
"But first, pizza," Graeme turned back to August with a mischievous smile as he pulled her behind him, descending the final steps of the tree house.

"Pizza?" Her eyes grew large.

"Yeah, you like pizza right?"

"Who doesn't? You guys have pizza here? In the middle of the forest?"

"We have everything here," he winked at her. "Well, almost everything."

August's stomach suddenly growled. This morning had been horrible, but pizza certainly wouldn't make the day worse. Her interest was piqued at what this 'everything' was that Graeme was referring to. One thing it obviously didn't include was a vehicle of his own.

"Are we going to walk?" August asked.

"Would you like me to carry you instead?"

She laughed but with one glance at him realized that he was serious. "No, that's okay."

"Are you sure? The paths through the woods are pretty narrow," he replied.

"I like walking," she said thoughtfully as the two continued on side-by-side on the dirt road.