Another Cell

"We are going to blame it on Zosime. That is what we are going to do," Andreas jabbed his finger into the desk. "With the way this went down, she is no good to me at the moment anyway."

"And how is that going to work?" Pearce asked.

"We call Graeme in and apologize. We explain that in her overzealousness she orchestrated scenarios in which to test his mate. We claim ignorance as to the extent of it, and we leave her in the dungeon."

"You will leave her in the dungeon," Pearce repeated, his eyebrows tented now like his hands.

"It is not without cause," Andreas shrugged.

"And what if Graeme doesn't wait for an explanation from us?" Pearce asked.

"If that were the case, he would be here already. If he seeks to do what is best for the pack and truly become a leader, he will do his best to be reasonable. And that includes us. That will always include us," he growled.

"He needs us," Auden grumbled to himself.