Hiroshi Ganzell

As Akira was hiding, he had bags in his eyes that he didn't sleep till morning. He hid in a tree pot where he thought he could hide from her. Akira felt frail as the achiness in his bones and body because he wasn't fully recovered yet and his whole body hurt like hell.

Akira then walked as he wobbled with a heavy body. Not long after, then bump into a person.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The man yelled.

"How can I see you when you are... You are... YOU ARE... GAHHHHHHH, A GHOST!!!!" Akira didn't see him at all and believed he bumped into a ghost.

The man silenced him and hushed him up. His scream was muffled, he then dragged him to a quiet area.

The ghost panted and was exhausted dragging him here. Akira's face was pale and pointed at him repeatedly saying he was a ghost.

"I AM NOT, YOU IMBECILE!" The man yelled.

"B-b-but your b-b-body is gone!!" Akira stuttered as he was scared.

"I'm just invisible so they couldn't see me..." The man explained.

"Invisible??" Akira was perplexed.

"Yes..." The man then turned himself visible and showed him. A man with glasses and tied black hair wearing a uniform.

"Thanks to you, now my cover was blown!" The man fixed his glasses by pushing them.

"Sorry! Cause you were hard to see and bumped into me..." Akira finally calmed down as he now knew he was a normal person.

"And yeah, who're you?" Akira questioned.

"What? You don't know me? After all, I did for us?" The man was shocked because he didn't know his name.

"Sorry, I don't even know you." Akira responded while reacting unsurprisedly.

"Ah, you must be a newbie, very well, for I shall introduce myself." The man tried to introduce himself dramatically.

"My name is Hiroshi Ganzell, YOUR LEADER!" Hiroshi danced and introduced himself.

"Hiroshi... Hiroshi... Hiroshi? ... Ah! You're that perv!" Akira remembered him because of Rozori.


Akira's expression fell as he realized who he was. Following Akira's departure and farewell, Hiroshi instructed him to wait since Klaus, the 9th division commander, had set his sights on him. After they learned that Hiroshi had escaped, he was unable to enter his room covertly.

However, Akira had a thought. If Akira went into his room, there was no way of knowing whether Kitsune would still be there. Akira complied with his request to go into his room.

Hiroshi thanked him and addressed him as "Partner," but Akira warned him against doing so, it would be much worse if he was related to Hiroshi.

When they finally made it into Akira's room, Hiroshi lifted his spectacles and grabbed Akira by the shirt. He questioned why a bra and the lovely aroma of a lady were in his room and referred to him as a "degenerate sex offender." Akira clarified that a savage woman had broken into his room.

Hiroshi labeled him a liar while his glasses shone and he clenched his teeth in rage. He claimed that when it came to the fragrance of a pleasant, aromatic scent, men had an irrepressible sexual sense that suggested to him that the scent belonged to a stunning woman.

Akira shouted and protested that he was innocent. Then Hiroshi looked beneath his bed. He responded, "Every guy has his own secret concealed within the darkness where none could find it," when Akira asked him why. The next thing Hiroshi discovered was hefty. Then, as he dragged it slowly, he saw 25KG dumbbells. As he questioned him once more, Hiroshi raised his glasses.

"Where did you hide it? In the drawer? In the closet or your floor mat?" Questioned Hiroshi while investigating the area, and none of them had suspicious materials.

"As I said, I got nothing to hide!"

"Foolish, every man has their secrets, fetishes, and kinkiness. Aren't you one of them!?" Hiroshi refused to accept that there was nothing inappropriate in his rooms and pushed his spectacles up. Meanwhile, Hiroshi's room, there were full of mags that they could easily find in any furniture.


"Impossible. You're not drawn to a woman's body like 80% of guys who have this type of personality, are you? You truly are a unique monkey. What're you gay? Or asexual?" Hiroshi knelt with disbelief on his face, believing that Akira had no interest in the opposite gender.

"Now you're thinking of me in a wrong way. What the hell do you want anyway!?" Akira protested that it wasn't true. He was normal, but he had no further interest in relationships or some weird type of sexual desire in contrast to Hiroshi.

"Hmph, as I thought you're not a man of culture!" Hiroshi was disappointed.

