Saving Greta Continued

This is what was weird: the cell door appeared solid.

August could still see the solidity of the door, but then she could also see its permeability. It was just like what had happened when she reached into Graeme and Greta's chests. She could see their physical boundaries, but then she could see—and reach—beyond that.

August exhaled loudly. "Here it goes," she mumbled.

Graeme stood watching her with his eyebrows threaded, wondering what on earth she thought she could do. He had to remind himself of what Penelope had said: his mate was fae.

In fact, all alyko—and lycans for that matter—had the fae genetics. But whereas lycan individuals had fae genes passed down and hidden in their DNA without being expressed, the alyko members of this lycan-alyko genetic family showed the fae abilities. They were able to control the natural elements in different ways. They could do unexplainable things that appeared like magic.