
"You can't come," Greta protested. "It's a meeting with wise women from the pack. They're all Sylvia's close friends. August will be safe."

Finn was standing in Greta and Sam's kitchen with a handful of walnuts after relaying the conversation with Graeme. He was determined to not let August out of his sight, and as sweet as it was, he had actually tried following her upstairs to the bathroom shortly after arriving.

"Do you really think Graeme wants you in the bathroom with me?" August raised an eyebrow, and he had gone to wait on the bed in the spare room. She groaned and closed the door, turning on the faucet to camouflage the sound of her peeing.

Now he was in the kitchen analyzing their movements for the rest of the day and insisting on being at Sylvia's. "But Alpha said…"