"If you're here to arrest me, think again!" I answered.

"Call me crazy, but I'm here to recruit you" He was indeed crazy alright, recruiting a dangerous person like me.

He said that he would pay my bounty and set me free. Tch, why would he even care? He kept on insisting on helping me, even if I declined it.

He reasoned, that it was better to be part of the squad he offered because I could get money and not be banned from any missions. Even though I ignored his offer, I accepted it for the sake of my survival.

He told me to register after he paid my bounty. I nodded and went with him as he treated me to breakfast.

Not long later, I registered for the Warriors exam. The first stage was pretty easy for me, even in the second. In the last round, the boss was defeated by a group of examinees. Finally, it was over.

Then I was picked by the Red Phoenix squad. It was Rozori's doing that I was picked.

I toured the base as Rozori tried to give me experience. I fought with him, he was strong alright, for a commander I guess that wouldn't be a surprise. I got my decent clothing and a nail spike, he stated, that it could conduct electricity.

3 days later, I met him... His name was Akira Keita. That annoying guy always waved at me, befriended me, and tried to talk with me. Even In our fight, he was holding back. What was his ulterior motive anyway?

People were selfish when it came to giving their kindness to others, they would even sacrifice their own lives. I'd say that was an idiot principle, why would they waste their life, even if they didn't know who they were or what they had been through? He stopped me from killing and that was already annoying.

And back to the current time. The time that I thought I died...

The Metamorians released his blast. On a brink of death, Akira rescued him, by blocking the blast with his back...

Volts were flabbergasted as Akira had sacrificed his life for him.

"Well, what do you know? Akira Keita came to rescue a friend of his... No matter, he's dead now. Let's hunt down Kazoru for now..." The man was unaware of Akira's immortality and proceeded to leave as he hunted Kazoru.

Volts questioned why Akira did that.

Akira answered, "To save your life, idiot! What else I'm here for?!" His body was severely burned as his back muscles and bones were visible to see.