Violet Did That

"I've never seen you running with any girls, Finn," Violet batted her eyelashes at Finn and watched as his face spread into that innocent boyish grin of his.

"I don't have much time for that," he scratched his head.

"You don't have time? How will you ever find a mate if you're so busy working for the council?" she stuck her thumbs in her back pockets and bit her lip. She was flirting with him, but he was kind of slow when it came to stuff like that, so she had to make sure he knew it.

He seemed to get it after all, because his cheeks became pink and he laughed nervously. "A mate? I haven't even thought about that yet."

Finn was pretty adorable like this. It made Violet feel better that she could have this affect on a young lycan like him, so she decided to play with him a little more even though it probably wasn't necessary.

"You mean you've never…" she raised her eyebrows and did a little flirtatious wiggle with her thumbs still in her pockets.