Unexpected News

It was odd seeing Sage again. It was as if now the young boy held one of the most familiar faces to her, and yet in reality they knew very little of each other. He offered her a reassuring smile.

"Um, please… come in," August said, gesturing toward the kitchen as her eyes met those of the young woman who accompanied him. The pair slowly walked through before turning to watch August close the door behind them. "Did you see Greta down there?"

Sage nodded. "Yes, she told us to come on up," the girl next to him answered.

When neither of the two offered an explanation for their visit, the events that had occurred with Sage and the fighting mates in the forest began to play back in August's mind—as did the guilt revolving around it.

"Sage…" she started, realizing anew how young he was. "Thank you for that day. For helping me. I'm sorry for what happened."