
My update schedule for my stories are random, so don't expect a constant planned update schedule. Also, I am currently focusing on my exams at the moment and will try to at least get some updates out there, but I will have to put more focus on my schooling before all of this.


Both Akane and Yamato were currently running through the area towards one of the spots that Yamato had seen a portal appear above, and while they had been doing so, both of them had come across numerous different Pokémon that came out of hiding to observe them.

Probably due to the inhuman speeds in which they ran, with Akane using her powers to help speed herself up while Yamato ran at a speed to match hers. This inhuman display was definitely already enough to warrant the curious attention of the resident Pokémon on the island.

"I think that's them, Yamato!"

"Seems like it." Yamato nodded his head as both he and Akane ran over towards a pair of individuals who could be seen talking to one another atop of one of the cliffs. Both figures appeared to be male as one of them was a head or so taller than the other.

Yamato could see that the shorter one out of the two had dark greenish black hair while the other one had long hair that was tied into a long ponytail. They didn't seem to have noticed the both of them as they were still seemingly talking to one another.

As they approached, the sounds of their footsteps seemed to finally catch the two male's attention as they turned towards them. The person that addressed them was the taller male. "It seems that we have some company. Are you perhaps Yamato, and perhaps Akane?"

"Indeed, it's a pleasure to meet you both." Yamato smiled as he walked up and shook hands with both the males. Akane, returning to her shy self, was hiding a bit behind Yamato as she glanced at the males. "As you already know, my name is Kurenai Yamato. Nice to finally meet you both in person."

"S-Sakurada Akane...!" Akane gave both the older males a deep bow as they nodded at her.

"I see, it's a pleasure to finally meet you both. Please call me Zhongli."

"Sadao Maou, nice to meet you." Maou smiled as he gave his own polite greeting. Yamato was a bit confused as Maou wasn't exactly what he had pictured in his mind, being a Demon King and all that. He wasn't sure what to expect Zhongli to look like, but the guy did have a rather powerful presence around him. "Is something the matter?"

"Well, you just don't exactly look like how I would have thought." Yamato gave a small chuckle as he used one finger to scratch his cheek. "I kind of thought you would have a more intimidating appearance, considering you're a Demon King. You look like a normal human being to me."

"Y-Yeah, I agree. You aren't scary at all..."

"Oh, I get it. My powers are incredibly limited right now due to my inability to access a source of mana, so I have been reduced to this weak human form. No offense." Maou voiced as the others just shrugged, not feeling at all offended. Normal humans aren't exactly known to be strong. "Until I have a source of mana, then I'm stuck like this."

True to Maou's words, he had noticed that this world didn't have any magic in the atmosphere, so he wasn't able to absorb any mana to power himself up. His only source of power would have to be fear, but he wasn't exactly sure where he could find a place where a concentrated amount of negative emotion was present.

"Anyway, have you guys seen Yuna at all?"

"Unfortunately, we have not. I had encountered Maou here not too long ago, we have not seen any signs of Yuna anywhere." Zhongli explained as Yamato nodded his head in understanding. "She is most likely somewhere on this island if the rest of us are present, so we should start searching."




"Bear Punch!"

The four of them blinked in confusion when they heard a loud female voice shouting out those two words, which they all then turned their heads in direction that the voice had come from. They looked at one another before turning back towards the direction.

"I guess we might have found her..."

"Indeed, let us go then." With that, all four of them quickly began making their way in the direction in which they heard the shout. If the fact that the person shouted 'Bear' and seemed to be a female if the voice was anything to go by, then that person was most likely Yuna.

They did remember that she did mention about herself and her bear tendencies, so this was already a big sign that it was Yuna. Though, they were all still confused about why she would wear a bear costume. But, they weren't going to question it.

It didn't take long at all to arrive at the location in which the voice had originated from, and along the way, they had heard a number of explosions. They wouldn't be surprised if the cause of said explosions was Yuna, and for what reasons, they didn't know.

When they arrived at the clearing in which the voice had come from, they all blinked owlishly when they saw a young girl Yamato and Akane's age standing on the other side with one hand extended forwards towards the forest.

Though, in front of the girl was a tree that seemed to have been torn from the ground due to sound kind of force. From the looks of it, Yuna had punched the tree if her stance and the condition of the tree was anything to go by.

Soon enough, the bear girl turned around as all their eyes connected with hers.

"Oh, hey there."


It had been around ten minutes now since the entire group had united with one another for the first time, and they could currently be seen walking through the forest conversing with one another. Both Akane and Yuna having their own talk while the males were up front scanning the area while having small chat.

The chat was exactly as it was described, small chat. All they really did was share different bits of information regarding each of their worlds, the most interesting ones being Maou, Zhongli and Yuna's worlds as both Akane and Yamato's worlds were pretty boring in comparison.

