Chapter 1 The solution

Narada's attempt to wake Jnana and Vairagya by shaking them with his hands indicates that knowledge cannot be revived by the process of karma. )

Narada spoke to their ears

He put his mouth to their ears and said, 'O Jnana wake up, O Vairagya please arise."11

( 11. Narada's placing his mouth next to their ear presents the initiation ceremony in which the guru utters mantras into the right ear of the disciple. Mere initiation, however, cannot make one learned or renounced. )

Narada spoke all vedic mantras and shastras

Then he chanted Vedic Mantras, the Vedanta Sutras, and the Upanisads. He recited Bhagavad-gita again and again. With great difficulty, they were revived, but overcome by lethargy, they yawned and were unable to even open their eyes.

O Saunaka, as the sage Narada, deliberated, meditating on the Supreme Lord, he heard a voice emanating from the sky.13

( 13. The Supersoul guides the sincerely inquisitive person from within. )

Voice from sky spoke: you must perform one specific noble

'O Devarsi, do not worry, your endeavour will be successful. O sage you must perform one specific noble act that will be revealed to you by some great saintly person.14

These words were heard by everyone."

"In astonishment Narada said, 'I cannot understand the meaning of this indirect statement.

The voice did not clearly explain the path one must follow in order to achieve perfection. Nor do I know where to find those saintly persons who will explain the process to me. What must I do to implement this order?'"

then i travelled to various holy places.

Sanatkumar said - "Recite Srimad Bhagavatam to Jnana and Vairagya

Recite Srimad Bhagavatam to Jnana and Vairagya and their lamentation and misery will be destroyed."

( this is from Google