"Then what was that bra? It's pretty big too, who is she?" Hiroshi questioned and sat on a chair.

Akira explained that it was Kitsune who left her bra and left a message "If you ever need to satisfy yourself. Use this, it's fresh." With a wink icon written in the message.

He was also asked by Hiroshi if he was into femdom. Hiroshi couldn't believe his eyes that he had seen an innocent boy who was stuck in a cave, and Akira was bewildered and asked what he was talking about. "Such pity, why must you suffer." He sobbed with a small tear and eventually cleaned it with his finger.

Looking at a ridiculous man sobbing for blabber nonsense, made Akira couldn't stand it and just want to kick him out.

"Very well, I'll make you my student!" Hiroshi suddenly said that he decided to make Akira his student.

"For I, am about to show you the gloriousness of heaven that every man has ever dreamed of!" Hiroshi exaggerated.

"Aren't you a bit, exaggerating? And what gloriousness are you talking about? I'm not following your footsteps." Akira responded as he felt confused about what Hiroshi was saying while also didn't want to know about it.

"No, this is the key for you to achieve the greatness and glory that you are about to witness and feel!" Hiroshi said it dramatically while his glasses shone brightly.

"Does it involve strength that makes you stronger?" Akira inquired cluelessly.

"Yes..." He thought Akira was talking about erection.

"Really?" Finally, Akira was interested.

"Yes, what I'm about to show you, is the location of the sacred land that men have never shall pass." Hiroshi explained in a misguided way. Akira's eyes were glowing and thought he meant a sacred place like in the mountains or a secret realm.

"Now, follow me, my friend!" The light shone brightly from his behind as he stood up from his chair and extended his hand. Akira then followed his lead and was flabbergasted and shocked.

"Wait... Isn't this a public bath?" Akira was confused and thought Hiroshi led him to the wrong place.

"It's not just a public bath, those who entered this sacred room will be about to see the Avalon," Hiroshi explained.

"Yeah, I'm not in. What makes you think I'm stupid enough in going to a woman's bath?" Akira refused to go in there.

"Foolish, a woman's bath? No, we're not going in there (yet)." Hiroshi pushed his glasses as he lied about his actual plans.

Akira accompanied him to the men's bathroom to assist him because he was interested in the glory. He then observed Hiroshi beginning to remove something while ascending to the ceiling. He asked Akira for assistance, and he provided it.

He was informed that this led to the hidden realm. As soon as Akira had trusted him, he began to assist him. A doorway was created by removing the ceiling. This was due to the security system in the women's bathroom, which could distinguish between male and female users and even detect invisible individuals. When Hiroshi kicked the ceiling, the steaming bath was clearly apparent.

Akira again questioned why he was helping.

It was for him to reach greatness and experience glory, as Hiroshi had explained to him countless times. He kept being confused and eventually simply accepted it since Akira didn't know what he meant and continued with his plans. Akira was told by Hiroshi to wait until six o'clock. (It is currently 4:00 p.m.)

Hiroshi ordered him and himself to leave to avoid suspicion. Akira left and waited for 2 hours.

And now Hiroshi and Akira meet and hide. Hiroshi used a telescope and saw 17 beautiful chicks.

"34 thighs and 34 breasts," Hiroshi said while looking through his telescope.

"A chicken?"

"A female body, you fool!"

"YOU PERV!" Akira yelled at him quietly.

"So, where's this greatness that I'm about to witness? Don't get me wrong, I just am curious."

"You'll witness it soon enough!" Hiroshi promised.


With the use of his magic, Hiroshi rendered them both invisible. They silently move in the direction of the male's bath. Hiroshi dragged Akira away to hide because Kitsune, who was the head of security, was present.

"They dispatched a high-level guard, damn it." Gritting his teeth, Hiroshi.

Akira shivered as he saw her patrolling.

"What's wrong with yo-?" Hiroshi suddenly stopped and shut himself up.

Akira was close by when Kitsune, who had assumed he was in his room, was shocked inaudibly. "I sensed Akira but he's not here? Fufufufu, can't wait to see him again after this is over, therefore I must be hallucinating." Kitsune reversed direction and stopped pursuing the smell.

