Chapter 48 Opinion of me

Hazel became confused at the turn of events. One minute she was a prisoner and the next minute, she was being treated like an important guest. She walked to sit on the large bed that she had never dreamt of sleeping on. A while later, the door was opened and two maids walked in. Looking at the person they had come to serve, they couldn't hide the surprised expressions on their faces. They clearly remembered what happened in the hall and they had also spent the entire day gossiping about it. They both disappeared behind the curtains of the bathroom.

A while later, they came back and stood in front of her. "The bath is prepared," one informed. "Thank you," she replied looking at them before adding," Uh, I need your help help me with something else. Can you please go to the kitchen and ask for a girl named Charlotte then tell her to come over here?"

It took a while for one to reply," Alright."

It was clear that they were not comfortable with taking orders from a fellow servant and one who was also a thief.

"Thank you. But please don't let the others hear you," she said and the girl who was at the back nodded before walking out.

She waited for a couple of minutes for Charlotte who didn't show up and she later stood up to walk to the bathroom because she really needed it. She got her towel before going to the bathroom.

Getting inside, she caught sight of the large bathtub and on reaching it, she saw rose petals floating on the surface of the milky water. She touched the water to feel that it was warm. She couldn't remember the last time she had a bath with warm water. After undressing, she dipped her body in the water and she closed her eyes at the relaxing feeling. She felt the warm water working on her sore muscles. She then exhaled loudly through her lips and she wondered if Lucas had reached Treadstone. He must be very angry at her for disappointing him, she thought.

A long while later, she emerged from the water when it had already turned cold. The wind blew and she shivered, goosebumps forming on her skin. She reached for the towel and wrapped her body before leaving the bathroom. Checking in her bag, she got a dress before changing into it. While she was sitting on the bed wondering what she should do next, a knock came on the door. She got up and walked to open it and she saw the butler.

"I hope I didn't disturb you," he said and she shook her head. "No. I was not doing anything," she replied. "That's good. His grace awaits for you in his room so that you two can have your dinner," he informed.

She took a while to say," I will not go to his room." "He ordered me to take you there," he stated, indicating that he wasn't taking no for an answer. "Alright," she replied and he stepped away from the door such that she could come out.

They walked through the corridor and he stopped at the first door they found before opening it. "After you please," he said standing at the side and she took a deep breath before getting inside. Surveying the room, she didn't see him and she turned to look at Mr Cooper questioningly.

"He's at the balcony. There is the way," he said pointing towards the door and it was when she caught sight of the curtains that were swaying. Walking over, she opened them and caught sight of the door that led to the balcony and on getting there, she saw him sitting on the chair with a lot of dishes at the table.

Walking over to him, the butler pulled out a chair for her to sit and she thanked him before taking a seat. "Is there anything else you need your grace?" asked Cooper. "Um. Go and check in the lower drawers of my cupboard then bring me a bottle of red wine," he instructed and he bowed before turning to walk away.

"It is alone, separated from the others," the Duke further instructed.

Shortly, he came back with the bottle and placed it on the table.

"That will be all," said Raven and Cooper bowed before walking away. With the butler's footsteps that had dulled down, the Duke set his eyes on the woman sitting in front of him. He could tell that she was still upset, and he guessed that it was because of the earlier incident.

"How do you like your new room?" he asked.

"Why did you decide to shift me there?" she asked him back.

"Did you think that you would still be comfortable sleeping in the servants quarters after what happened?" he asked. "And whose fault is it?" "What do you mean?" he asked, amused at the flow of the conversation where no one was answering the other's questions. "You shouldn't act dumb your grace. I know that it was you," she mentioned. "It was me?" he asked, this time confused. "Don't feign ignorance. You placed the necklace in my bag," she informed. "Oh," he replied when he got what she meant. So, that was what was going in that brain of hers, he thought.

"And what would I gain out of that?" he asked tilting his head to the side, obvious that he wasn't affected by her accusation. "To stop me from leaving for Treadstone of course," she pointed out and he softly chuckled. "I didn't know that your opinion of me is that bad," he commented before adding," Let's have dinner. The food is getting cold."

"I don't want to eat," she was quick to say but the next moment, her stomach grumbled loudly and he smiled. She lowered her head immediately in embarrassment and she heard him say," You can eat whatever you want."

She watched him place food on his plate as her mouth watered at the sight of the dishes and the aroma. A while later when he was done with serving himself, she got a spoon and started placing food on her own plate. She started to eat her food and she didn't notice when she started gobbling it. She was hungry and she didnt know the last time she ate.