Chapter 41 Keep away from you

"For how long have you worked here?" asked Alvara after much silence. She had closed the book the moment Hazel joined her. "It's been one month," she replied. "No wonder your face was new at the party. I have seen at least every maid of the manor," she said and she nodded. "So, are you from Hollowvale?" she asked. "Yes."

"Alright. What's your other name?" she asked.

"Winston," she replied. "Winston? I don't think I have heard of the name in Hollowvale," she said.

"I was staying at my aunt's house. They are called the Milbrands."

"Milbrands. I think I've heard of that one," she said and Hazel nodded. "So, where are your parents?" she asked. "My mother died and I don't know anything about my father," she replied. "That's so bad. I'm sorry."

"It is okay. I am used to it now," she replied.

"I'm sorry for troubling you. I just wanted to have some company yet Raven is busy dealing with some important things," she said. "I don't mind," Hazel replied.

After a while, Alvara decided to take a stroll around the place and she asked Hazel to come with her. "So how did Raven find you? And how did you end up working here?" she asked. "The Duke?" she asked as if to make sure. "Yes." "Uh, it's quite complicated. I was going to be raped and the Duke came on time to save me. That's why he decided to bring me here," she said. "What? Was the man your master?" she asked. "No but my boss had sent me to his house," she explained.

"I hate such men. Always thinking that we are objects to satisfy their needs," Alvara hissed. "That's exactly what he told me. That I was a servant and that I have to give in to every of their demands," she said. "He is such a jerk. Listen Hazel, don't ever allow to be treated that way. You should always stand your ground and don't let those pathetic men disgrace you," she said and Hazel thought that it was easier said than done.

As if reading her mind, Alvara said, "You may think that I don't know how it feels but I have ever been in the same situation. And I stood my ground from the relative that wanted to violate me."

Hazel's eyes widened at the revelation. Such an elegant and outspoken lady like the Viscountess didn't look to be like someone who could have gone through that. "That happened long time ago and it is a secret," she said and Hazel nodded.

"Alvara," they turned on hearing the Duke's voice. "Are you done with your work?" she asked as he walked towards them.

"Not yet but we have to go. I don't want to have Audrey complaining that I'm consuming your lovey-dovey time," he said tucking his hands inside his pockets and his eyes fell on Hazel who wasn't looking at him.

He didn't know why he found her behavior to be a little odd but he thought that it might be because she was shy after what happened at the pond.

Alvara looked at Hazel and said," Thank you for accompanying me." "No need to thank me. The pleasure was mine," she said.

She then looked at the Duke and said," Raven, think about my suggestion of taking Hazel to my place." "There's no way that will happen," he remarked as his eyes kept looking at the brunette. Turning to look at her, Alvara said," You can go back and do your work."

She bowed at the both of them before walking away.

Raven's eyes followed her until she disappeared from his sight and then looked at Alvara who was giving him a suspicious look.

He took her hand and they walked away when she asked," Is something going on between you two?" "Mind your business Alvara," he said to which she chuckled.

When night came, Mr Cooper came to the kitchen and informed that the Duke was not going to have dinner. Hazel sensed something and she glanced at him then he gestured for her to follow him.

Walking behind him, they reached somewhere and he turned to look at her then said," The Duke needs you in his room." On hearing that, she took a deep breath and she nodded her head.

Reaching the Duke's room, she knocked on it once before pushing the door open and she stepped in.

She caught sight of him sitting and in front of him was a table as he was pouring a drink in the glass.

He looked at her and said," Come over."

She walked to where he was and he ordered her to take a seat. She took one opposite him and he asked," Have you had dinner yet?"

She shook her head at the question and he said," Good. I got us some nice food. We are going to have dinner together."

He handed her a glass of wine and she got it before placing it on the table.

She glanced at the dishes that were on the table and she could smell the sweet aroma of the food even when they were still covered.

"I don't want to eat," she suddenly said. "Why?" he asked but she didn't reply. "What is wrong? You don't seem to be fine," he said. "It's nothing. I was just thinking about something," she said. "What is that?" he asked. "Did you consider the Viscountess' suggestion? Of me going to work at her house?" she asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. "That I want to go. It will be best if I leave this place."

"Why?" he asked, frowning. "Because then I will be able to keep away from you. I want to be as far as I can from you," she said.

He stood up from his seat and she followed suit where he came to stand in front of her.

"Don't touch me. Please," she said and he lowered his hand that was going to touch her.