Chapter 54 That you will love

She took a deep breath before closing the door behind her and she turned to look at him.

"Your grace," she called out and watched him take slow steps to where she was. Leaning her against the door, he placed his hand on the side trapping her between. She then raised her head to look at him and he asked," Why did you hide yourself from Rufus?" "Mr Hamilton?" she asked and she saw him frown.

When he didn't reply, she said," I didn't want him to see me with you. Rumors might start- "

"I don't give a damn about the rumors!" he said, in a low voice. "Well I do, your grace," she retorted. There came dead silence and later, he asked," Are you ashamed to be with me?"

She didn't know what to say, and she decided to look away from him. "Look at me," he demanded but she didn't.

When she refused to oblige, he made her look at him and seized her lips with his that instant. His hands reached for her hair, tightening his grip as he kissed her with ravenous urgency.

As the kiss deepened, Hazel was left with no option but to kiss him back.

Subconsciously, her hands reached for his hair, and she weaved her fingers into his thick mane.

Before she could fathom what was happening, she felt that his hands had already slipped inside her clothes and were now massaging the skin of her thighs, trailing upwards.

Hazel's mind went haywire when his hand settled between her thighs, massaging her through the fabric of her underwear.

As he continued kissing her ferociously, his fingers rubbed as they stroked and soon, the fabric turned wet. As he increased the speed of his fingers, he broke away from the kiss and he lowered himself to kiss her neck. The sound of her moans were just like he had assumed, music to his ears.

When the fabric became damp enough, he retracted his fingers and he went to massage her lower abdomen before his hand skillfully slipped inside her underwear without warning, leading her to gasp.

Hazel's eyes widened when she felt his fingers touching her down there directly. The act was so embarrassing on top of the both of them not being married.

But he didn't give her a lot of time to think about it when he placed his leg between hers and parted them, such that he could have easy access to her forbidden area.

His fingers stroked her wet delicate flesh and soon, they were all soaked with her juices.

Without warning, he plunged his finger inside of her making her yelp in both surprise and the sudden pain.

She in turn held his shoulders tightly that her nails were dug into his skin.

With his finger inside of her, he looked at her and asked," How does it feel?"

"Strange," she replied immediately. "Don't worry. You will get very used to it," he replied and he started pulling his finger out and inside continuously, as she moaned his name with every thrust.

Soon, he replaced one finger with two and then three, as his pace increased.

Hazel then felt something building up inside of her and she became alarmed.

"Raven, s-something is coming," she said in between catching her breath. "Let it go," he said and soon, she exploded.

She held him tightly and he hugged her, knowing that she must be overwhelmed as this was her first time experiencing something like this.

A while later when he felt that her initially racing heart had calmed down, he pulled away and looked at her then asked," Are you okay?" She weakly nodded her head at the question. "How was it?" he asked and she looked away from him.

How did he expect her to answer such a question? she asked herself.

Seeing her hesitation to speak up, he asked," Did you like it?" It took a few seconds before she slowly nodded her head and he said," Or we can do something else that I am sure that you will love." "N-not today. I am tired," she was quick to say and he smiled mischievously.

"Not today you said? Meaning that we shall be doing that some other day, right? You've promised, don't you back out," he said and she realized that she had fallen into his trap.

He kissed her forehead before placing her aside such that he could move outside.

When he got out, she locked the door before moving towards the bathroom.

She prepared her own bath before cleaning herself and then went to bed.

As she curled herself in the bed, she couldn't fall asleep since her mind was recalling the events that happened earlier between her and the Duke. He had made her feel as though she was floating in the clouds. She bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from smiling. She didn't know that such delicious feelings existed.

She then turned to look at the wall that separated the two rooms. He was just in the next room and she wondered if he had slept already. Looking back at the ceiling, she suddenly wondered how many women he had done such things with and she couldn't help the jealousy that surged through her chest. Deciding to stop thinking about such things, she pulled the quilt to cover her completely and she fell into a deep slumber the moment she closed her eyes.

Hazel felt someone touch her feet and she slowly opened her eyes, to see that it was morning already.

Looking over, it was Charlotte.

"Good morning milady. I hope you had a good night sleep," she said and she slowly sat on the bed. "Good morning Charlotte," she replied, suppressing a yawn.

"I hope you are alright. You slept longer than usual." "I am okay. You shouldn't worry about a thing," she replied. Looking around, Charlotte said," Tell me. How was yesterday? Where did his grace take you?"

She smiled at the question before answering," He took me to the theatre. Noble Crest theatre."