
Later that night, August and Graeme were getting ready to leave for the bonfire. "Contacts or no contacts?" August asked.

"I'm sorry I had you wear them," Graeme looked at her apologetically. "It was wrong of me. I don't want you to hide anything."

"Will… people be freaked out? Maybe I should just wear them," August said. She was already nervous to go to this thing. Regardless of what Graeme said about people here wanting their Alpha and Luna, she had already witnessed the suspicion and dislike for her. "I just don't want any problems," she sighed.

"The right thing is never easy, is it?" he asked, coming to stand behind where she was facing the bathroom mirror. He embraced her from behind, and they both watched themselves together in the mirror. The gold lacing her irises burned darker, causing her cheeks to go pink. "I love the colors you make," he whispered against her ear.

August groaned and rolled her eyes. "I guess I'm an open book. There's no hiding how I feel."