Chapter 15 A lot of things in just one day

"A job in your house?" she whispered. "Yes or what? You want to continue being violated?" he asked. "Of course not your grace. It's just that, I can't come with you," she said and his eyes narrowed at her. "You're going to come with me," he declared and walked away. She came following after him and when they reached his carriage, the coachman opened for him and he climbed in before sitting at the extreme end, making space for her. She also climbed in and sat leaving space between them.

The carriage started to move and she remembered that she hadn't thanked him.

"Thank you for helping me your grace," she said looking at him and he nodded.

When it became silent, he asked," How do you know Rufus?" She took a while to say," Mr Rufus was going to be my cousin's fiancee."

"And now?" he asked his eyebrows slightly raising. "I don't know. I haven't seen her for a while," she replied before adding," Your grace?" "Yes," he replied. "Uh, Where are we heading to?" she asked. "To my house. The Atticus Manor," he replied. "B-but, I can't come with you," she said. "Why?" he asked. "Because, my clothes are at Peeker's valley," she came up with the perfect excuse. "I will send someone tomorrow to get them," he replied and she pursed her lips. "I haven't explained things to Ms Lauren. She will find it rude if I leave just like that when she took me in when I had no home," she said.

"What happened to your home?" he asked. "What do you mean?" she asked back. "I saw you sometime back here in Hollowvale when I was heading to the masquerade ball. My carriage nearly knocked you," he said and her eyes widened in surprise. "Your grace, was it you that gave me the money?" she asked. "Mayhap," he replied. She couldn't believe it. The good Samaritan was him, all along.

"You didn't answer my question," he said. "I was chased out," she replied. "Why?" "Because Mr Rufus came to the house to see my cousin and he wanted to...violate me. In the end, I was blamed," she revealed. She had not revealed the truth to another person besides Ms Margaret.

"That is not good but I must say, he seems to be interested in you," he commented and having no say to it, she looked outside the window.

"What about your parents?" she heard him ask and she turned to look at him. "They passed away," she replied.

As the carriage rode off, she couldn't believe that she had experienced a lot of things in just one day. First, she was excited about visiting the theater, and then she was sent to Hollowvale, then was nearly raped and saved by Duke Raven. She hadn't thought even in her wildest dreams that she would meet the Duke today, much less ride with him in the same carriage.

The next moment, she felt the carriage slow down and she looked outside to see that they were heading inside the Atticus Manor.

She found it hard to believe that she was back in this place after so many years.

When it finally halted, the coachman came to open for the Duke who climbed down. As Hazel readied herself to climb down, the Duke offered his hand for her to take and the little gesture warmed her heart. She placed her hand in his and she climbed down the carriage. "Thank you your grace," she said and he nodded. Walking towards the Manor, she followed him as her eyes moved to scan the big house.

As soon as they reached the door, it opened and the butler came out before helping the Duke out of his coat. "Welcome back your grace," he said as he bowed his head and after looked at Hazel questioningly.

"Thank you Cooper," he replied and turned to look at Hazel before saying," She is.."

"Hazel Winston," she introduced as she bowed her head. "Yes. Get her a room in the servant's quarters," he spoke. Cooper bowed his head and answered," It shall be done your grace." "Also, get her some clothes. She didn't carry any extra," he stated and Cooper nodded. Turning to look at Hazel, he said," He will take care of you. Tomorrow first thing, I will send a letter to Peeker's valley. What was the name of the shop again?" "Hemm's tailors," she spoke. "Yes. Your boss will receive a letter and your things shall be brought here," he spoke and she reluctantly nodded.

She decided that apart from him, she will write a letter to Ms Lauren and Ms Margaret explaining her side of the story. And also, to Lucas. When the Duke left, she was left in the hands of the butler who led her towards the servants quarters which were located at the back of the Manor.

She realized that some of the workers were still awake as the lanterns were still burning in some rooms. When they reached a certain door, he opened and said," This will be your room from now on and here is the key."

She got the key and the lantern he had brought with him and he added," You will receive clothes tomorrow morning. Please excuse me."

When he left, she stepped inside and looked around the room.

It was small but enough for one to be comfortable. Inside was a small cupboard where one could keep their things. Closing and then locking the door behind her, she went to place the lantern at the small table and she sat on the bed. She couldn't remember the last time she slept on a bed.

She realized that she needed to have a bath and she stood up, then walked towards the cupboard with the lantern. Opening it, she gasped and screamed lightly at the sight of the mouse inside and she immediately stepped back. It seems like it had been long ever since the last time the room was used.