Chapter 5 Long awaited visitor

For a moment, Hazel looked at her and later asked," But why?"

"Because I felt like it," came Lilith's nonchalant reply.

"What is going on here?" came a voice and they turned to see Pius Milbrand who was coming to where they were.

"It is nothing father," replied Lilith. "What do you mean by nothing? Hazel, what is the issue?" he asked when he came to stand in the living room. She contemplated on telling him and later she said," It is nothing uncle."

Looking at all of them, his eyes finally settled on Lilith and he said," You think I wasn't listening? Return back her earrings." Lilith pouted her lips and she looked at her mother, as if asking her to come to her aid. "It is really okay uncle. She will return them after use," said Hazel. "She didn't ask for them in the first place. She has no right being with them." Scarlett intervened and said," Very well then. If she wants the earrings, she can have them. But that will mean that she will be leaving this house." Pius stared at his wife for so long and finally asked," How could you treat your niece that way?" "It was me who brought her here and I will be the one to decide when she leaves," she glanced at Hazel and said," The earrings or shelter? You choose."

Hazel walked away and left the family members in their own company.

Many times, she had considered leaving the Milbrands but she had nowhere else to go. The world outside was not simple for a girl child yet getting a job was so hard given her reputation and she also had no recommendation. It were times like these that she wished for her mother to be alive.

The only person who treated her kindly in this house was her uncle but he was rarely home given the nature of his job. And even if he was present, he was a man of few words and many times he kept quiet not wanting to argue with his wife.

She sighed as she sat on the kitchen floor and later had her share of breakfast.

A week passed as Lilith Milbrand was getting letters from different suitors where some of them personally came at the house.

As the two were having tea in the evening, Scarlett suggested," I think we should go with Mr Rufus. What do you think?" She pouted her lips and said," I want the crown prince or the Duke." "You know that having the crown prince is almost impossible. And the Duke too is not ready for marriage and perhaps, rumors have it that he is getting closer to the princess." When she didn't respond, she continued," Let's go with Mr Rufus. He is a respectable man in society and he also works closely with the Duke and the Viscount. Perhaps, he's a rich man. What more do you want?" "Okay mother," she replied although she wasn't fully convinced.

"Cheer up dear. I'm sure that you will have the life you want," she said and Lilith nodded. "Hazel!!" Scarlett yelled and shortly, she came running, hitching up her skirts. "I want a pen and a sheet of paper," she instructed and she left to get them right away.

Writing a letter, they gave it to their coachman who took it to the post office.


It was finally the day Mr Rufus was being expected at the Milbrand household.

Hazel was given a list of dishes to be prepared and she woke up earlier than usual to make sure that she finished everything on time.

It was around noon from what she saw from the wall clock when she heard a sound of carriage wheels and horse's hooves stop in front of the mansion. It seemed like the long awaited visitor was here, she thought.

She opened the small window that was in the kitchen to catch a glimpse of the possible husband to be of her cousin. Seeing the coachman open the carriage door, a tall man came out and she saw him scanning their house.

He looked to be rich from the clothes he wore and his leather boots. From his appearance, she thought that he was in his mid thirties.

She later saw him make proud steps towards the front door and she wondered if it will be okay for her to open for him.

Walking to the front door, she opened it and gave him a gentle smile before bowing her head. "You are most welcome to the Milbrand household. Please come in," she said stepping aside. He came to stand in front of her and she saw him analyzing her. He was so tall that she had to crane her neck to look at him. The next second, he got hold of her hand and raised it to kiss the back of her hand. She was repulsed by the act but she thought that it would be rude to pull her hand out of his hold.

"Rufus Hamilton," he introduced, his voice deep not letting go of her hand. She gave a nervous smile and said," Hazel." "Hazel. It is such a nice name," he said with what seemed like a smile. She slowly detached her hand from his and said," Allow me walk you towards the living room where they are waiting for you."

"Please," he replied and she walked with him following after her.

They reached the living room where Mr and Mrs Milbrand were waiting. On seeing him, they stood up to welcome him. "A pleasure seeing you Mr Rufus," spoke Pius Milbrand. "Welcome to our humble house," greeted Mrs Milbrand. "The pleasure is all mine," replied Rufus Hamilton. "Please take a seat," Pius said as he took a seat himself.

"Thank you," he replied as he took a seat.

After all the formalities, Pius Milbrand decided to start on the reason for his visit,"We received a letter from you Mr Rufus asking to speak to us."

"Yes please Mr Milbrand," he said and before he could start, Hazel came in with a tray of tea and placed a cup with a plate of cookies in front of each person.

She bowed her head politely before leaving.

When Scarlett saw him looking in the direction where she had disappeared to, she chuckled and said," She's the ser- " "She's called Hazel Winston. Lilith's cousin and our niece," Pius Milbrand spoke instead and Scarlett sent him a small glare.