Chapter 3 She seemed familiar

As she continued walking while gawking at the many carriages that passed by the road, she didn't notice when she left the narrow pedestrian path and was now walking in the middle of the road. By the time realisation hit her, it was too late as a carriage stopped right behind her with full force and she jerked forward before tumbling to the ground.

"Ahhh," she screamed as she rolled onto the ground. She immediately straightened her dress and stood up to see that some of the groceries had been stamped by two horses.

She crawled to them and immediately started gathering them back into the basket. When she was done, she stood at the side and stared at the carriage which wasn't moving.

She knew that she didn't have the right to demand for compensation since it was her fault for walking into the restricted lane.

Raven Atticus looked at the girl whom they nearly knocked down through the carriage window. He could clearly tell that it was his her first time seeing her but she seemed somewhat familiar. As if he had seen her somewhere but couldn't pinpoint where it was exactly. What caught his attention though was the look on her face, as she looked at the spoiled grocery as if she had lost something precious.

Turning right to look at his servant he had walked with, he said," Compensate her with some money and tell her to be careful the next time on the road." Nodding, he opened the small bag that was in the carriage and got the money before getting out of the carriage.

Going to where the girl was standing while carrying her basket, he handed the money to her and said," Master has ordered to compensate you with this. He says that be careful on the road the next time." Getting the money, she looked at him and said," B-but why? It was my fault." "Excuse me miss," he said before walking back to the carriage. Hazel looked at the carriage as the Coachman pulled the reigns before it started to move. Her eyes didn't leave it until it disappeared from her sight.

When it left, she unfolded her hands and when she saw three gold coins, her mouth hang open and her eyes lit up. She had never been with such much money before. Who could that good Samaritan be? As she walked back home, she wondered what she was going to do with it. Surely, she wasn't going to buy more grocery because only a little had been spoiled.

When she reached the house, she went to her room and securely kept her money somewhere where she was sure that her aunt and cousin couldn't be able to find. She then went to clean Lilith's room and as she was sorting her clothes, she tried in a few dresses of hers.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled at her reflection. Even though she wasn't as pretty and dolled up as Lilith, she saw that she had greatly changed and looked good. She would wish to keep the dresses when Lilith gets tired of them but she knew that wouldn't happen.

Changing back into her ugly dirty dress, she was yet to leave the room when her eyes fell on the same copy of newspaper that had caught her attention in the market the other day. Getting hold of it, she sat on the bed and traced her fingers on his face before opening the page to read about him. There was no way she was going to waste this opportunity. Reading about him, she realized that he still had a few aspects she remembered. His best color is green and he likes to play the piano during his free time.

Her mind went back to the events of the past when she last saw him.

When she turned seven, meaning that she had spent a full year at the Atticus Manor, Raven Atticus was sent to upper elementary school so as to prepare him for taking over the title of Duke from his father. Remaining alone at the Manor, she promised to wait for him albeit her worst fear was him forgetting about her. Unfortunately a year later, her mother suddenly became ill and they had to leave the Manor since they had no purpose there.

After a full year of nursing her mother herself in their little house with only the help of a few people, she passed away and it's when she ended up at the Milbrand household.

From what she heard, Raven Atticus came back to Hollowvale only when his father had died and took over the title of the Duke.


Raven Atticus had become a Duke at the age of twenty five when his father, Oliver Atticus passed.

Like any other man of his calibre, he had had several mistresses since his rise to power, but unlike his peers and counterparts, he wanted no children with them and was clear about that with his female companions right from the beginning. He was generous enough with his women while he was with them but he made no promises for the future. He tolerated no encumbrances to tie him down, and disliked anything that made him feel vulnerable. He had never imagined himself to be a person who would settle down with someone and start a family. It was so unlike him. But aside from that, he was truly a gentleman.

While in the carriage on his way to the Scathlok Masquerade ball, his thoughts went back to the girl they almost ran into on the road. He thought that he had seen her somewhere but he couldn't point to where exactly. He had surely travelled to a lot of places and met a lot of people and he thought that she might have resembled someone he may have met.

"We are here Master," announced his servant boy who had already opened the door for him.


Hazel was snapped back to reality from the newspaper and on looking outside, she realized that it was getting late. She immediately fled to her aunt's room and started organising it as fast as she could.

Making her way towards the kitchen to prepare the stew as instructed, she had just started cooking when she heard sounds of the horse's hooves and carriage wheels stop at the front of the house and she gasped.