In Pursuit of Her

Graeme was gripped by the sudden staggering rage and anger burning his mate like wildfire, and she wasn't answering her phone. He tried reaching her twice that way before he was running out of his office on his way to find her, Sam following on his heels.

"Stay here and watch things," he turned to command his Beta before continuing on his way out.

He hadn't left his office to visit with anyone in the main area of the pack house ever since Andreas and Pearce unleashed the alyko tales from their private library, but now as he descended the stairs leading to the front entryway, concerned faces of pack members sped by in a blur. He didn't see them. He didn't care. But they sensed the distress of their Alpha, and they bristled with the urgency to follow and help as he passed.

When a group of males trailed him out the door and onto the lawn, he glared at them over his shoulder. "Do not follow me," he growled.

"Is it the Luna?" One male called after him. "Is it August?"