Weakness or Strength

"I can't take you with," Graeme argued. August was set on coming with him to free his sister and her mate.

According to Lucas, Greta and Sam were in prison, which was located under the council's chambers. Graeme didn't know who would be there guarding it, but he did know it wouldn't be as easy as simply going in and opening the door for them. And if there was any danger, he couldn't fathom taking August along.

"How long have you been out here soaking wet like this? You're going to get sick. It is October in Maine."

"I thought maybe I wouldn't get sick since I have your lycan healing," August scrunched her face in confusion.

"Healing from physical injury is different. We still get sick, Little Red," he replied. "It's harder for us to get sick, but when we do, it knocks us down good."

"What? How is that different?" she asked skeptically.