Shopping with Lilith

The Raishoun gang and the Death Pirates had a huge party when the Horkas put an end to their fight.

The ceremony was intended to honor Yeru's success in maintaining his leadership. While Angelo did apologize immediately following the conclusion of the combat, he did not undervalue them in the slightest, but he was astonished by how the dog he had sent became extremely obsessed with a weird bone that appeared out of nowhere.

Apart from that, both Akira and Lilith didn't attend the party. Akira was briefly borrowed by Lilith, and they both proceeded to her destination together.

It was a mall that he had unexpectedly visited with Rozori before. Despite only exploring a small portion of the mall, there were numerous areas he had not yet visited. They both then entered.

"So, why bringing me here?" While taking the escalator, Akira went asking about why he was brought to the mall.

"We're going shopping, it's time to waste our money and change that lame outfit of yours."

"Hey, take that back! I bought this at an expensive price!"

"Oh yeah? How much was it?"

"Around a thousand Gols," Akira remembered how shocked he was when he visited the shop and bought his clothes. He found it extremely disturbing for him to explore the area and find nothing but expensive stuff. He was distraught if he ever lost his money and got stuck in a place with loads of what he couldn't buy, which was, in fact, the central city of Celesta, Valac.

Good thing systems could store items like wallets, which were convenient for system users.

"That cheap?!" Lilith hated cheap goods, yet she also wore expensive items only to rip them off the same way she did with her clothes. She found expensive things to be more fun as how she saw people feeling the pain of their hard work of art turned into shreds, except jewelry. While also enjoying how valuable fashion was needed for her to look what she called "Stylish".

She matched her skirt's color with black clothing. Many portions of her body were exposed shamelessly with her wearing them with jewelry connected. She had ripped bits of her garments all over herself, including her belly, her entire arms, her breast, and even her thighs.

"WHAT YOU SAY?!" Akira didn't like how she said "Cheap". He did have financial problems and would often time spend with care. It was also wasn't his first in experiencing how tough work was. Getting money was tough, with an exception of the royals.

Finally, after reaching the specified location, Akira followed Lilith to the woman's clothing store. Akira did not want to enter because it bothered him because of his gender. He was compelled to enter because his task was to carry Lilith's shopping bags by Lilith. As soon as he entered, he correctly predicted that women would start gazing at him. it was better to be silent and ignore them while waiting for Lilith to finish because he was feeling withdrawn.

"Why can't you do it yourself?! I'm getting weird stares!"

"Can't do, honey. A muscle man like you should be helping the ladies. Handling shopping bags aren't difficult, right? Think of me as your trial girlfriend."

"Am I even helping one?"


She had a tremendously difficult time choosing her dress; but if Akira were to choose, he would wear every one of them, with the exception of outfits for women. Akira recalled those memories of him dressing up as a princess, sending shivers down his body to his feet. In addition to the fact that Volts saw him in erroneous timing and would regret accepting their request.

She finally completed what she was doing after about 10 minutes. It wasn't enough for her, even with 10 shopping bags. Shopping continued, nevertheless.

The receipt was astounding at every store she went into. She wasn't lying when she stated she detested low pricing; all the clothing she purchased was incredibly expensive for someone like Akira. He was speechless by her waste of money; if she hadn't had her wallet, the consequences for his finances would have been catastrophic.

Akira had to lift 58 shopping bags with all of the 12 stores Lilith had visited utilizing various body parts. Although it wasn't heavy, carrying numerous bags made traveling difficult.

"Why in the world would you need so many clothes? Aren't three outfits enough for the entire week?"

"It's called fashion, sweetheart. Not all girls will consistently wear the same thing. Each of us has our own style when it comes to attire. Cosmetics, colognes, apparel, jewelry, and skincare are all components of beauty. You also need to have a sense of color." In contrast to boys, females have more nuanced fashion tastes, according to Lilith.

"Wow being a girl is hard, huh?"

"It's called having fun. Oh, let's ought to rid that lame outfit of yours and change something better."

"Hey! I've already said it's not. Have some respect, please." After finishing her purchases, Lilith made the decision to assist Akira in changing into new looks.

