What's Ours

"You were a pup then and could not have seen the truth that was before you," Andreas grumbled. "We did the best we could with the information we had at the time, and we tried to protect you with it."

Graeme shook his head. "The first thing I want done is that map destroyed."

Andreas paled. "That is preposterous! You can't simply destroy years of hard work and research the moment you return… the money that is invested isn't just our own, and our allies—it is a political matter. You do not understand the implications and the response it would have. We will have packs who have trusted us for years turning on us overnight. They will show up here. No, you will have to meet with them and do this the right way. The repercussions are too great."

"Andreas," Graeme interrupted. "It will be destroyed. But meetings, yes. Let's begin with a meeting with Zoe's team. I want every one of them in this office this week."