"These creatures, Pokémon, correct?" Zhongli voiced towards Yamato as he gazed curiously towards the different species that were observing them as they walked. Yamato nodded his head. "Quite interesting beings. You say that they hold various powers?"

"That's right. We'll explain it to both of you later on, just so you get a bit more of a basic understanding of this world." Yamato stated as both Maou and Zhongli nodded. "What we need to do is find out where we are, and what in the world that Megalith thing is."

"Wouldn't Yuna perhaps know?" Maou asked with a raised eyebrow as he did recall the conversation where they did find out that Yuna was the most knowledgeable about this particular world they were in. Yamato just shook his head in response.

"I already asked her, she didn't have a clue." Yamato sighed as he punched a wall of vines and roots out of the way as they continued walking along the dirt path. "I do understand the general definition of what a megalith is, but I'm not sure if the thing we're looking for is anything like it."

"What is this definition?"

"Well, a megalith is typically a large stone. From what I know, they were used by prehistoric cultures to act as monuments, or as basic building blocks." Yamato explained simply as the both of them listened with interest. "If that definition is something we can relate to this particular thing we need to destroy. Perhaps its some kind of large rock, or something similar in nature."


"Shouldn't be too difficult then, it may just be a rock, right?" Maou shrugged as Yamato also shrugged. Zhongli then chimed in soon afterward. "Even so, we should be prepared for when we find it. There must be a reason for why it must be destroyed."

Both Maou and Yamato gave simple nods in response.

"Also, I have been curious of something. With those power rankings, it has placed you at the very top, Yamato." Zhongli voiced curiously as he looked at the teenager who was clearing the way for them. "I apologise if I sound rude, you just don't look the part."

"No, I understand." Yamato gave a small chuckle as he responded. He did look like a normal teenager after all, you wouldn't expect him to be more powerful than a literal god or a Demon King. "While I may look like a normal teenager, I'm stronger than I look."

"We can tell." Maou deadpanned as he looked back over his shoulder to see a large hole that Yamato had punched out casually to help clear the way. The way that the ground, vines, and trees shattered due to the force behind Yamato's punch was more than enough to say that the guy was not a normal human.

"Oh, wow! This place is beautiful!"

Akane marvelled at the beauty of what appeared to be a massive tree that stood tall at the centre of the island, the cavern in which it rested in had a few holes that allowed rays of sunlight to shine down beautifully upon the tree. The dirt path that they walked on lead straight towards the tree.

She quickly took out what looked to be a digital camera from her bag before taking a number of photos, Yamato just smiling in amusement at her actions as the others blinked at her. He had noticed her taking many pictures of the different Pokémon before they encountered Zhongli and Maou.

"Calm down, Akane. We have plenty of time to take pictures lat-." Yamato stopped his sentence before narrowing his eyes as his senses flared. He didn't feel threatened, but he did feel another presence nearby. One that was much stronger compared to a few others.

"Is something wrong?" Akane asked in a confused manner as she lowered her camera. She noticed that it wasn't just Yamato, but the others were all holding guarded stances. She was confused and worried now, what was warranting such a reaction from them?

"I'm detecting something else with us here, and it's stronger than most of us." Yuna voiced, though she had a rather casual tone about it. She was using her detection magic, and she could see an red large indicator much larger than any of the indicators of the other Pokemon in the area. The density and size of the indicator usually spoke of how strong the entity was.

This one was quite powerful.

"It's come towards us from that large tree."

"W-Wait, are we going to be okay?" Akane stuttered nervously as she walked back over to the group. She was worried that whatever was coming towards them was hostile, and the fact that it was supposedly very powerful was a major concern as well.

"We'll be fine, Yamato and Zhongli can deal with it easily." Yuna voiced with confidence as Akane smiled and nodded her head. She already understood why Yuna didn't include Maou in that, the guy didn't exactly have access to his true power right now. He had very little mana to his name.

Speaking of which, Yuna was going to have to be pretty careful herself when it comes to her mana. She wasn't an infinite source of it, and there was no way of her replenishing it naturally in this world. So, she would have to use her magic spells carefully as to not completely exhaust it.

Back to her detection spell, both Zhongli and Yamato's indicators were denser and far larger compared to the approaching Pokémon, at least she assumed it was a Pokémon. So, they should be fine as both of the males were stronger than whatever was coming at them.

[What are you humans doing here on this island?] A male voice seemed to speak into their minds as they all looked up to see a humanoid figure descending from the top of the tree. [I had already witnessed those rifts open in the sky above, but why are you here?]

They all watched as the entity descended, and the appearance of it caused the three that knew of Pokémon to widen their eyes. In front of them was a Pokémon that was labelled a legendary by many, one that was cloned using the DNA sample of another legendary Pokémon. Despite being artificial, it's power is the real deal.

The Pokémon in front of them was none other than Mewtwo.

