Sensitive Spot

"It's okay, Sage. Go home, okay?" August reassured him. He definitely didn't need to be involved in this—whatever this was.

Sage shook his head sharply, and the way he looked up at her made her heart sink. She knelt next to him so they were eye-level. She cupped his face and smiled before resting her hands on his shoulders.

"You helped me so much today, Sage. Thank you. I promise you, I will be fine," she smiled her most reassuring smile. "I want you to go get dry and warm. We will work on photography again soon."

Now that she thought about it, they must have dropped the cameras back where the mates were fighting. It hadn't even occurred to her until now.

"Please," she added when Sage continued to look reluctant.

When he finally left her side and scampered away into the woods, she turned back to Lucas and then looked around at four other males who were closing in around her.

"Is there really a need for so many of you?" she asked, glaring at Lucas.