"Phew, this is worse than I thought. She had an instinct and senses 25x better than humans. One wrong move, we're doomed." Hiroshi muttered about the odds of snuck in past her.

Hiroshi and Akira proceeded to walk towards the public bath, but how unfortunate that she heard the sound of footsteps even though the public bath was deafening. 

"I'm sorry, brother," Hiroshi then pushed off Akira and sacrificed him.

Akira's detection warding then went off and yelled at Hiroshi. Kitsune from behind grinned and her eyes gleamed red. Akira then gulped while sweating in fear of her presence.

"AGHHHHHH" Akira screamed as she grabbed him forcefully and got dragged to the darkness.

"I'm sorry for this, Akira. Your sacrifice will not be in vain, for I, Hiroshi, will meet you on the other sid-" As Hiroshi was about to open the door, turned out it was switched and the security detection activated.

"Not so fast."


Surprisingly, Volts opened the door and shocked him with his finger, knocking him unconscious.

Rozori and Volts were watching Hiroshi's activities after they left the public bath. Volts thwarted his attempts to get past the security checkpoint detection. The security detection was then shifted to the man's bathroom after Volts made a plan to destroy his plans by going in without being detected.

Both were ultimately detained and taken to the field. Akira and Hiroshi both knelt in the freezing cold. Volts' electricity had caused Hiroshi's body to start smoldering, and Akira had a lot of painted lips on his face, lots of them.

"You insolent fool! You deceived me again! Just when I thought you had already behaved and trusted, just once I closed my eyes in one blink, you just ran off to voyeur in the woman's bath. Do you have no shame? " Klaus arrived, and he was mad at Hiroshi.

Klaus had silver hair and wore glasses, and he was in uniform as well.

"Hmph, you uncultured swine! Should've had your eyes checked so you won't get easily deceived!"

"Why you! How dare you use your words against me? That's it! Double the punishment for you! "

"Like I care!"

Akira raged at Hiroshi for betraying him as Hiroshi and Klaus were having a fight. Hiroshi concluded that this was also a phase of friendship. since they collaborated and made sacrifices together. Rozori and Volts were dumbfounded as they regarded him with skepticism while Akira's trust was betrayed and given the excuses that it was only "Strengthen friendships bonds".

"Until next time, friend" Hiroshi smiled as he was held by Klaus.

"Oh yeah, Akira you know that you helped him too right, so you need to face the consequences as well." After Hiroshi left the place with Klaus, Rozori began reminding him about the rules that Akira accidentally broke.

"But, I helped him just to witness the glory." Akira didn't know what to say about the statement "Glory", turned out it was only a lie from a fairy book.

"What the?" Rozori couldn't even believe that Akira actually believed that. Rozori didn't think that Akira would trust such a rotting being like Hiroshi. In other words, he wasn't stupid, but his innocence made him.

"My, Rozori, stop acting that way. He is not at fault; he is innocent! and was persuaded by that miserable fool!" Kitsune defended Akira for his innocence. She did know that Akira wasn't doing it on purpose from the very beginning (She actually had the ability to tell their intent by smelling a person's sweat. Lies or truths, none could escape. In exception if they were wearing strong perfumes.)

"I guess you're right. Very well, you're free to go Akira." Rozori held the punishment and sighed.

Akira then thanked Kitsune for being nice. However...

"Hmm, I did get you free, right? Shouldn't I deserve a reward too?" Kitsune held tightly to Akira's shoulders and smiled.

"On second thought, I changed my mind. ROZORI, I CHANGED MY MIND! PLEASE SENTENCED ME!" Uncomfortably perspiring, Akira shouted. Because of Kitsune's cunning devilish smile and her aura, which made him feel like the devil-like monster was salivating for blood. Rozori merely shrugged because he was unable to fend off Kitsune.

With that, Kitsune did whatever she wanted.

"Should we help him?" As Kitsune was forcibly dragging Akira to her room, Volts made an offer while he was staring at Akira.

"Nah, he deserves it. Think of this as his alternative way for his punishment." They both left.

"GAHHHHHHHH!" Akira screamed and finally, she let go after being kidnapped and stayed in her room for 5 hours. Akira went straight to his room, feeling so dried, and slept like he never slept before.