The Raishoun gang

Akira was invited by Yeru to see his gang. Upon arriving, they both encountered Yeru's gang. As the five of them saw Akira, they cast him a wary look as they cast mistrust on Akira. A young man came up to them and claimed that Yeru was the one who wanted to meet, but that he was unaware that he had company, raising doubt. Yeru clarified that Akira was nothing less than his friend. The young man found himself closely staring at Akira as Akira returned the gaze.

"I like you." He closed his eyes and relaxed after counting to five while grinning. Akira caught his interest as he caressed his shoulder. interested in Akira and touched his shoulder.

"... " The young man completely went silent after he touched Akira's shoulder, as his face went into a poker face.

"You know what, never mind, I don't like you." The young man walked away, distancing himself from Akira.

"Hey! What's with the sudden change?"

Yeru apologized if Kazuya was that rude; he always judged people by their powers, which was  different from someone who judged  people's appearances. 

Yeru then quickly introduced them all to Akira to make Akira familiar with them. He explained their main abilities as well as their names.

Kazuya Miyazaki. He was the one who had touched Akira's shoulder earlier and had faintly dark-red hair with a pair of earrings attached to both ears. He had grey eyes and wore silver chains around his neck. He usually wasn't nice to other people, but he often befriended them whenever he felt like it. His main ability was "copy." He could copy every skill  when he touched someone. He could not copy those who had higher ranks of skills; his limits of capability in accessing skills were only above average. However, when he copied skills, he could only copy 21 skills and had to dispose of  one of them if he needed to copy more skills, while also having wasteful mana.

Reien Gakuto had curly black hair and black skin. He wore brass knuckles and had no jewelry like other gang members. He was kind, and he was always like a big brother. His main ability was "vibration". He could vibrate things and make them explode. He had limits on how much time he could hold the vibration. If he overused it, it would explode in his limbs and all of his body.

Lilith Kagaya. She had long pink-purple hair and often used cosmetics. She also had charming looks and quite often had bad girl vibes. Her nails were painted pink, blue, and green. She always wore her baseball bat on her back. Her clothes showed much of her skin, right from her midriff, her arms, and her thighs. She loved fashion and hated cheap prices. According to Yeru, she wasn't kind and acted like an annoying big sister.

She sometimes liked to tease the fact that she always had naughty behavior. Her main ability was "bubble gum". She could create gum in her mouth and could also create it without using her mouth. She could use it for both defensive and offensive purposes, as well as for support. She could solidify her bubble gum into a strong wall. However, she needed water and fat to access her bubble gum. Without it, she could be as dry as an old hag.

And last, Yeru Horka had silver hair and green eyes. He wore jewelry, but it wasn't too flashy. He had good leadership. He only invited people who piqued his interest. His main ability was "Wax". He could create lots of waxes. He could solidify them and  liquefy them, and he could control their shapes. His wax was sticky and hard as a rock. In contrast, just like the candle's traits, he had a weakness: fire. Whenever he used his abilities, it would meltdown by a fire. His name was Yeru too. To get rid of the confusion, they called him "Horka".

Lilith then approached Akira and winked "Hey handsome..."

"I kinda liked you, I think you're ho- *Sniff* Nevermind, you stink." Lilith then backed away from Akira.

"What the hell is wrong with you all?!" Akira was rankled by all their actions toward him. after all, they were a gang.

Horka politely apologized for his gang's behavior. After careful consideration, he thought maybe if Yeru had invited someone from his squad, he should be able to get the whole gang interested. Therefore, he asked for a fight. It wasn't a death battle, but more of a win, you stay, and lose, you leave. Akira praised his bright idea, and so it settled. They went on to a quiet place to find a place to fight. Horka didn't want any disturbance in the neighborhood or wreckage on his turf. 

He went to a baseball field to fight. The gangs watched closely as they spectated their battle. Akira took the left side, while Horka took the right. Akira prepared his scythe, which caught Kazuya's attention. Akira marched on and swung his scythe hard. 

Horka smiled and shaped his wax into a massive wall. The wall had a similar hardness to a rock. His strike sent a vibration of his strike to his nerve. It felt amazing that Akira held such strength. It felt exhilarating. He shaped his wax into a tentacle-like weapon to hit Akira. Akira backed away while Horka approached him slowly.

"Haha, I must say, you are strong. Now I'm interested in how you will face me. " He laughed as he shaped the tentacle-like wax into a sharp blade. The kind of sharpness that could sever a boulder just like butter and pierce through bones. As he moved his hand, controlling the wax,

he engaged in an all-out attack by surrounding him with his waxes. He stomped the ground and made a flood of wax to control his movements. Akira quickly reacted and jumped above, staying away from the waxes. As it approached him, Akira then unleashed a blood blade and cut all the waxes that were in his way. Horka praised Akira's powers and strengths, so he continued to create more and more.


Horka created 2 sets of spikes and trapped him by crushing him with his sharpened wax. Akira used his scythe to stop the trap. He made the scythe face left and right to cancel his traps. Horka then created another spike underneath his feet and made Akira jump away, leaving his scythe. Akira acted too hastily, as a result of which his scythe was taken. Horka believed that Akira would be useless without a scythe, so he confiscated the scythe.

Akira clenched his fist while smiling with his teeth exposed, excited chills rushing through his veins.


He coated his whole arms with his blood, strengthening his arms and increasing his power. With blood claw, his strength was stronger, and he also had claws. His claws were sharp, just like an animal's claw; sharp and strong.

Akira immediately launched himself, trying to end the fight. Like Rozori taught Akira, he was unprepared when facing an enemy, so it led him to observe each of his movements and surroundings. The way Horka controlled his waxes had the mobility of water magic. Horka launched his attacks and tried to make Akira's weaknesses exposed. Akira leaped with a lot of force and accelerated quickly. Horka built a huge barricade and startled him with Akira's lightning-quick speed.

The wax wall was formed, and when the time was right, Akira struck it with all his power, causing it to crumble. All of the walls were destroyed when they were fractured due to the crack. With that, Horka was forced to concede defeat when Akira launched his second attack directly into his cheeks.

Akira triumphed in the match, and Horka was defeated. The whole group applauded, as they were amused. The whole group approached Akira as they befriended him.

"Haha, wow, never thought I have defeated like this. Unacceptable, I must train harder."

"Well, ya still our leader. Yit's nothing to be yashamed of if ya lost once." Yeru sit right next to Yeru as Yeru tried to cheer up Yeru.

As the group celebrated, Kazuya attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey! Don't mean to interrupt the celebration of your victor. How come you had a main ability? I didn't sense your blood magic and your summoning magic." Kazuya interrupted and questioned how he didn't sense Akira had any main ability or skills.

Akira explained that there wasn't anything suspicious about him; it was just his system. He explained that his system was broken days before, or maybe a week ago. It made Kazuya stare in disbelief at Akira's words. He left and didn't have time to celebrate Akira's victory. Kazuya spoke through his heart. He stated that he had sensed nothing from Akira. Not just that, he had a variety of skills too. He looked at his hand, trying to figure out what was wrong. If he said it was true, then he had to believe his system had an error, which was never in history to explain why a system was broken.

Akira felt odd about him and ignored him. The group also questioned Akira about his system. Akira had no idea what to explain, then Horka meddled in their talk. Horka told the group not to force Akira to explain, which was very impolite. To celebrate Akira's victory, Horka invited all to attend a party at the BBQ restaurant, including Kazuya. They all agreed and nodded as they drooled all over the place.

After all of them agreed, they went straight to the BBQ restaurant to start a party...