"No way, a real Mewtwo." Yuna voiced with amazement as she gazed at the psychic-type in front of them. Zhongli and Maou shared a confused look, which the bear girl took notice of. "Mewtwo is a very famous Pokémon, both for his power and the fact that he is a legendary Pokémon."

"Legendary?" Zhongli muttered. "I do remember the quest mentioning a legendary Pokémon. What exactly is that?"

"Well, you can think of legendary Pokémon as the gods of this world. They are recognised as such due to the power that they hold and more." Yamato explained simply as the two less-informed males nodded their heads in understanding. "To think that we'd run into one this early on though..."

"Amazing..." Akane may not be the biggest Pokémon fan, but she did know of Mewtwo and a few other legendaries. Just seeing it in front of her was incredible, so she couldn't help but take out her camera and take a few photos of the entity.

In Mewtwo's perspective, he could tell that these humans were not normal. He had developed incredible instincts in the many battles he had in the past, and they were telling him to be wary just in case. While the group didn't appear hostile, he wasn't going to lower his guard, especially around the two males in front.

"We do not mean you any harm, we are merely trying to find our current location."

[Are you otherworlders?]

Mewtwo had witnessed the rifts that had opened above this island, and they weren't normal portals that he had seen in the past. The ones that appeared not too long ago were far more powerful, and a portal of such magnitude would have caused incredible issues if they were used to connect two locations within the same world.

So, the only conclusion that he could come up with was that the group of humans in front of him weren't of this world. It seems that his conclusion was correct as well from the rather surprised looks he received in response to the question he had asked.

Akane was the one that spoke up. "H-How...?"

[It seems that my assumptions were correct. That begs the question now, what is your reason for coming here?] Mewtwo pretty much demanded with narrowed eyes as the other Pokémon in the area all watched from a safe distance away. [You say that you mean us no harm. But, how can we trust you?]

"Unfortunately, I cannot just ask you to trust us. Trust is something to be earned after all." Yamato said this with closed eyes before opening them as he continued on. "However, I swear on my life that we truly mean you and this world no harm. We were given an important task, and we are here to accomplish it. We need to ask you a few things."

[A task you say?] Mewtwo frowned as he heard this. The human said that they meant no harm, but what exactly was this task? He had to find out. To do that, he had to find out the true character of this group. [If it is my trust that you wish for, then battle me]

"A battle?"

[An individual's true character can be seen through battle] Mewtwo voiced with a serious tone as his body was coated in a dense psychic power. [If it it my trust that you seek, then only through this battle will you perhaps achieve it. Only then will I answer any of your questions, human]

Yamato stared into Mewtwo's eyes unflinching before turning his gaze towards the others, they all seemed to agree and nodded towards Yamato. Yamato nodded back before stepping forwards towards Mewtwo as both parties stared at one another with serious expressions.

"If it's a battle you want, then I accept."

[Very well, human. Show me you are deserving of my trust] Mewtwo spoke as he watched Yamato get into a fighting stance. The psychic-type was a bit surprised seeing this, but soon remembered that they were otherworlders. So, he shouldn't expect this to be a battle like the humans of this world would usually perform. [Come]

"If that's what you wish." Yamato smirked slightly before 'dashing' forwards, though for him it was more of a simple jog. The speed in which he was going caused the ground he kicked off of to crack a little as he rapidly approached Mewtwo.

The speed of the human caught Mewtwo by surprise as he raised one hand forwards before projecting what looked to be a transparent protective barrier. Though, when Yamato threw a punch at him, the barrier shattered like glass instantly as Mewtwo felt a powerful force send him flying backward.

[Such incredible strength...] Mewtwo couldn't help but think as he felt the incredible force behind the punch that was sent into his stomach. He could also tell that the human was holding quite a lot back as well, so that was quite shocking. [That barrier should have reduced the damage considerably though, why didn't it do anything...?]

Mewtwo was confused, the barrier that he projected to protect himself did not hinder Yamato at all. In fact, it was as if the barrier didn't exist at all and was destroyed instantly. As if it didn't affect Yamato at all. Just how was that possible?

He didn't have much time to think about it as Yamato was rushing at him once again, so he quickly began to use his psychic power to try and stop the human in his tracks. What shocked him was the fact that, while the evidence of psychic power was present on the human's body, it shattered like glass similar to his barrier as the human continued his advance as if nothing happened.

"You're going to have to try harder than that if you want to win!" Yamato smirked as he sent another punch towards the legendary. This time, Mewtwo was able to dodge in time, if not barely. Though, he wasn't prepared for Yamato to suddenly twist his body to deliver a kick that sent the psychic type flying upwards.

Mewtwo clenched his teeth as he held the spot that was kicked, which he then quickly stopped himself mid-air and looked down towards Yamato. He saw the abnormal human staring up at him with a small smile, a challenging smile.

"I hope you can do better than that."