Continuing exploring, they reached the store for Akira's new looks. Once inside, it had varieties of unique ones and their own. However, it wasn't alluring for Lilith. She had to randomly pick one that suited Akira, her weakness was only in her taste in men's fashion. With that, she picked each one and get Akira dressed.

"Open them up." Said Lilith, ordering Akira to undress. Unexpectedly, she undressed him quickly and made Akira blush red with the unexpected of her actions.

"The hell are you doing? Stop that!"

"It's fine, we're in the clothes store, so get changing!"

She selected the clothing for Akira to wear, and Akira walked to the dressing room. She had a sense of fashion but struggled to make selections for men, so the options were still confusing and weird.

After he was done changing, she made her opinions and criticisms.

"Too much punk vibes!" Akira wore punky clothing. His jacket's shoulder was covered in spikes, whereas his shirt sported a skull logo. Despite the fact that his pants were blue, everything he wore stood out too much.

"Too nerdy." Second, Akira was dressed nicely, in a suit. When he wore it, it appeared as though he was getting ready for work, as opposed to the previous one. His attire wasn't overly showy, but it came with a tie and a smartwatch as an added bonus for buying the outfit. His jeans were the same shade of black as the outfit. She didn't enjoy it in spite of everything.

"Way over girly, not fitting for a man, but slayyy." Third, Akira wore a pink outfit. He appeared to be a laid-back man while wearing that. Lilith, who appeared to be having some difficulty with men's clothing, chose to let him pick because his pink shirt was making her uncomfortable.

Akira did get irritated over time as he started sighing with exhaustion. Akira then dressed up whatever he liked and it was on her. Meanwhile, after taking so long, she invaded and went to check on Akira if he was finished.

"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Akira was checking all the wear that would fit him fighting but was startled after she came by.

"Just checking, and ooh, a big one you got there."

"GET OUT!" Akira pushed her back and finally, she waited once more. Her shameless behavior made him a bit tired. Unlike her, Kitsune was one of the most shameless ones. Yet again, he remembered Kitsune that he was trying to get her off his head. Her evocative smell and her lasciviousness made it hard to forget.

Finally, Akira got out of the dressing room. His dresses were awfully the same or not, exactly the same. It was just like he didn't wear anything other than that, it made Lilith super annoyed after all she'd been through.

"Just that?! It's exactly the same. Your taste in fashion is awfully underwhelming. I'd rather walk naked, wearing that." Disappointed, she remarked that Akira had no taste in clothes. He didn't care actually, at least he wear something that covered his skin. And, after she had said that she would rather be naked, she got full of boys' attention.


"Listen here, you tasteless idiot. I'm here to make you look good not to become a lame dude who wears the same thing. It's like you had nothing but that. What are you some kind of peasant?"

"Actually, yes..." Coincidentally, she said it right about him.

"Oh... sorry..." The first time, she didn't know Akira was a peasant and until she knew, she apologized.

Right when they both had trouble dealing with clothes until she liked them, an abrupt explosion came from the mall with screams of the citizens.

A monster was intruding on the district without a reason where it came from. Then both Akira and Lilith, went together to see what was going on.

A giant nasty spider that was the size of 78meter, invading the shopping mall on a rampage.

Clueless, he guessed that the spider was sent by the Mikadzuki. Thus, Akira charged forward in to save the people first before killing the spider. The spider had speed that was fast enough for Akira to be surprised, but it wasn't a big deal for him as he effortlessly dodged the spider's legs.

He dashed to help the citizens while being troubled by the web the spider had let loose. The web silk stood in his way; it was more durable than steel and more adhesive than glue.

With one swing of his scythe, Akira removed them all. Akira attempted to shake the web off the blade of his scythe but it did become trapped there. But he hurried to help; it wasn't the right moment to clean it off. Helping the trapped citizens, children who were separated from their parents, people who were almost impaled by the spider's legs, and other people who required saving.

He attempted to save a vulnerable youngster, but the child was crushed by a boulder as he reached to save the child. And that was before Lilith used her bubble gum to create a bubble-like barrier to protect the child's safety.

Numerous pieces of her bubble gum offered 27 individuals protection and assistance. She instructed Akira to back off and let her do her job while she blew bubble gum. She popped her bubble gum and gritted her teeth because she was upset about something.

