
"So Ethel and Agnes live together?" August asked as her and Greta approached the house with Finn trailing them somewhere in the shadows. "Are they sisters?"

Greta giggled. "No."

"Oh, I just thought…" August tried to recover. "Their names are so similar."

"They are kind of similar aren't they?" Greta tilted her head. "You know what I always thought was funny?"


"That my brother and my mate's names rhyme," she laughed.

"That is a little weird," August agreed. "Sam and Graeme. You are the center of some very powerful rhyming men."

"I am," Greta thought aloud. "And I have an old woman name like Ethel and Agnes."

"That's not what I meant. And I've always like the name Greta. I had a friend named Gretchen in school. It's pretty."

"Thanks, sis. Regardless, I'll be an old woman one day to fit my name. Goddess willing," she winked.

"My name was always made fun of growing up. It's unusual for a girl. It's also not terribly common for a boy, so," August shrugged.