Chapter 1 To look me in the eye?

Hey lovelies,

Welcome to our third book. We already have two books - Matters Of The Heart and The Vengeful Lover. Please check them out if you haven't and don't forget to vote for the book and to also drop your reviews and comments.

Thank you very much.

Author: Kironde Mariam.

Instagram: mari.tizzy (Please don't forget to follow me)


Year 1703

Scanning the stalls within the market, Hazel caught sight of what she was looking for at the stall where she usually bought items. Making her way towards the place, she smiled at the eldery woman. "Good morning Ms Margaret," she greeted with a bright smile on her face.

The woman returned the smile and said," Good morning Hazel. What do you want?"

"I would like to have some vegetables," she said pointing at them. "One copper coin," she stated and Hazel's smile flattered.

"Uhm... won't you give me for a zinc coin?" she asked. Just that moment, another customer came to stand at the stall and handed Ms Margaret a copper coin then said," I want vegetables." The woman looked at the money and then at Hazel and later, she handed the money back to the customer.

"They have already been taken," she said and the customer left.

"I only have a zinc coin," said Hazel to Ms Margaret incase she had forgotten. "I know that. But I also know that your aunt won't take it too well if you go back home without them," she said wrapping them and handed them to her.

"Thank you so much Ms Margaret," she said beaming a smile at her. "Always. Go now before your evil aunt punishes you for taking long," she said shooing her away and Hazel turned around to leave hurriedly.

As she was moving in the market, she could see people especially women gossiping about her with pure disgust in their eyes. But she had learnt to be impervious towards them. While walking, she came across a newspaper stall and her feet came to a halt as her attention was taken by a specific newspaper. Like any other girl in Hollowvale, Hazel fancied the Duke albeit she knew that it was impossible for someone like her to be looked at by him. Duke Raven Atticus was a dream of many if not all girls in Hollowvale.

She analysed his picture. His brown eyes had been clearly captured and they held a certain coldness she remembered. She forcefully tore her eyes away from his face to read the heading that said,

'Duke Raven Atticus has confirmed that he will be making an appearance at the masquerade ball. Could it be that it is finally time for him to choose his bride?'

She envied those who were going to attend the ball. In her case, she would give everything just to attend and wouldn't mind being a servant at the ball if it meant that she will be catching a glimpse of him after so many years.

"Are you going to buy?" asked the seller and she immediately shook her head. If she had any extra money left on her, she wouldn't hesitate to buy a copy for herself and read about him during her free time. "Scram! You're obstructing potential buyers," he scowled and she immediately made quick steps walking away.

Balancing the basket on one side of her hip, she hitched up her skirts as she walked along the road. Her thoughts ran back to the time when her mother was still alive and working for the former Duke and Duchess as a maid in the Atticus household. The former Duchess had been so kind that she allowed her mother to take her along to the Atticus Manor.

It was then that she got the opportunity of meeting and interacting with Raven Atticus who was around eighteen at that time.

He had been so kind to her, something she didn't often come across. During her stay at the Atticus Manor, he taught her how to read and write. He would also allow her watch him as he played the piano and painted.

He might have done all those things out of pure kindness but she held those memories so precious to her heart.

She didn't realize when she reached the Milbrand mansion, the people who had taken her in after her mother's death when she was eight. Swallowing her nervousness, she opened the door and found her aunt Scarlett Milbrand and her niece Lilith Milbrand in the living room each holding newspapers.

On hearing footsteps, Scarlett peeled her eyes away from the paper and looked at Hazel then asked," What took you forever in the market?" "There were a lot- "

"You dare to look me in the eye?!" she snapped and Hazel immediately cast down her eyes. "The explanation," Scarlett demanded, urging her to continue. "There were only a few stalls with vegetables and the money I had was not enough so I had to- "

"And then how did you get them? Did you offer your body just like your mother who slept around with every man in Hollowvale?" asked Scarlett and Hazel was forced to look at her with teary eyes. Wasn't she her sister?

"What? You mean you didn't know how she earned a living?" she asked and Hazel lowered her eyes. "You might be right mother. Last time, I found the Callum boy carrying her pot. She must have offered something to him," complimented Lilith and Hazel raised her eyes to look at her. "He was only help- " "Shut up! I need breakfast within ten minutes," deadpanned Scarlett and Hazel fled to the kitchen to start on the breakfast because if her aunt said ten minutes, she meant ten.

As she was still cooking, Lilith made way to the kitchen and she leaned against the wall then said," I want tea." Offering her a sarcastic smile Hazel said, "I'm going to make it but could you please give me a few minutes and I first finish with Aunt Scarlett's breakfast?" "I want it now," she deadpanned. Hazel internally sighed and said," Right away." "I will be expecting it in a minute," she said before walking away.

Hazel rolled her eyes and she switched to making the tea.

She always wondered why her aunt hates her and her late mother so much. However much she did, she was never appreciated and she was sure that the only reason they were letting her stay in their house was because they got free labour from her.

After delivering Lilith's tea, she came back to finish with the breakfast as fast as she could.