Surprisingly, she was irate that the careless spider had wrecked her favorite store. That came as no surprise to Akira. Due to her behavior within the store, he had a pretty good understanding of this. Not only that, but some of her shopping bags were missing, which made her angry and gave her a murderous glare.

She blew her bubble gum as big as the spider's size. Not long later, the spider was trapped by her bubble gum and she tightened it to crush the spider into meat. The spider resisted and started moving aggressively, making her lose control of her bubble gum. She controlled it with her breath and mouth. Shortly after, the spider was finally free from her bubble gum.

"Damn it, hey are you, huh?!" Akira was shocked when she had seen her state after releasing the bubble gum.

She appeared dry, dried out, and crippled like an old hag. She quickly rushed to the closest pond and started drinking them after that. She hadn't had any breakfast or anything to drink since this morning, so that was the reason. Thankfully, the bubble gum she used to save the citizen didn't pop, despite the fact that she appeared weak and wasn't in a fighting mood. Her condition was normal. She had mana but her abilities had other weaknesses in order to maintain her bubble gum. Akira didn't have time to wait for her to recover, so he started fighting the spider all by himself.

Even though the spider sought to stab Akira with its robust legs, deflection was still possible. Akira quickly avoided the spider as it tried to spit its webs. He moved fast to the spider's head and started hacking off its head. Akira had plenty of experience fighting various monsters, so defeating the spider came easily to him. He wasn't anticipating a spider to suddenly appear, and it was defeated fast and boring. Akira didn't even smell it, let alone hear it. He thought a Mikadzuki had planned this of some sort.

The warriors, however, arrived incredibly late. Akira started shouting, saying the warriors were too slow. They had no idea an undercover warrior would arrive at the mall so rapidly. However, it wasn't because he was undercover, he wasn't donning a warrior uniform, and he was only solo.

Akira returned to the ground after encountering the spider's corpse. A man scientist came in out of nowhere and immediately began to pet the spider.

After Akira went down to the ground from the spider's corpse. A male scientist came out of nowhere and started stroking the spider.

"Oh... you poor thing. I'm incredibly sorry for making you suffer like this..."

"Wait... you're responsible for all of this?" Akira questioned the scientist about the spider after the scientist oddly came and felt pity for the spider.

"Yes. I accidentally dropped a glass filled with a giant potion. It was meant to create the opposite effect to decrease the threat to humanity."

"Well... I'd say don't be clumsy."

"SO YOU'RE THE ONE!" Lilith arrived in good condition, yelled at the scientist, and pulled his uniform violently.

She was upset because her shopping bags were gone and her favorite store was destroyed. She yelled at him nonstop, spitting saliva out with each phrase as she did so.

The mall was shut down today due to the recent incident while she continued to rant. After that, the scientist was imprisoned, however with a lighter sentence because the investigation revealed it wasn't his intent...




About Kitsune:

Favorite foods: "Even when it's fresh or raw meat tastes fantastic and is a terrific source of nutrition. If they were already dead when I arrived, I'll have to decline. Although I do enjoy cooked foods, I favor more raw and fresh foods. Oh, don't even think about trying it; they had what they called Salmonella bacteria. But, would you like me to feed you with my lips if you so desire? I won't bite, much."

Dislikes food: "Don't ever try to feed me grapes, raisins, or onions because I hated them. Oh? You won't? Aww, such a sweetie."

Hobby: "One of my favorite pastimes is going on animal hunts. When a target flees in fright, I get the chills and a heart-racing feeling. I slobber with excitement as I chase after them; it's pretty pleasant and entertaining. Would you like to play hunting sometime? I'll be gentle, I promise. Or do you want to play hide and seek with me? Fufu, if you lose, then I'll get to do whatever I want, but if you win, you get to do what you want, deal?"

Likes: "When I meet youngsters who are so innocent, especially when they are handsome, it makes me want to cuddle them like a kitten. I can tell just by looking at their face and their sweet scent. And how much do I adore their moans and screams... Uhmf, I just couldn't help myself!"

Dislikes: "I hate boys who are persistent, annoying, perverted, and misbehave. Even if I adore youngsters, I find those people annoying. Except for you, sweetie."