I Did This

The enraged male was bright red, gasping for air with his eyes bulging when August realized she was holding her breath. She was holding her breath, and the air seemed to freeze its movement around them. There was no way she was responsible for that. Was there?

She tore her eyes away from the male clawing helplessly at his throat on the ground in front of her and saw Sage and the woman struggling without air as well. August released the breath she had been holding and ran to check on the young boy who began gasping for air on all fours. He seemed to be able to fill his lungs again.

"Oh Goddess, Sage, are you alright?" she cried, her hands shaking as she tilted his face up. He took in deep breaths, still gasping to bring the lost air back, but he nodded to her question.

"I did this," she whispered, and she looked around to see the couple huddled against each other, coughing and sucking in deep breaths of air.