Yao and Tao troubles

"Agghhhh," Akira screamed as he was teleported into the sky.

Yao and Tao were enjoying their exhilarating skydiving adventure while Akira's screams echoed through the air. However, Akira's descent took a sudden and unexpected turn as he was abruptly teleported 1,200 feet into the sky. The impact upon crashing back to the ground was harsh, leaving him stunned.

Once he gathered himself, Akira stood up, dusting off his body. Yao and Tao, on the other hand, remained unscathed by the fall. Curious about their presence in the mountainous region, Akira inquired about their purpose.

Tao explained that they had arrived at Qiangwuen Mountain, a place that held a fragment of their memories. A faint recollection of a fire and a doll lingered within them. Urging Akira to follow them, he let out a sigh and complied.

Upon reaching the designated location described by Yao and Tao, the trio stumbled upon a desolate village. The once-thriving settlement now lay in ruins, consumed by fire and devoid of any signs of life.

Undeterred by the devastation, Akira and the twins continued their journey, walking amidst the remnants of the destroyed village.

As they surveyed the area, Yao and Tao recognized something and encountered a house that was burned down and destroyed. Akira opened the door and the door fell. Akira stepped in as he made a creaking sound with each step.

Yao and Tao went to a room that they were familiar with. The bedroom was in bad condition. They then opened a chest in the bedroom. The chest was filled with webs and dust because it had been abandoned for several years or more. They finally found their doll. However, they tried to remember every single thing, but they couldn't. 

Akira was upstairs and checked everywhere and discovered something interesting. A burned family picture was on the floor, a family with a father and a mother holding their babies. The sound of a thud made Akira jump. Akira opened the blanket and noticed two skeletons were burned. Akira believed that they were the twin's parents. When Akira

went downstairs, he saw Yao and Tao staring at the doll they found in the chest. Yao and Tao looked behind and saw Akira holding a broken picture frame.

Akira gave them a look, but they didn't know them at all. Akira was baffled that they knew this place but didn't know them.

Yao and Tao said they dreamed about a house burning and a doll. The doll was the same as what they dreamed of. Akira was perplexed that the twins could have had the same dream. Akira looked at the picture once more. He then kept it in his system inventory so he could give the information to Rozori.

Yao and Tao then had a headache because of trying to remember things about this place. They told Akira that they also remembered a room that they were in located in the south of Qiangwuen mountain, Sebrana.

Akira nodded and followed them. Yao offered to teleport, but Akira declined with squinted eyes. He said he preferred walking.

Yao and Tao agreed, and so they headed on to the place where they had a memory of it.

After 20 minutes, they finally arrived. Akira saw an abandoned shack that was in a bad shape and was locked. Akira opened his long sleeve jacket, attempting to punch the metal door.

"Big brother Akira, watch out! Boom Boom is coming!" The twins cautioned Akira as they held a rocket launcher. Akira was flabbergasted, and so, he avoided it by jumping to his right.

Akira yelled because of how they got explosives in them. It turned out, that it was Yao's doing that she saved lots of weapons in her pocket dimensions. The twins high-fived, and so Akira stared in disbelief. 

The door was destroyed as well as the wall. Akira then went in with the twins. They finally found a basement, and finally, Yao and Tao remembered something. Akira opened it, then they all went in.

A lair that was filled with tools and papers. Akira switched on the lights, and they finally saw it clearly.

Akira, along with the twins, discovered a door.

Upon reaching the doorstep, Akira took a peek and went in first before the twins. Akira told them to wait and then he went in. Akira saw 7 rotten human bodies tied to the wall with chains. Dirty water in the giant tube with a human in it. He counted and there were 10 bodies in this place.

No sign of Mikadzuki's notes nor some nefarious criminal. Akira assumed that they had experimented illegally, and so he saw parts of someone's body being destroyed, exploded, and crushed. 

There were lots of maggots inside of the body, which made Akira disgusted. Akira surveyed around, discovering something interesting. A voice recording and different labels [Success] [Failed] [In progress]. Some of them were destroyed as well.

Test #19 [Failed]

"Subject X-49, able to heal rapidly and so regenerate anything in a short time, how unfortunate that the subject exploded due to the heart can't contain such massive power. Needed some more tests and more durability and so as the control."

- Test #21 [Failed]

"Subject Y-23, able to increase the strength of his muscle by growing it like pumping a balloon, however, still no sign of controlling it and died the same as the subject Y-11 and X-49."

- Test #23 [Success]

"Subject T-21 and T-22, a success, the genetics of them were perfect and so as their body, one who could teleport and one could possess an object by going through it. Their powers were still a mystery, their intelligence is high, and possibly could master it in no time."

-Test #24 [In progress]

"T-33, power: monsterization, able to transform into many forms of an animal, Huh! Subject X-44, stand down! *Bang* No, STAY AWAY!!! AGHHHH****" The voice recording suddenly beeped and Akira believed the subject killed him.

Akira turned around and saw a large hole in the wall assuming that many of his subjects had escaped.

Akira went out and told Yao and Tao to bring him and them home, Yao and Tao wanted to see them too but Akira told them they weren't ready and old enough. They nodded and held Akira's hand.

They then got teleported back to their room, Akira with lots of information, and waited until Rozori came back.

3 hours later, Akira played with the twins by crossdressing again, their eyes were like a puppy begging for Akira to do it again. Akira gave up and so he did it.

Rozori came back and opened the door, he saw Akira and he stared awkwardly. Akira explained and Rozori laughed. He complimented him that he was a great big brother.

Akira's eyes twitched and after that, he talked to Rozori about the information he got from the Sebrana and gave him a family picture. Rozori nodded and he would investigate later. But before that, Rozori told Akira to go to Sazoru's office because he had a mission for Akira with Volts without Rozori.

Akira asked Rozori if it was an investigation mission again because he was feeling bored, and he said no.

Akira then went to Sazoru's office for the mission...