The mysterious killer

Walking through the city, Akira looked around, trying to find something that caught his eyes. No surprising events happened and made Akira appear bored. He wanted to explore the city and fight some bad guys or monsters, but he was on a break, which was a tedious break. 

Akira went to the mission room to find some missions, but they were unavailable and he was a rank D, so he could not access higher mission ranks. Akira scratched his head in irritation, so frustrated that many things would always rely on ranks.

Nothing to do here, Akira sighed and left the place. Though it had never bored Akira to explore the city, he still felt that there was nothing to do for him. He had already done his training, his system was broken, and he had no missions.

Meanwhile, as Akira felt bored, something happened outside of Akira's perspective:

[Somewhere else...]

A man was writing on his paper as he sat in his chair in his office. Then suddenly, someone bashed the door and shot his assistant next to him. A gang of thugs wearing black suits and carrying guns.

"We need to talk !" A blonde-haired guy requested to talk.

The man didn't flinch as he stared at the intruders. 

"Enough, Shin."

The man with the blonde hair looked to his right.


A knife covered with his henchmen's blood was pointing at him.

Shin's death stare, with his red eyes similar to a devil's, made the man pale as he backed away scared.

He was the assistant that they killed by shooting at his head seconds ago. In just a slight second passed, 25 of his henchmen were on the floor with puddles of blood. They died in silent.

"So, how may I help you?"

"I-i want to make a deal with you..." The man stuttered as he fevered. 

[Back to Akira]

Akira was going to the post office; he wanted to send his money rewards after his mission. When Akira was told how to send his money to his family, he was brought to the post office as directed. Akira got a little confused since he didn't know if his village had any waypoints for the mailman. He then put over 300,000 Gols in the box, and so he left. 

Akira proceeded to roam the city, then suddenly a monster appeared right in front of him. A monster appeared like a bull; its horns were big, and its body was twice the size of Akira. It let out steam when it exhaled the air. 

Akira grinned excitedly and prepared for battle, but then a group of warriors brought an end to the monster's life right before Akira tried to kill it. Akira with his mouth widened because they took his chance and his face went flattened again. Akira wanted to yell at them, but he couldn't. Akira sighed again and placed his hands in his pockets while kicking rocks.

But something happened...

While Akira was walking, he caught a glimpse of someone.

A man with a very fast speed went right past Akira as his eyes were glued to the ground. In a matter of seconds, Akira turned around to check. He knew he saw a man at high speed, running past him.

Another scream then occurred, "Help! Someone's been killed. " Akira dashed to the call and saw a man with his neck slit, unknowingly, lying on the ground.

Akira inspected his heart, but his heart had stopped. Akira felt his Danger Sense was triggered, but it happened in milliseconds.

The body was still fresh like it was seconds ago after he died.

Akira couldn't believe his eyes that someone that fast had assassinated him. Akira stood up while tracking the criminal's scent. Unfortunately, no leads.

His scent wasn't covered by the man's blood, which could have happened in any criminal activity when killing someone. Akira assumed he had to be some sort of expert in some way. Akira couldn't do a thing to the man who had died, even his healing wouldn't work if they were dead.

Akira then used his Keen Instinct to try to focus on one noise. He closed his eyes and remained silent. He tried his best to track him, but no hurried footsteps were heard.

Akira left the scene, trying to find the one who did this. He assumed that it was the one he saw going past him.

He was ridiculously fast, and he could only see a glimpse of him.  He was a black-haired man, wearing a black tailored-fit suit.

"Hold it right there!" Someone then halted Akira from running further. 

Akira looked behind him and saw the man who had stopped him.

A white-haired man wearing a coat and glasses halted him, Akira then asked why he stopped him from going.

"It's useless to track him down now. You may try to find the culprit, but you'll be dead tired, tracking him down. Don't expect that you could find him, he's unbelievably fast. From how you dress and how fierce your face is, I assume you are a warrior?" Questioned the man as he approached Akira closer.

Even though Akira always wore his usual clothes, the man presumably believed that he was a warrior and his guesses were right


"What's it got to do with you? And how did you know who did this and was fast?" Akira squinted his eyes, confused.

"I don't. I just wanted some partnership. I've been trying to contact other warriors in this area, but it seems they were on break. How about you? Are you on break?"

"And also, I knew because he was the same person who had done this two hours ago." The man tried to find a suitable partner for his case. Unfortunately, many warriors were on break, which made it difficult for him to find one.

He also explained that he knew about this because the same assassination happened by the same person.

"Uhh... No! I'm available 24/7." Akira lied since he needed to clear his boredom. However, Akira did not see any restrictions on going on a mission even though he was on break. So he thought it was fine for him to do so.

"Excellent, I want you to help me with something. Meet me at the autopsy room in the western city, Sylvans Garden. The autopsy room is in Jeuci Hospital." The man directed Akira to where the location was for them to meet.

"Alright, when?"

"Tomorrow, could you be there?"


The man expressed his gratitude as he bowed, and shortly after, he left.

Akira headed back to the base as he couldn't wait for his mission. But first, he was wondering about something... 

He wanted to test his bow. He couldn't waste his money after buying it, so he gave it a try in the fields.

He had training on how to aim, but his aim had missed each time. He rarely saw people using bows in person before, not to mention he never watched TV on the sports channel.

One time, it was a girl named Clara, he remembered. Her skill in using her bow was excellent. He wanted to go to her place, but he didn't know where she was. Akira sighed and continued training without any guidance from people who mastered a bow. 

From there, Kazoru went in for some training too, but he came across Akira after he went in. 

"Yo, buddy. What brings you here?" Kazoru asked as Akira pulled the bow's string, trying to aim...