Quid Pro Quo

August started by explaining to Zoe how the pandemic began for her.

It was only visible on social media at first. News articles and warnings were spread along with opinions mostly dismissing it. People were comparing mortality rates of the novel virus with other viruses and weighing its coming impact. It was going to be another short-term distant threat.

At least, that was August's understanding of it.

Then things like toilet paper and water started disappearing from store shelves. It was kind of funny at first… the ridiculous temporary hoarding.

"It's not uncommon, you know? In my town, when a big winter storm is coming, the bread, eggs, and milk would be gone. I took a picture of it once. Mom and I would joke that at least everyone could make french toast," August chuckled. "But… when we walked into one of the superstores and the shelves were empty, I remember having goosebumps. Suddenly I realized this time was different."