Soul Cakes Part 1

There was a collective gasp when August walked into the kitchen where the rest of Sylvia's sacred circle of females was already gathered, preparing to bake soul cakes. She stood there with a shy smile, holding Sage's hand as Sylvia, Greta, and Charlotte followed in behind her.

One by one, the other females slowly started to approach her as if they feared she were an apparition. Agnes advanced on her left, a soft grin on her face as she gently touched August's arm. Liv and Raya were staggered behind her, Raya's expression quickly turning emotional and watery when she drew her trembling hands up to her mouth in surprise. Vera was bouncing up and down excitedly with a high-pitched girly squeal.

"Thank the Goddess," Ethel whispered at August's right. "You carry his heir."

"It is breathtaking to behold. I never imagined…"

"Our true Luna."

"Goddess! This is so exciting!"