shattered memories

Pov Elijah,

Get on my back, I will take you back with me." I said to her but suddenly realized that she cannot stand because of the pain she's feeling. I always heard of the blood Oath and how it can kill the person taking it if he or she was stopped from doing it. I don't understand why she felt the need to take it.

I look at her trembling but wait I don't remember accepting her and the remaining pack members. I shook the thoughts and took her by the dress she's wearing by my month and began walking to the back house. Time went as I was heading back and suddenly I felt myself shrinking and soon the little girl hit the ground and so did i.

I realized that I was losing consciousness, so I quickly mind-linked my father. I told him I need help and he should protect the little girl with me until I wake up.

Pov Abby.

I don't know what happened but I was walking towards the exit of the hospital when Tanaania's parents appeared in front of me. It was weird I was wide awake when they appeared to me, looking lifeless.

What.. What is the matter?" I asked after seeing a worried look on their face. But then I remember what Tanaania said about dreams feeling so real, it's unbelievable and often makes us feel like we're wide awake, but we're actually sleeping.

Abby, forgive us but we're so weak. Please give us strength to breathe peacefully." She said to me and I felt guilty for some reason but she was more than willing to help even though I didn't know what she meant.

Okay." I said to her, after mom spoke to me at that moment I responded. I felt like it was something I should do. But after some time I realized that after I decided to leave the hospital I had so much energy. I felt like I was filled with energy unlike any other.

They smiled at me and my heart started to melt seeing them smiling at me like that. I miss them so much, then suddenly I started to feel sleepy and really tired when a huge dog appeared and replaced them but just as i was about to faint.

What a big dog." I said out loud. My eyes closed but I could feel like that dog stood and watched me fall! Soon after all that i woke up on the floor and i wasn't tired anymore. I got up and looked around then at the door and the moment the door opened.

The memories started to feel like a dream but deep down this time i knew for sure that it wasn't a dream.I was home. I smirked and walked over to the table and sat down but then I woke up and I was in bed with Tanaania looking at me.

What are you doing?" I asked her.

Someone called me saying they heard noise and the worst part was that person was claiming to be dad and here is something funny he called from. Our. House. Phone. The one house that inside this house." She said to me replying to my question and then she said something that would be impossible but then i realized that she was getting sleepy and so was i for some reason.

I woke up and Tanaania's head was on the bed beside me, she was seated on her butt. I must have had another fever and refused to go to the hospital. I thought as I saw the pan of water and the medium size towel, she must have taken care of me. I smiled and pulled her up onto the bed and went to make something for us to eat.

I realized that the day has went by. After making us a home cooked meal I went on the computer looking for a job online, but i found nothing. Appearing out of nowhere was a weird logo sign saying apply for work and start working today! I cleared it and got up to go eat but suddenly remembered that Tanaania is here. The house phone rings and i walked over and answered it.

Hello." I uttered and waited for a response.

Hello, is Tanaania there with you?" Larson's voice came in and asked and I couldn't help but smile, a few hours without her and he's calling looking for her.

Yes, Larson she visited me, it seems I had another fever." I reply to him and explain.

Oh. Okay i was about to call the cops." He said to me, sounding serious but I looked past it.

Haha, then I guess it's good that I took your call. Don't worry she will come back first thing tomorrow." I replied and said after a soft chuckle, but that he laughed but it wasn't sounding quite right and once again ignored it.

As long as she's with you, she is definitely safe. I'm glad she's there oaky, I'm going now, bye." He said to me and I finally found it weird as hell, I even realized he's acting weird.

Wait'' I said but he had already hung up. I wonder what he was reacting so weirdly for, but I definitely find it weird. I put the phone back and turned around thinking. I wish Tanaania would wake up. Then after I dished out both our meals she came down the stairs.

How did you come down so fast?" I asked her as i was surprised did she wake up while i was on the phone?

You woke me up from my sleep just now." She replied to me and shocked me.

No, i didn't. I was here dishing out our meal and sorta just got off the phone with Larson, your boyfriend and told him you would come tomorrow so there's noway i could have woke you up! And thank you for coming after knowing i had another fever." I responded to her and explained there was no way I could have woken her up. I told her about her boyfriend's call and thanked her for coming by me after knowing i was sick. But to my surprise she started laughing.

Who told you , you had a fever?" She asked me in a sarcastic tone of voice raising her eyebrows at me.

What do you mean? I asked her, being completely confused as one can be, shit!

Someone called saying they heard noises and when i arrived you were laying down on the floor, i called the ambulance. They came but they said you were fine." She said explain to me and then the phase. Someone called saying they heard noises' Everything came back to me like a missing memory but then she drags me out of the memories.

Are you okay?" She asked me.

Hmm, yes. Let's eat." I responded to her and said.

Hmm." She responded and we sat down together and began to eat. I feel like I was being hypothesized by someone and they're placing false memories inside my head. I smile at her so she doesn't notice how afraid and scared of both of us I've become, whatever that is messing with us, is dangerous.

Then Larson words replay like it was actually being said into my ears at the very moment. As long as she's with you, she is definitely safe.' I wonder what he meant by that she's definitely safe with me? After eating we both went back to bed after realizing it was so late.