Moon Mother

"I don't imagine there is anything that will fit me," he said doubtfully.

"Of her stepfather's?" she tried.

"From what I know of him, I imagine him being quite a… small male," he grunted and cleared his throat.

"Is he compensating for his size with this house?" she chuckled.

"Among other things," he said simply. It sounded to Graeme like Alan was both emotionally and physically abusive, and it was this knowledge that brought him to the conclusion that he must feel personally inadequate in some way if he had to dominate through those means. But perhaps Graeme was wrong.

"You are not wrong. I met him," Penelope laughed softly, and Graeme found himself chuckling along with her.

"So why are you not with your mate, Graeme?" she asked.

"I needed an excuse to come find you and talk with you, and the elders gave me the task of following August's mom home. I put a GPS on her car and drove straight through," he explained.

"Why?" she tilted her head in question.